36 Lifting-Line Theory
When a free-stream flow approaches a finite wing, characterized by a definitive span from tip to tip, the downstream flow develops a trailing wake system containing swirling flows known as wingtip vortices, as shown in the figure below. These vortices induce a vertical downwash velocity over the wing’s surface, particularly near the wing tips.[1] This downwash reduces the effective angle of attack of the wing, diminishes the lift, and increases drag, which is called induced drag.

A wing’s aerodynamic performance, including its lift and drag characteristics, depends significantly on its geometric design. Factors such as planform shape (chord distribution), span and aspect ratio, and spanwise twist are all essential in determining the wing’s aerodynamic efficiency. The wing design process must carefully balance these elements to optimize lift generation and minimize induced drag, amongst other factors, thereby giving the wing its best aerodynamic performance for the intended application.
Lifting line theory is another cornerstone of classical aerodynamics that can explain and predict the aerodynamic behavior of finite wings at low speeds, i.e., without considering compressibility effects. Unlike the two-dimensional airfoil theory, which assumes infinite span and aspect ratio, the lifting line theory accounts for the three-dimensional effects produced by finite wings, including the formation of trailing vortices and the creation of induced drag. By modeling the wing as a bound vortex line with a spanwise variation in circulation, with the associated effects of the trailed vortex wake, this theory provides a sound mathematical framework for determining the spanwise lift distribution, the induced drag, and the overall aerodynamic efficiency of a finite wing.
Learning Objectives
- Mathematically understand how trailing vortices generate downwash and affect the angle of attack of a wing.
- Predict how and why the lift varies along the span of a finite wing and its impact on total lift and induced drag.
- Understand why an elliptical lift distribution minimizes the induced drag.
- Be able to determine the total lift and induced drag of a finite wing of arbitrary shape.
Lifting line theory, initially developed by Ludwig Prandtl and his students in the early 1900s, revolutionized the understanding of finite wing aerodynamics and marked a significant milestone in aeronautical developments. Before Prandtl’s work, aerodynamic theories were primarily based on two-dimensional airfoil analysis, which assumed a wing of infinite span and ignored the effects of the wing tip vortices and the three-dimensional impact caused by the wake. The work of Frederick Lanchester on the rollup of wing tip vortices, a figure from his book shown below, was influential in establishing the importance of properly modeling finite wing aerodynamics. Furthermore, as aviation advanced, particularly during WWI, including the transition from biplanes to higher-performance monoplanes by the 1920s, the predictive limitations of existing aerodynamic theories quickly became evident. Designers needed a way to predict better and optimize the performance of monoplane wings of finite span, especially regarding their lift and drag, as well as other factors such as their aeroelastic characteristics and stalling behavior.

Prandtl’s lifting line theory[2] addressed this need by modeling a finite wing as a bound vortex line with a spanwise circulation distribution. Prandtl’s advance over Lanchester was in the theoretical modeling of the wing, with its wake represented as a sheet of vortices trailing behind it. This wake produced a downwash flow, decreased the effective angle of attack along the entire wing, and created induced drag, a drag component directly associated with lift production. Prandtl also demonstrated that an elliptical lift distribution over the wing span minimized the induced drag, setting a practical goal for efficient wing design. Prandtl’s original published works also show an “ideal” elliptical wing planform, which may have influenced the design of the Supermarine Spitfire in the early 1930s.
In the 1920s, Hermann Glauert[3] further refined and extended Prandtl’s work, making it more accessible and applicable to practical engineering problem-solving.[4] The use of straight vortex lines, as shown in the figure below from his book, allowed the induced velocity over the wing to be readily calculated using the Biot-Savart law, which formed the cornerstone of the lifting line theory. He then clarified the fundamental importance of the elliptical lift distribution and introduced systematic methods for analyzing wings of arbitrary planform and twist using a Fourier series, much like what was done with the thin airfoil theory.

Glauert’s detailed methods for calculating induced drag helped bridge the gap between theoretical predictions and practical wing designs, making lifting line theory one of the first useful approaches for three-dimensional aerodynamic analysis. Additionally, the theory was written in a form that later allowed it to be adapted to swept wings and non-planar configurations and extended to lifting surface methods that model the chordwise distribution of circulation. Though more advanced techniques, such as computational fluid dynamics (CFD), are now widely used, the lifting line theory remains a cornerstone of aerodynamic modeling. Its mathematical simplicity and elegance make it a valuable tool for preliminary wing design and an essential part of aerodynamic education.
Theory of Vortex Lines
The line vortex is a fundamental singularity in fluid dynamics used to model velocity fields induced by a circulation, . The ideas of circulation and the effects associated with vortices have been previously introduced. A vortex line is a curve that can be of any shape and is tangent to the vortex, as shown in the figure below. Notice that a line vortex in three dimensions is analogous to a point vortex in two dimensions, but instead of being a singular point, it extends along a curve. The circulation around any closed curve is equal to the sum of the strengths of the line vortices intersecting the surface bounded by the curve. Consequently, a line vortex cannot terminate within a fluid. It must form a closed loop, end at a solid boundary, or extend to infinity, the principles formally embodied in Helmholtz’s theorems.

The Biot-Savart law describes the velocity field induced by such a circulation distribution, . Regarding the situation shown in the figure above, the increment in the downwash,
, from the vortex element
can be mathematically expressed as
where is the circulation or vortex strength,
is a differential element of the line vortex,
is the distance of the point P from the element, and
is the angle between the direction of the element and the straight line joining the element to the point P. Notice that the element
of a line vortex cannot exist by itself and only forms the basis for integrating the effects along a line vortex of finite length.
Straight Line Vortices
Straight-line vortices are used in the development of the finite-wing theory. Consider the evaluation of the induced velocity of a straight-line vortex of finite length AB, as shown in the figure below. If PN has a perpendicular length , then the induced velocity at P from the element
at point Q is

To show this result, the element may be geometrically expressed as
where the angle is as shown in the figure above, so that
The total induced velocity is then obtained by integration along the length of the vortex line using
which gives
Doubly-Infinite Straight Line Vortex
If, as a special case, the line is of doubly infinite length, as shown in the figure below, then it will be apparent that , so the general result reduces to
which is a result consistent with a two-dimensional point vortex.

Singly-Infinite Straight Line Vortex
For a singly infinite vortex, which starts at point N and then extends to infinity only in one direction, as shown in the figure below, then and
, and the downwash is given by

This latter result for the downwash from a semi-infinite line vortex is extensively used in developing the lifting line theory, in which several line vortices are combined appropriately to represent the physics of the flow produced by a finite wing.
Lifting Line Theory
The following exposition of the lifting line theory and the development of the monoplane wing equation follows the work of Gluert. In addressing the problem of a wing of finite span in three-dimensional flow, the following assumptions were made:
- The wing’s chord is small compared to its span, so it has a high aspect ratio.
- The spanwise axis of the wing can be considered a straight line perpendicular to the free-stream flow, i.e., the wing is unswept.
- The wing planform is symmetrical laterally about its centerline, i.e., the left and right wing panels mirror each other.
Apart from these restrictions, the planform (chord), pitch angle (including any twist angle), and shape of the airfoil section may vary arbitrarily across the wing’s span.
Bound & Trailed Vortices
If a wing generates lift, there must be a flow circulation around each airfoil section comprising the wing, effectively creating a line vortex or a set of line vortices along the wing’s span. These line vortices, which are attached to the wing, as shown in the figure below, are referred to as the bound vortices and create lift in accordance with the Kutta-Joukowski theorem. Physically, these bound vortices are formed by the integrated effect of the vorticity in the boundary layer or equivalent vortex sheet surrounding the airfoil’s surface, as in the manner used to develop the thin airfoil theory. According to the general theory of vortex flows and Helmholtz’s theorems, these bound vortices cannot terminate at the tips of the wing but must extend off the wing tips into the fluid as free line vortices. These are called the trailing or trailed vortices, as shown in the figure below.

This entire vortex system, which extends to infinity far behind the wing, is completed by a transverse vortex parallel to the span. However, this vortex has no consequence in the steady state as its induced effects are asymptotically zero. For practical purposes, the trailing vortices can be considered to align with the free-stream flow and extend downstream to infinity as a singly infinite line vortex.
Horseshoe Vortex System
Glauert describes that the simplest type of vortex system occurs when the circulation around each airfoil section has a constant value across the wing’s span. The bound vortex system can then be represented as a single “lumped” line vortex with strength
, which, to be consistent with the thin airfoil theory, can be positioned at the aerodynamic center along the 1/4-chord of the wing, as shown in the figure below. The trailing vortices will consist of two line vortices, each with the same strength, originating from the tips of the wing and extending downstream in the direction of the free-stream flow. This representation is called a “horseshoe vortex system.”

In practice, the vortices trailing from the wing tips will generally not be straight lines because of variations of the downwash at different distances behind the wing. Experiments show that as they develop downstream, the trailing vortices tend to descend below the wing and contract inward. However, as Glauert explains, they can be approximated as straight lines parallel to the direction of motion for most practical purposes. This assumption leads to the simplified representation of the wing and its wake as a horseshoe vortex system, which forms the fundamental basis of the lifting line theory.
Nested Horseshoe System
In reality, the vortex system of an aerofoil is more complex because the circulation is not uniform across the span. Instead, it typically reaches its maximum value at the center and tapers to zero at the tips. This distribution can be represented by superimposing multiple simple “horseshoe vortex systems,” as shown in the figure below. This setup results in a more representative model of the vortex system over the wing and behind it in the wake.

This model then comprises interlaced bound vortices, all colocated at the aerodynamic center on the 1/4-chord axis, and a sheet of trailing vortices extending from the wing’s trailing edge. Glauert used this representation of the vortex system as the fundamental premise in developing the mathematics of the lifting line model.
Wake Rollup
As Glauert explains, the origin of the trailing vortex wake system can also be understood from the perspective of the difference in pressure between the upper and lower surfaces of the wing. Suppose the lift distribution across the span of a wing reaches a maximum at its centerline. In that case, there will be a significant decrease in pressure above the wing and an increase in pressure below it, as shown in the figure below. These pressure differences decrease towards the tips of the wing because of the influence of the trailing wing tip vortices.

As the streamlines pass above the wing and flow inward toward the center, while those below the wing flow outward, they leave the trailing edge and form a discontinuity surface, as shown in the figure above. The trailing vortices from the wing then represent the vorticity of this discontinuity surface. The sheet of trailing vortices rolls up into a pair of concentrated vortices downstream, forming the characteristic pair of vortices behind a wing, which is seen in practice using flow visualization methods.
Nearer to the wing, the influence of the trailing vortex system can be modeled by assuming that the individual trailing vortices extend downstream as straight lines. For the wake farther from the wing, which tends to contract somewhat, it is perhaps more accurate to assume a horseshoe vortex system with a span a little shorter than the wing span. Both representations are sufficiently representative of the actual flow physics for modeling purposes.
Calculating the Induced Velocity
In general, the circulation will vary across the span of a wing, being symmetrical about the centerline and decreasing to zero at the tips. Consistent with the nested horseshoe vortex model, between the points
of the span of the wing, the circulation can be assumed to decrease by an amount
Therefore, a trailed wake filament of this strength originates from the element of the span, as shown in the figure below.

Therefore, in the aggregate, a sheet of trailing vortices will extend behind the entire wing span because of the continuous change in along the wing, i.e.,
. The induced downwash at any point of the span will then be obtained as the sum of the effects of all the trailing vortices of this sheet. For example, consider some reference point on the wing, say
. Using Eq. 8, the downwash at this point from all of the trailing line vortices comprising the sheet will be
This latter result will then apply at every section, , along the span of the wing, and different values of
will be obtained depending on the distribution,
, and the proximity to the wing tips. It will be apparent from the previous discussion that the circulation gradient, i.e.,
, is much higher at the wing tips, so the trailed wake will have a greater circulation here. This behavior is consistent with Lanchester’s interpretation of the wake generated behind a wing. The question now is how this downwash distribution can be calculated as it affects the lift and drag at each wing section,
, as well as the lift and drag of the wing as a whole.
Sectional Effects of the Induced Velocity
The induced velocity from the trailed wake will affect the aerodynamic angle of attack at each section across the wing. Adding the downwash flow vector to the free-stream flow vector
produces a resultant flow velocity (or local relative wind) that turns through an angle
, called the induced angle of attack, as shown in the figure below. It will be apparent that the resultant flow now approaches the wing at a different angle and so creates a reduced “effective” angle of attack,

From the geometry, as shown above, the induced angle, , is given by
which will, in general, be different at each station on the wing, i.e., and
. For small angles, which is typical for a wing, it is sufficient to write that
Therefore, the effective (and lower) angle of attack of the wing section is now
This outcome means that the corresponding lift per unit span will be reduced from its two-dimensional value, i.e., the lift obtained without the effects of the downwash flow. Notice that because will typically be much smaller than
, then the resultant velocity,
, can be assumed to be equal to
, i.e.,
It is of particular significance in this situation to note that the lift vector at each section takes on a new orientation and is tilted slightly rearward from its original direction in two-dimensional flow, thereby reducing the vertical component of the lift for a given angle of attack. The consequence is that there is now a component of the lift that acts in the downstream direction, which explains the origin of the induced drag, , i.e.,
Development of the Monoplane Wing Equation
With an understanding of the aerodynamic elements that make up the problem of modeling a finite wing, the development of the fundamental equation of lifting line theory can be established, which is called the monoplane wing equation.
Connection Between Circulation and Downwash
As previously shown, if is the circulation produced around any section of the wing, the downwash from the trailing wake system at a point
of the span is determined using
A representative wing section, therefore, experiences the lift force corresponding to the two-dimensional conditions at the effective angle of attack, i.e.,
If the angles of attack and
are measured from the angle of zero lift of the airfoil section,
, then
Therefore, the lift coefficient of the wing section will be
where is the slope of the curve of lift coefficient against the angle of attack for the wing section in two-dimensional flow.
Furthermore, the circulation around the wing section can be connected to the lift coefficient,
, using
This means that
Therefore, it is possible to determine the circulation and the downwash for any wing in terms of the chord and angle of attack of the wing sections, which may vary across its span.
When the circulation and the downwash
of any monoplane wing have been determined, the lift and induced drag are obtained by evaluating the integrals
Use of sectional lift curve slope
Strictly, the lift curve slope, , for which Glauert assigns the symbol
, depends on the shape(s) of the wing section(s). However, two-dimensional thin airfoil theory has shown that
per radian angle of attack. It is known from experiments that
is approximately equal to
for all practical wing sections at low Mach numbers, and hence any normal variations in
may be neglected without any appreciable loss of accuracy. Nevertheless, because a wing section may differ from the theoretical value
, it is best to retain the value of
as a variable, and the theoretical value of
is generally only used only in theoretical solutions.
Method of Solution
Glauert used a transformation[5] to replace the coordinate , measured to the left wing tip along the span of the wing from its center, by the angle
, as defined by
where is the semi-span. It will be apparent that as
varies from
, then
varies from
across the span from the left tip to the right. The circulation,
, which is a function of
, can then be expressed as the Fourier series
where the values of the coefficients must be determined by connecting the distribution of
“bound” to the wing with
produced by the trailed wake in a consistent manner.
Notice that the series chosen for the circulation satisfies the condition that the circulation decreases to zero at the wing tips. As shown in the figure below, if the wing is flying in level flight, then the spanwise loading will be symmetrical about its centerline, and only odd integral values of
will occur in the Fourier series.

It will be apparent that the primary mode is the or
mode, corresponding to an elliptical circulation distribution over the wing. Because
, then
Simplifying gives
and so
which is elliptical. The higher symmetric modes, i.e., , for which
are shown in the figure below, represent a symmetric modification to the primary loading, i.e., a deviation from the elliptically distributed form.
The downwash at the point or
of the wing now becomes
Therefore, at the general point of the wing, then the downwash is
Monoplane Wing Equation
The equation connecting the circulation and the downwash velocity now becomes
which gives
Equation 32 is called the fundamental equation of lifting line theory or the monoplane wing equation and can be used for determining the values of the coefficients for any monoplane[6] wing. It is generally solved numerically. The equation must be satisfied at all points of the wing, but because the wing is symmetrical about its mid-point in level flight, it is usually sufficient to consider values of
. In this case, only the symmetric modes, i.e.,
, must be evaluated. The dimensionless Glauert parameter
, which is proportional to the chord
, and the angle of attack
, will generally depend on wing twist, e.g., if the wing has wash-out.
Lift and Induced Drag
The lift on the wing is given by
Switching to the spanwise angle coordinate, , where
, the lift becomes
Substituting the general series expression for circulation gives
and so
Using the orthogonality property of sine functions, i.e.,
then the only term that contributes to the integral is , so
The coefficient, , which is the elliptical loading mode, is related to the lift coefficient,
, using
The induced drag is determined using
Switching to the coordinate gives
Recall that the downwash velocity is given by
Substituting and
Expanding the summation gives
Again, the orthogonality of functions ensures that only terms where
are retained, so that
It is convenient to write
so the induced drag, , is
In terms of drag coefficient, then
The total drag coefficient includes both profile drag and induced drag. If the profile drag coefficient varies across the span, the profile drag coefficient for the wing is
Adding the induced drag gives
Asymmetric Loading Modes
The even modes in the lifting line theory represent an asymmetric lift distribution. These modes can arise from aileron deflections and angular velocity of the wing in roll, yaw, sideslip, or other asymmetries along the wing’s span. This situation then leads to lift asymmetry and influences rolling moments, possible yawing moments, and induced drag. For example, ailerons are control surfaces near the wingtips, deflected asymmetrically to induce a rolling moment about the aircraft’s longitudinal axis. The figure below shows that their operation produces asymmetric modes in the lifting-line theory, particularly and other higher even-numbered modes.

The total circulation distribution can be expressed as
where represents the symmetric lift distribution from the free-stream velocity, and
captures the antisymmetric lift contribution from aileron deflection, as shown in the figure below. The primary contribution from the ailerons is
The coefficient depends on the aileron deflection angle
, which modifies the local angle of attack near the wingtips, i.e.,
where is the aspect ratio. The constant of proportionality depends on the actual wing’s geometry and aerodynamic characteristics. For small deflection angles,
is approximately linear in

The resulting rolling moment, , about the longitudinal axis, is directly related to this antisymmetric lift distribution, i.e.,
where is the lift difference from aileron deflection at spanwise location
. This rolling moment scales with
, i.e.,
From a design perspective, proper sizing and placement of ailerons are crucial to ensure sufficient rolling authority without excessive induced drag or adverse yaw effects. To this end, the lifting line theory can provide much insight into what aileron designs may be required.
Worked Example #1 – Further understanding of circulation modes
A wing with an untwisted elliptical wing planform is installed symmetrically in a wind tunnel with its centerline along the tunnel axis. If the air in the wind tunnel has a free-stream axial velocity and also has a small angular velocity
about the tunnel axis, show that there will be an extra asymmetric distribution of circulation along the wing given by
Determine in terms of
and the wing parameters.
Show solution/hide solution.
From the lifting-line theory, the spanwise circulation distribution can be expressed as a Fourier sine series, i.e.,
where is the semi-span of the wing,
is the spanwise angular coordinate related to the spanwise position by
, and
are the Fourier coefficients determined by the flow and wing properties. For an elliptic wing, the baseline lift distribution from the free-stream flow,
, corresponding to the
term and perturbations introduced by
that will manifest as higher harmonics, starting with
.The angular velocity
induces a spanwise velocity component
at a location
, given by
This spanwise velocity modifies the local effective angle of attack , and the change in angle of attack
Therefore, the angular velocity introduces a spanwise perturbation in , which varies linearly with
. The local circulation
(y) or
is proportional to the effective angle of attack
, so the perturbation in circulation
will be
Substituting gives
For an elliptical wing, the spanwise variation contributes to the
term in the series expansion. This means that
where is the second harmonic, specifically
where is the lift curve slope (per radian). Substituting
, then
Elliptic Spanwise Loading
The lift and induced drag of a wing are given by
For a wing of a given size, the coefficient has a fixed value independent of the wing’s shape. The induced drag will be minimized when all higher-order coefficients
) in the series for circulation are zero, i.e.,
. In this case, the distribution of circulation across the span of the wing simplifies to
so the circulation is elliptically loaded.
Putting into Eq. 32 gives
and so
The corresponding induced drag coefficient will be
Notice that the result of the downwash becomes
and the equivalent angle of attack is
along the span. This implies that the local lift coefficient, , is constant across the span, as shown in the figure below.

To produce a constant and an elliptic circulation distribution, the chord length
must vary elliptically along the span. This result can be seen by using
where it will be apparent that
This result can also be written as
where is the chord length at the wing root. This special case of elliptic loading is significant for several reasons:
- It results in the minimum possible induced drag for a given total lift, i.e.,
- Most conventional wing designs closely approximate an elliptic load distribution, making it a valid first-order approximation.
- The results derived from the assumption of elliptic loading represent the optimal scale for minimizing induced drag while remaining applicable to practical wing designs.
- Elliptic loading (or almost elliptic) can also be achieved with wings of non-elliptic planforms by suitably varying the twist angle along the span.
Effect of Aspect Ratio
The results developed for the lift and drag coefficients of an elliptic wing can be used to calculate the effect of a change in aspect ratio. If the aspect ratio is reduced from to
, the changes in the drag coefficient at a given value of the lift coefficient is
It will be apparent that using wings with a higher aspect ratio has aerodynamic advantages, all other factors being equal, e.g., wing area and planform shape.
While this formula for the drag coefficient applies only to wings with elliptic loading, the lift distribution curves for rectangular and most airplane wings do not differ significantly from the elliptic form. Therefore, the transformation formula may be used more generally to calculate the effect of a modest aspect ratio change.
Effect on Lift Curve Slope
The assumptions are: 1. The two-dimensional lift curve slope for the airfoil is , which assumes no three-dimensional effects. 2. The lift curve slope for the finite wing is
, which includes the effects of finite aspect ratio (
The lifting line theory introduces an induced angle of attack caused by the downwash from the wing’s trailing vortices. The total angle of attack
is related to the effective angle of attack (
) and
, i.e.,
The total lift coefficient is then
Substituting from the first equation
The induced angle of attack is related to the lift coefficient and aspect ratio
Substituting this back into the lift equation
Rearranging gives
Dividing through by gives
Therefore, for wings with a high aspect ratio or small , the lift curve slope approaches the two-dimensional value, corrected by a small term for three-dimensional effects.
Worked Example #2 – Aerodynamic characteristics of an elliptical wing
An elliptical wing has the following characteristics:
- Span,
- Planform area,
- Angle of attack,
- Zero-lift angle of attack,
- 2-dimensional lift curve slope,
1. The wing’s lift coefficient, .
2. The corresponding induced drag coefficient, .
Show solution/hide solution.
The aspect ratio of the wing is
The lift curve slope of the wing adjusted for 3-dimensional effects is
The lift coefficient is
For an elliptical wing, the induced drag coefficient is
Numerical Solution to the Monoplane Wing Equation
The governing equation for the monoplane wing is
where: 1. are the coefficients of the circulation expansion; 2.
is Glauert’s non-dimensional parameter; 3.
is the geometric angle of attack, or more correctly pitch angle; 4.
is the chord length (may vary with
); 5.
is the semi-span of the wing.
To solve numerically, the domain is divided into
discrete points, i.e.,
At each discrete point , the governing equation becomes
This equation can be rewritten in matrix form as
where is the vector of unknown coefficients;
is the right-hand side vector containing the the wing properties;
is the influence coefficient matrix.
The components of the matrix equation are
The matrix equation is expanded as
where and
The unknown coefficients are found by solving
Efficient numerical methods, such as LU decomposition, are typically used for inverting when
is large.
Once the coefficients are determined, the following aerodynamic quantities can be computed:
- The spanwise circulation distribution,
, i.e.,
- The lift distribution,
, and the lift coefficient,
. The total lift coefficient is directly related to
, i.e.,
- The induced drag coefficient, which is computed using
Worked Example #3 – Numerical solution of the monoplane wing equation
A rectangular wing has the following geometric and operating conditions:
- Span,
- Chord,
- Angle of attack,
- Zero-lift angle of attack,
- Lift curve slope,
- Free-stream velocity,
- Air density,
Set up a numerical solution of the monoplane wing equation to determine:
1. The spanwise circulation distribution, (\Gamma(\theta)\.
2. The lift coefficient, .
3. The induced drag coefficient, .
Use five spanwise modes to approximate your answer.
Show solution/hide solution.
The semi-span is
so the non-dimensional parameter is
The geometric angle of attack (allowing for the zero-lift angle) is
Dscretize into
into equally spaced angular points, i.e.,
The governing equation with odd Fourier coefficients is
This is written in matrix form as
as well as
The right-hand side vector is
The influence coefficient matrix is
Solving gives
The spanwise circulation distribution is
Substituting the coefficients gives
Therefore, the lift coefficient is
The corresponding induced drag coefficient is
and substituting the values of the coefficients gives
Wing Shape & Loading Distributions
The wing’s planform, twist, and interference effects strongly influence the spanwise lift distribution and overall wing performance. The planform shape, including the wing’s aspect ratio, taper ratio, and sweep angle, determines the baseline distribution of lift along the span and affects induced drag and aerodynamic efficiency. Wing twist, whether geometric or aerodynamic, allows designers to tailor the angle of attack distribution, optimizing lift and reducing induced drag under specific flight conditions. Interference effects, such as those arising from wing-body junctions, nacelles, or wingtip devices, further modify the flow field around the wing, impacting both the spanwise lift distribution and the overall drag characteristics. These factors must be carefully considered in wing design to balance aerodynamic efficiency, structural feasibility, and operational requirements.
Planform Effects
The theoretically best aerodynamic efficiency () and lowest induced drag are obtained with a wing planform that is elliptical in planform shape with no twist. This wing shape gives an elliptical spanwise aerodynamic loading (i.e., lift per unit span) and uniform downwash over the wing, which, as previously mentioned, is theoretically the minimum induced drag condition, and so
. However, this value is unobtainable in any practical wing design. Values of
for a plain wing can range from about 0.01 to 0.1, as shown in the figure below; anything more than 0.1 would usually be classified as poorly designed. However, even a rectangular planform wing will have a reasonably good value of
(probably between 0.05 and 0.1) if it has a decent aspect ratio, i.e.,
, and also uses some wing twist or wash-out to control the spanwise lift distribution.

The shape of the wing (i.e., its planform) will affect the distribution of lift and the formation of the trailing vortex system, hence the magnitude of the induced drag on the wing. The idea is to use variations in wing chord along the span and perhaps wing twist and airfoil sections to approximate the ideal elliptical spanwise loading closely and minimize the value of . The actual effective aspect ratio of the wing can also be improved somewhat by paying attention to the shape of the wing tips, which can lower the values of
if they are suitably shaped, e.g., with more rounded contours or perhaps with the addition of a winglet.
Incorporating Wing Twist
In the lifting line theory, wing twist affects the circulation distribution by altering the local geometric angle of attack along the span, which modifies the local lift coefficient. The effective angle of attack at any spanwise location is now given by
where is the local geometric angle of attack, including the effect of twist, and the induced angle of attack
Wing twist, denoted as , modifies the geometric angle of attack by
where is the root angle of attack. Substituting this, the effective angle of attack becomes
Notice that in the case of no twist, i.e., (), the geometric angle of attack is constant, and the circulation distribution depends only on the wing shape and induced effects. In the case of wash-out, i.e.,
decreases toward the tip, this reduces lift at the wingtips, redistributes lift inboard, as shown in the figure below, and also decreases induced drag. If the wing has wash-in, i.e.,
increases toward the tip (which is unusual), it increases lift at the wingtips, leading to higher induced drag. Twist allows designers to optimize the lift distribution and induced drag for specific flight conditions.

Interference Effects
The photograph below illustrates the nature of the spanwise loading over a wing from the process of natural condensation in the low-pressure zones, which is nominally elliptically distributed, even on this relatively low aspect ratio wing. The highest lift (highest pressure difference) is at midspan, and the lowest lift (lowest pressure difference) is at the wing tips. The problem is, however, that even minor deviations from the ideal elliptical form can result in higher induced drag from the wing. Such variations can occur because of interference effects on the wing from the fuselage, engines, undercarriage, external stores, etc.

Examples of the effects of spanwise interference are shown in the figure below, which are for the same approximate value of total wing lift. Notice that the fuselage can produce significant deviations from the ideal elliptical form, perhaps increasing the value of to over 1.15. However, local effects along the wing, such as because of the aerodynamic interference effects produced by an engine, tend to have more minor effects on the values of

What is aerodynamic twist?
Aerodynamic twist refers to the variation in the airfoil’s camber or thickness distribution along the wing span, which alters the local zero-lift angle of attack, , such as using a different airfoil section. Unlike geometric twist, which physically pitches the wing sections, aerodynamic twist modifies the airfoil shape to tailor the lift characteristics. By modifying
, the effective angle of attack and, consequently, the spanwise lift distribution can be modified. In the context of lifting line theory, aerodynamic twist directly impacts the governing equation by introducing a spanwise variation in
. This changes the effective angle of attack, which determines the local lift coefficient
and circulation distribution. The primary advantage of aerodynamic twist is its ability to achieve specific spanwise loading patterns, such as near-elliptic lift distributions, without changing the wing’s physical orientation. This minimizes induced drag, optimizes load redistribution, and enhances performance for non-elliptic planforms.
Additionally, aerodynamic twist improves stall behavior by reducing lift near the tips, ensuring the wing root stalls first. It also provides flexibility in wing design, as it does not require a physical twist of the wing sections like a geometric twist. By incorporating aerodynamic twist into lifting line theory, designers can better balance aerodynamic efficiency, structural feasibility, and flight performance.
Extension to Lifting Surface Theory
The progression from lifting line theory to lifting surface theory and then to incorporating thickness represents a series of refinements in aerodynamic modeling. Lifting line theory is the simplest model, where the wing is represented as a single line of circulation bound at the 1/4-chord along its span. As previously described, this theory assumes the wing is infinitely thin and has a high aspect ratio, giving a first-order prediction of the spanwise lift distribution and induced drag. However, the lifting line theory neglects variations along the chord and the effects of wing thickness, thereby limiting its broader application.
Lifting surface theory extends the concept by treating the wing as a two-dimensional surface, allowing for a more comprehensive representation of the flow around finite wings. This theory uses distributed vortex sheets to account for spanwise and chordwise lift variations. It also captures three-dimensional effects such as tip vortices and their influence on induced drag. These methods still model the flow as a potential flow but solve for the distribution of vorticity that satisfies the no-penetration boundary condition over the span and chord of the wing surface. Lifting surface theory significantly improves the accuracy of aerodynamic predictions for wings with moderate or low aspect ratios, but it still assumes that the wing is thin.

Incorporating wing thickness adds another layer of realism and complexity to the aerodynamic analysis. A wing with some finite thickness modifies the flow field, altering the pressure distribution and introducing form drag. The inclusion of thickness can also be addressed through various potential flow corrections, where source distributions are added to the vortex representation to account for the wing’s thickness and volume. Numerical methods, such as panel or boundary element methods, can model the wing as a three-dimensional body, capturing both lifting and thickness effects.
Summary & Closure
The lifting line theory provides a foundational framework for analyzing the aerodynamic behavior of finite wings. Accounting for the variation of circulation and downwash along the span allows for estimating key performance metrics such as lift distribution, induced drag, and downwash velocity. Despite its simplifying assumptions, the lifting line theory captures the essential physics governing wing aerodynamics with remarkable accuracy. It remains widely used in airplane design and performance analysis because of its relative simplicity and ability to approximate the wing’s aerodynamic behavior with good predictive capability. Moreover, the insights gained from lifting line theory, such as the benefits of elliptic load distribution for minimizing induced drag, continue to influence modern aerodynamic design practices, providing a basis for more advanced computational methods and wing optimization techniques.
5-Question Self-Assessment Quickquiz
For Further Thought or Discussion
- How might the assumptions used in lifting line theory (inviscid, incompressible flow) affect the quality of predictions of actual wings?
- Why does the elliptical circulation distribution minimize induced drag, and what are the practical challenges in achieving it for non-elliptic wing planforms?
- How does increasing a wing’s aspect ratio improve aerodynamic efficiency but introduce structural and design challenges?
- How do wings with rectangular or linearly tapered shapes deviate from elliptic loading, and how does this impact induced drag and overall wing performance?
- Why is the lifting line theory inapplicable in supersonic flows, and how are these issues addressed in modern aerodynamics?
- How might winglets be modeled within the framework of the lifting line theory? What types of modifications, if any, may be required?
- How does wing twist affect wing performance and allow for loading optimization under specific flight conditions?
- What are some examples of aircraft that achieve near-elliptic wing loading?
- How is the lifting line theory or its derivatives applied in other contexts, such as rotor blades, wind turbines, or hydrofoils?
Other Useful Online Resources
To understand more about the aerodynamics of finite wings and wing theory, explore some of these online resources:”
- Finite Wings – Lifting Line Theory” from the Postcard Professor.”Prandt’s Lifting Line Theory” by Professor Sid G.
- “Lifting Line Theory” by Professor Lakshmi Sankar at GaTech.
- Lecture notes from MIT OpenCourseWare provides an introduction to Prandtl’s lifting line theory, including geometry and fundamental definitions.
- A comprehensive overview of lifting line theory, including its principles, derivation, and applications.
- An explanation of Prandtl’s lifting line theory, focusing on three-dimensional potential flow, provided by the University of Cambridge.
- Lecture notes from Stanford University discussing finite wing theory and details related to lifting line theory.
- An educational website offering resources on various aerodynamics topics, including lifting line theory.
- A GitHub repository containing Python code implementing Prandtl’s lifting line theory for aerodynamic analysis.
- Lecture notes from MIT OpenCourseWare focusing on force calculations within lifting line theory.
- A tutorial example providing practical insights into applying lifting line theory.
- Lecture notes offering a detailed explanation of lifting line theory concepts.
- A collection of MATLAB scripts and functions implementing lifting line theory for aerodynamic analysis.
- The addition of a winglet will cause the tip vortex to form at the tip of the winglet. ↵
- Prandtl's original publication on the lifting-line theory was "Über Tragflügeltheorie" ("On Wing Theory"), which was published in 1904 in the proceedings of the Third International Congress of Mathematicians in Heidelberg, Germany. This paper introduced the fundamental ideas of the lifting-line theory. ↵
- Hermann Glauert (1892–1934) was a British aerodynamicist and a pioneer in theoretical aerodynamics.
He worked at the Royal Aircraft Establishment (RAE) and is best known for his contributions to thin airfoil theory and lifting line theory. His influential book, "The Elements of Aerofoil and Airscrew Theory," remains a classic. ↵
- Glauert systematically presented this theory in his 1926 book The Elements of Aerofoil and Airscrew Theory. ↵
- This transformation is analogous to the one used in the thin airfoil theory. ↵
- There is also a biplane wing theory. ↵