108 Slovakia

Three equal horizontal bands of white (top), blue, and red derive from the Pan-Slav colors. The Slovakian coat of arms (consisting of a red shield bordered in white and bearing a white double-barred cross of St. Cyril and St. Methodius surmounting three blue hills) is centered over the bands but offset slightly to the hoist side.
Flag courtesy of the CIA World Factbook
Map courtesy of the CIA World Factbook
Bratislava Castle is one of the most prominent structures in its namesake city. The exterior was recently repainted a white color.
Photo courtesy of the CIA World Factbook
According to Britannica, the Slovak National Council adopted a new constitution for the republic on September 1, 1992, four months before the partition of the federation. In general philosophy, this document, like its Czech counterpart, reflects the Charter of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms passed by the former Czechoslovak Federal Assembly in 1991. The constitution provides for a unicameral legislature (the National Council), consisting of deputies chosen by direct general election. The head of state, the president, is elected for a five-year term. The 1992 constitution specified that the president was to be elected by a three-fifths majority of the National Council; however, in 1999 the government approved a constitutional amendment that changed the procedure so that subsequent presidents would be directly elected. The supreme executive body of the republic is the government formed by the prime minister, whom the president appoints. The prime minister is usually the leader of the majority party or coalition in the National Council.
The constitution addresses the issue of local administration only cursorily, defining the single unit of municipality as a territorial and administrative entity exercising jurisdiction over its permanent residents. Actually, Slovakia is composed of eight administrative regions (including Greater Bratislava), with each region divided into a number of districts. In March 1996 the Mečiar government implemented a new scheme of local governments that resulted in a redrawing of the political borders of many southern districts, with borders running from north (where the population is solidly Slovak) to south. The ultimate aim of this reconfiguration was transparent: to reduce the number of ethnic Hungarians elected to the municipal and district councils. However, the reconfiguration of 15 existing southern districts and the creation of 37 new ones did not substantially change the ethnic balance in the southern councils, as was shown in subsequent elections. Mečiar’s other attempt to introduce ethnic quotas in municipal elections procedures in 1998 was turned down by the Constitutional Court.
The apex of the Slovak judicial system is the Supreme Court, to which district and regional courts are subordinated. The Constitutional Court, comprising a panel of judges appointed by the president, occupies a special position, as it deals with matters arising from the constitution and the application of international treaties. The lower courts of justice resolve civil and criminal matters and assess the legality of administrative rulings. Slovakia’s civil law code is based on Austro-Hungarian codes, as amended after 1918 and 1945, but has been revised to eliminate language dating from the communist era and to comply with requirements set by the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe.
Transport Authority
Transport Authority was established by the Act No. 402/2013 Coll. on Regulatory Authority for Electronic Communications and Postal Services and on Transport Authority and on amendments of several acts, coming into force on 1 January 2014 as a state administrative body with nationwide competence in the area of railways and other guided transport, civil aviation and inland waterway transport.
SkyVector – Google Maps – ADS-B Exchange
ICAO countries publish an Aeronautical Information Publication (AIP). This document is divided into three parts: General (GEN), En Route (ENR) and Aerodromes (AD). ENR 1.4 details the types of airspace classes they chose to adopt from classes A through G. Slovakia AIP
Drone Regulations
Unmanned aircraft flight operations – The Transport Authority issue – Decision No 2 2019 of 14 November 2019, On determination of conditions for unmanned aircraft flight operations and restriction of specific categories aircrafts flight operations in the airspace of the Slovak Republic. This Decision enters into force on 15 November 2019.
Information regarding the use of the Slovak Republic airspace, the Aeronautical Information Publication of the Slovak Republic (AIP SR), NOTAM and the electronic VFR Manual (VFRM)
Online aeronautical chart of the Slovak Republic
Unmanned Aircraft (an aircraft able to fly without pilot on board) with maximum take-off mass less than 150kg according to § 7 Subpar. 2 of Act No 143/1998 Coll. On civil aviation (Aviation Act) in the form of its later changes and amendments to certain acts; to operate in the airspace only under conditions, that take into account flight safety and as determined by agreement between the Transport Authority and the Ministry of Defense of the Slovak Republic.
Unmanned aircraft means an aircraft able to fly without a pilot on board (§ 7 of Aviation Act). Unmanned aircraft are divided into:
– Autonomous aircraft (means unmanned aircraft equipped with an independent in-flight control system, that does not allow human control intervention to a flight operation)
– Remotely piloted aircraft (means remote pilot operated unmanned aircraft by remote pilot station not located on board of an unmanned aircraft)
– Model aircraft (means unmanned aircraft unable of automatic flight to a designated place, used only for sport, competition or recreational purposes)
In all cases, the airspace of the Slovak Republic applies an obligation to operate aircraft in compliance with conditions and requirements established for the use of airspace. Unmanned aircraft flight operation shall be performed in a way to not compromise safety of other aircrafts, persons, property on the ground and to ensure environment protection from noise level and pollutants emissions of an unmanned aircraft. Remote pilot shall not perform flight operation under psychoactive substance influence.
Unmanned aircraft flight operation may be performed in Category A unmanned aircraft flight operations (“low risk operations” mostly for recreational purposes) or in Category B unmanned aircraft flight operations (“higher risk operations” mostly for aerial works, individual unmanned aircraft flight operations on base of authorization by the Transport Authority and unmanned aircraft with maximum take-off mass more than 25kg).
The general conditions for unmanned aircraft flight operations shall be followed at all times.
The remote pilot is required prior flight operation to get acquainted and shall conduct flight operation in accordance with, in particular:
- Meteorological situation;
- Use of airspace;
- Unmanned aircraft operating conditions;
- Manufacturer instructions for safe flight operations;
- Performance, manufacturing and airworthiness limitations of unmanned aircraft;
- Flight and emergency procedures specified by unmanned aircraft manufacturer.
The unmanned aircraft flight operations shall be performed in such way to not compromise safety of other aircrafts, persons, and properties on the ground, and to ensure environment protection from noise level and pollutants emissions of the unmanned aircraft.
Remote pilot shall maintain flight operation in visual line of sight (VLOS) at all times, observe surrounding area, obstructions and avoid other air traffic according to see and avoid method.
Flight operation in uncontrolled (Class G) airspace shall be conducted in height not greater than 120 m (400 ft) above highest obstacle within a 30 m radius from the unmanned aircraft.
Within boundaries of uncontrolled aerodrome air traffic zone (ATZ) the flight operation shall be conducted only in coordination with the aerodrome operator.
It is restricted to conduct flight operations at night, an exception can be obtained by consent of the Transport Authority only after declaration of safety procedure.
The unmanned aircraft shall not be used to spray any chemical substances or to drop objects, it shall not apply for aerial work operator.
To conduct a Category A unmanned aircraft flight operation it is not required registration of an unmanned aircraft at the Transport Authority or remote pilot certificate. Category A unmanned aircraft flight operation may be performed during the day, maintaining unmanned aircraft in visual line of sight (VLOS).
Additional restrictions depending on Class of unmanned aircraft (based on maximum take-off mass MTOW) – unmanned aircraft flight operations shall be conducted in subcategories of Category A:
Subcategory A1: By Class C0 unmanned aircraft (Maximum take-off mass less than 0,25 kg) and Class C1 unmanned aircraft (maximum take-off mass less than 0,9 kg) in such a way that people assemblies are not overflown. In controlled airspace* at horizontal distance of more than 3,7 km from airport reference point (ARP) and up to 30 m above ground level (AGL). Follow-me mode may be used in distance of up to 30 m of unmanned aircraft from remote pilot.
Subcategory A2: By Class C2 unmanned aircraft (maximum take-off mass less than 4 kg) in distance of more than 50 m from uninvolved persons. In a way, that densely populated locations of cities, villages, zones or urban concentrations, open air people assemblies, constructions, airport protection zones and protected areas are not overflown. In controlled airspace* at horizontal distance of more than 3,7km from airport reference point (ARP) and up to 30 m above ground level (AGL).
Subcategory A3: By Class C3 unmanned aircraft (maximum take-off mass less than 25 kg) and Class C4 unmanned aircraft (only model aircraft with maximum take-off mass less than 25 kg) in distance from uninvolved people, taking into account method of propulsion and characteristics of an unmanned aircraft, so they are not exposed to excessive noise level and not endangered by unmanned aircraft in flight emergency situation, but at least 50 m from such persons. In a way, that densely populated locations of cities, villages, zones or urban concentrations, open air people assemblies, constructions, airport protection zones and protected areas are not overflown. In controlled airspace* at a distance of more than 5,6 km from airport reference point (ARP) and up to 30 m above ground level (AGL).
* As controlled airspace is considered Controlled Traffic Region (CTR), In the Slovak Republic mainly in the area of Bratislava, Pieštany, Žilina, Sliač, Poprad, Prešov, Košice airports.
If an unmanned aircraft flight operation is conducted in manner other than those under Category A flight operations, in particular:
- At night if an unmanned aircraft is equipped with adequate lighting;
- In controlled airspace if unmanned aircraft flight operation is in coordination with relevant air traffic control unit;
- In distance from uninvolved persons other than distance conditions specified for Category A unmanned aircraft flight operation;
- By an unmanned aircraft with maximum take-off mass is more than 25 kg.
Conduct of Category B unmanned aircraft flight operation is dependent on authorization by the Transport Authority. Authorization by the Transport Authority is not required from holders of aerial work operator certificate.
An application for authorization and determination of conditions shall be sent by unmanned aircraft operator at least 30 days prior planned date of flight operation by the form:
– F390 – Application for authorization of Category B unmanned aircraft flight operations.
Attachment to application under the first sentence shall be also the risk analysis, created according to Procedure of the Transport Authority (14/2019) and shall include in particular:
a) Purpose of an unmanned aircraft flight operation,
b) Characteristics of unmanned aircraft flight operation,
c) Geographic characteristics of a planned location,
d) Threat level to property and health of persons on the ground that may be caused by an unmanned aircraft flight operation,
e) Class of airspace in location of unmanned aircraft flight operation,
f) Class, construction, performance and safety systems used by an unmanned aircraft,
g) Organizational and risk mitigation measures proposal for unmanned aircraft flight operation.
Additional conditions to conduct Category B unmanned aircraft flight operation are that an unmanned aircraft shall be insured for liability of damage caused by unmanned aircraft to the third parties, remote pilot is holder of remote pilot certificate and an unmanned aircraft is registered at the Transport Authority.
If remote pilot in Category B unmanned aircraft operations is planning to conduct an unmanned aircraft flight operation in controlled airspace in different manner than those specified in Subcategories A1, A2 and A3 unmanned aircraft flight operations, according to those flight operation in Control Traffic Region (CTR) it is only possible at horizontal distance of more than 3,7 km respectively 5,6 km and up to 30 m (100 ft) above ground level, an unmanned aircraft operator must meet all requirements of category B unmanned aircraft flight operations and shall:
- At least 24 hours prior of unmanned aircraft flight operation deliver by e-mail to relevant air traffic control unit an application for flight authorization of unmanned aircraft in controlled airspace;
- Remote pilot or other involved person in preparation of unmanned aircraft flight operation informs 15 minutes before estimated take-off time by telephone relevant air traffic control unit and request flight authorization for unmanned aircraft flight operation in controlled airspace;
- Remote pilot or other involved person in preparation of unmanned aircraft flight operation shall immediately inform by telephone relevant air traffic control unit immediately about flight operation interruptions, flight operation termination and other intentions regarding to unmanned aircraft flight operation;
- Remote pilot shall comply with the instructions to immediately terminate, interrupt or limit unmanned aircraft flight operation, in particular altitude, location and time by telephone from air traffic control unit if necessary;
- Remote pilot shall immediately inform about flight emergency situation if such a situation happens.
Applications for flight authorization with unmanned aircraft in controlled airspace:
Aerial works are services in return for remuneration in agriculture, surveying, observation, construction, healthcare, advertising, photography, research and the like. Aerial works shall only be performed with authorization certificate issued by the Transport Authority. The Transport Authority shall determine in authorization certificate range of flight operations and conditions for aerial work. To issue Aerial work operator certificate and issue of decision on determination of conditions for an unmanned aircraft must be preceded by:
- Unmanned aircraft registration at the Transport Authority;
- Remote pilot theoretical and practical examination at the Transport Authority;
- Create an operations manual.
The fee for aerial work operator certificate is according to the Act No 145/1995 Coll. Subpar. 91 (m) On administrative fees – 600 EUR.
List of aerial work operator certificate holders: AW CERTIFICATE HOLDERS
Until Aerial work operator certificate is issued, an applicant may conduct by registered unmanned aircraft Category A flight operations.
Remote pilot while performing aerial works may only be a person who is holder of remote pilot certificate issued by the Transport Authority. Conditions for its obtaining is successful theoretical and practical examination at the Transport Authority.
All operations manual issued by holders of aerial work operator certificate and authorized during Decision No 1/2015 of 19 august 2015 period of validity remain valid. To add Category B unmanned aircraft flight operations it is required to record changes to operations manual.
Application for issue of unmanned aircraft aerial work operator certificate:
– F353 – Application for issue unmanned aircraft aerial work operator certificate
Application for extension of unmanned aircraft aerial work operator certificate:
– F354 – Application for extension of unmanned aircraft aerial work operator certificate
Application for change of unmanned aircraft aerial work operator certificate:
– F352 – Application for change of unmanned aircraft aerial work operator certificate
Model aircraft with maximum take-off mass more than 25 kg and less than 150 kg shall conduct flight operations during the day under condition that:
- It is in compliance with conditions specified for Subcategory A3 unmanned aircraft flight operations;
- Remote pilot is holder of remote pilot certificate issued by the Transport Authority or any equivalent document issued by a competent authority of another Member State of the European Union or a State Party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area;
- Model aircraft is registered at the Transport Authority or is in a similar manner registered in another Member State of the European Union or in a State party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area;
- Model aircraft operator conduct and fulfills insurance contract for liability of damage caused by unmanned aircraft to the third parties.
In case that model aircraft (with more than 25 kg) flight operation is to be conducted under conditions other than those specified above, it is necessary to request the Transport Authority for authorization to perform such a flight operation.
At the moment, unfortunately it is not possible to execute theoretical examination in English language.
If a person operating an unmanned aircraft is holder of any aircraft category pilot license issued by the competent authority according to Regulation No 1178/2011 in its current form, the Transport Authority require the theoretical examination to be executed only from air law and the air traffic control procedures subject.
If the person operating an unmanned aircraft does not meet the conditions above, it is necessary to:
- Request by Application F283-B the Transport Authority / Aviation Personnel Licensing Department to execute theoretical examination. The application must be sent by post to the address of the Transport Authority or personally at the Registry of the Transport Authority;
- Deliver completed and signed binding application for theoretical examination F182-B (by post to the address of the Transport Authority, personally at the Registry of the Transport Authority or scanned by e-mail to letecky.personal@nsat.sk – recommended at least 14 days before scheduled date of the examination).
An applicant does not pay fee for theoretical examination.
For theoretical examination is possible to study in the form of self-study. Our recommended study materials are available in Czech language:
Pilot’s textbook, publishing house World of Wings;
Kocourek, Řešátko – DRONES – A practical guide for owners of DJI drones; 2017; Publisher Agentura Rubico, s.r.o., Czech Republic, ISBN: 978-80-7346-228-4;
Karas – 222 tips and tricks for drones; 2017; publishing house Computer Press Brno, Czech Republic; ISBN: 978-80-251-4874-7;
Hohenlohe – DRONES; 2016; Alpress Frýdek-Místek publishing house, Czech Republic; ISBN: 978-80-7543-234-6;
Karas, Tichý – Drones; 2016; publishing house Computer Press Brno, Czech Republic, ISBN: 978-80-251-4860-4.
Place and form of theoretical examination
Theoretical examination is executed at the Transport Authority at predetermined dates and times. The computer test is executed in Slovak language, consists 100 questions and time for examination is 90 minutes. Questions are answered in the form of multiple choice of answers. There are three answers to each question, of which only one is correct.
Theoretical examination consists of the following subjects:
- Air law and the air traffic control procedures;
- General knowledge of the aircraft;
- Aircraft performance and flight planning;
- Meteorology;
- Performance procedures;
- Basics of flight;
- Communication.
Evaluation of theoretical examination
An applicant is evaluated as PASSED if obtained at least 75% in all required subjects. If an applicant is not successful in one or more subjects is evaluated as failed. It is necessary to repeat theoretical examination from subjects that an applicant was evaluated as failed. The date of the next attempt is possible after delivery of the binding application (F182-B) in the following published examination dates.
In case if an applicant executing theoretical examination is evaluated as failed from one subject of all the subjects required four times in a row or has used up to all six available attempts within 18 months of the first attempt to pass the examination an APLD employee evaluates an applicant as FAILED.
In case if an applicant executing theoretical examination is not successful (evaluated as FAILED) and used all above options, it is necessary to repeat the entire examination. An APLD employee shall advise an applicant to execute theoretical training in the training facility and re-submit the application to execute theoretical examination only after completion of the training.
To issue Remote pilot certificate is required:
- Deliver Application F081-B,
- Deliver the original of application to execute practical examination and report from remote pilot practical examination (F166-B)
An applicant does not pay fee for issue of remote pilot certificate.
An applicant shall be informed when remote pilot certificate is issued by telephone or e-mail as specified in application.
To get certificate:
- In person, at registered office of the Transport Authority during page hours or by agreement (02/48 777 558),
- Based on mandate at registered office of the Transport Authority during page hours or by agreement (02/48 777 558),
- Certificate may be sent by mail to the address noted in application.
Practical examination can be executed after the successful completion of theoretical examination, under supervision, according to the instructions at place designated by the inspector of the Transport Authority with registered unmanned aircraft at the Transport Authority. For practical examination it is necessary to bring an unmanned aircraft register confirmation letter and if an applicant is not unmanned aircraft owner, also a document proving the use of an unmanned aircraft (loan contract / lease contract or other contract between an applicant and unmanned aircraft owner proving that an applicant is authorized to operate an unmanned aircraft). An applicant is responsible for unmanned aircraft flight operation during practical examination.
Practical examinations will be executed at either Štefan Banič Airport in Boleráz (LZTR) or at Nitra – Janíkovce airport (LZNI) at the following preliminary dates:
Month | Date |
November | 15th (Tuesday) |
December | 8th (Thursday) |
December | 21th (Wednesday) |
To apply for practical examination is necessary to send an application via email at least 3 days before the examination date. Participation in the practical examination is possible only after application is confirmed.
In case of interest of a larger group of applicants, it is also possible to arrange an individual practical examination at a different date and place by agreement.
Application for practical examination and any other questions can be addressed to Filip.pechac@nsat.sk.
Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) Regulations & Policies
None found by the author.
However, should you, the reader, happen to stumble across something to the contrary, please email the author at FISHE5CA@erau.edu and you may be mentioned in the ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS section of this book by way of thanks for contributing to this free eBook!
Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) News
None found by the author.
However, should you, the reader, happen to stumble across something to the contrary, please email the author at FISHE5CA@erau.edu and you may be mentioned in the ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS section of this book by way of thanks for contributing to this free eBook!
Short Essay Questions
Question 1
You have been hired by a Drone Startup Company. Your boss has immediately assigned this job to you.
They need you to prepare a one-page memo detailing the legalities of using a drone to film the castle in Bratislava, pictured above.
They need you to mention any national laws and local ordinances.
They specifically want to know what airspace (insert pictures) you will be operating in and whether or not you need an airspace authorization.
Does it matter whether or not you are a citizen of the country?
Lastly, there is a bonus for you if, as you scroll through this chapter, you find any typos or broken links!
Question 2
Do you need a certificate to fly UAS?
If so, how do you obtain one?
Are there fees associated with this?
If so, how much?
Question 3
May you operate beyond visual line of sight?
If so, what procedures must you follow?
Question 4
Does the country have UAM/AAM laws? If so, describe, citing the exact law.
Question 5
Are you aware of any new laws or policies not mentioned above? If so, describe, citing the exact law or policy.