54 Albania

Red with a black two-headed eagle in the center. The design is claimed to be that of 15th-century hero Georgi Kastrioti SKANDERBEG, who led a successful uprising against the Ottoman Turks that resulted in a short-lived independence for some Albanian regions (1443-78). An unsubstantiated explanation for the eagle symbol is the tradition that Albanians see themselves as descendants of the eagle. They refer to themselves as “Shqiptare,” which translates as “sons of the eagle”.
Flag courtesy of the CIA World Factbook
Map courtesy of the CIA World Factbook
View from the castle at Kruje.
Photo courtesy of the CIA World Factbook
According to Britannica, the constitution of the Republic of Albania was promulgated on November 28, 1998. It replaced an interim document from 1991 that had first sanctioned a multiparty political system and officially guaranteed Albanian citizens the freedoms of speech, religion, press, and assembly. Albania is a parliamentary democracy, with 140 deputies elected to four-year terms in the unicameral Parliament. Of those deputies, 100 are elected by direct suffrage, while the remainder are elected by proportional representation. The head of the government, the prime minister, is chosen from the leading party in parliament and selects the Council of Ministers (cabinet). The president, who serves as the head of state, is elected by the Parliament for a five-year term and can serve a limit of two consecutive terms.
The country is divided into qark (counties), which are further divided into rrethe (districts). Beneath the districts in the administrative hierarchy are komuna (communes) and bashkia (municipalities). The counties are governed by councils, whose members are either representatives of the municipalities and communes from within the county or are chosen by the council. The cabinet appoints a prefect as its representative for each county. Government at the district and lower levels operates through local councils elected by direct vote for three-year terms.
Albania has a Constitutional Court, a Supreme Court, which is the highest court of appeals, and numerous appeal and district courts. The Constitutional Court justices are appointed by the Parliament to serve one nine-year term. The Supreme Court has 11 members, each of whom is appointed by the president with the consent of the Parliament for a nine-year term.
Albania Civil Aviation Authority (CAA)
The Albania Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) according to the provisions of this law and Law No. 96/2020 “Air Code of the Republic of Albania” is a public, non-budgetary entity, depending on the minister responsible for air transport. CAA exercises the functions of the national authority for the regulation and supervision of all activities in the field of air transport in accordance with this Code and other legal and bylaws in its implementation and in accordance with international obligations.
SkyVector – Google Maps – ADS-B Exchange
ICAO countries publish an Aeronautical Information Publication (AIP). This document is divided into three parts: General (GEN), En Route (ENR) and Aerodromes (AD). ENR 1.4 details the types of airspace classes they chose to adopt from classes A through G. Albania AIP
Albcontrol is the Air Navigation Service.
Drone Regulations
Order Number 114 (2022) Translated into English by Google
Translations of any materials into English are intended solely as a convenience to the public and are not legally binding. The author has merely attempted to provide a Google translation of the original material to English for convenience. Due to the nuances in translating to a foreign language, several differences may exist so before using for any work or pleasure please have the document translated by a professional service!
In support of Article 102, point 4, of the Constitution, letter “ç”, point 2, of Article 7, of law no. 96/2020, “Air Code of the Republic of Albania”; of law no. 10489, “On trading and market surveillance of non-food products”, amended, and in accordance with the decision no. 1095, dated 24.12.2020 of the Council of Ministers, “On the approval of essential requirements in the field of civil aviation”, the Minister of Infrastructure and Energy and the Minister of Finance and
1. Approval of the Regulation on Unmanned Aircraft Systems and Systems Operators Unmanned aircraft, according to the text attached to this order.
2. The Ministry of Infrastructure and Energy, the Ministry of Finance and Economy are in charge, Civil Aviation Authority, State Technical and Industrial Inspectorate and Inspectorate State Market Supervision, for the implementation of this order.
This order enters into force immediately and is published in the Official Gazette.
Belinda Balluku
Delina Ibrahimaj
Scope of application
1. This regulation defines the requirements for the design and production of aircraft systems unmanned aerial vehicles (UAS), which are intended to operate according to regulations on rules and procedures for the operation of unmanned aircraft (item 31, article 3, of this regulation). It also defines the type of UAS, the design, production and maintenance of which will be subject to certification.
2. This regulation also defines rules for making UAS and accessory sets and additional remote identification devices available on the market and for their free movement in the Republic of Albania.
3. This regulation also sets out rules for UAS operators, if the UAS is operated in Albania.
This order partially approximates Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) no. 2019/945, dated March 12, 2019, above
unmanned aircraft systems and on third country operators of unmanned aircraft systems, as amended by Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/1058, of April 27, 2020. CELEX number 02019R0945 and 02020R1058. Official Journal of the European Union, series L, no. 152, dated 11.6.2019 and no. 232, dated 20.7.2020.
1. Chapter II of this regulation applies to the following products:
a) The UAS that is intended to be operated, according to the rules and conditions applicable to the “open” category of UAS operations or operational declarations under the “specific” category, in accordance with the regulation on the rules and procedures for the operation of unmanned aircraft (item 31, article 3, of this regulation), except for privately built UAS, and bearing a label class identification, as defined in parts 1 to 5, 16 and 17 of the annex to this regulation
indicating which of the seven UAS classes it belongs to;
b) class C5 of accessory sets, as defined in section 16;
c) additional remote identification elements, as defined in part 6 of the annex hereto regulations.
2. Chapter III of this regulation applies to operated UAS, according to the rules and conditions applicable to the “certified” and “specific” categories of UAS operations, in accordance with the rules and procedures for the operation of unmanned aircraft, except when carried out by declaration.
3. Chapter IV of this regulation applies to UAS operators, who have their main place of business, are created or located in another country, if the UAS is operated in Albania.
4. This regulation does not apply to UAS intended to be operated exclusively indoors closed.
For the purposes of this regulation, the following definitions are used:
1. “Accreditation” is the evidence/certificate issued by the national accreditation body for the conformity assessment body, which fulfills the requirements defined in the standards harmonized and, as the case may be, any additional requirements, including those set out in the relevant schemes sectoral, for carrying out a specific conformity assessment activity.
2. “Unmanned aircraft” (UA) (unmanned aircraft) is any aircraft that operates or is designed to operated autonomously or to be remotely piloted without a pilot on board.
3. “Making available on the market” is any supply of a product for distribution, consumption or use in the Albanian market during a commercial activity, with or without payment.
4. “Geoawareness” is a function that, based on the data enabled by Member States of the European Union, detects a possible violation of the restrictions of airspace and alerts remote pilots so they can take immediate and effective action to prevent that breach.
5. “Single European Sky airspace” is the airspace above the territory therein to which the treaties apply, as well as any other airspace where the Contracting Parties, as determined of the Multilateral Agreement for the creation of a European Common Aviation Area implement legislation on the organization and use of airspace within the Single Sky
6. “Direct remote identification” is a system that ensures transmission local information, regarding an “UA in operation”, including the brand of the UA, in so that this information can be obtained without physical access to the UA.
7. “Category ‘open'”, is a category of UAS operations defined in the Regulation on Rules and Procedures for the Operation of Unmanned Aircraft (item 31, article 3, of this article).
8. “Specific category”, is a category of UAS operations, which is defined in the Regulation on Rules and Procedures for the Operation of Unmanned Aircraft.
9. “Category ‘certified'” is a category of UAS operation, which is defined in Regulation on Rules and Procedures for the operation of Unmanned Aircraft.
10. “Return of the product”, is any measure that aims to achieve the return of a product that is already made available to the end user.
11. “CE Marking” is the marking with which the manufacturer indicates that the product is in conformity with the requirements of the applicable legislation, when this legislation provides for the fixation of this marking.
12. “Multilateral agreement” is the multilateral agreement, the annexes and the protocol its for the creation of the Common European Aviation Area (CEAA), ratified by law no. 9658, dated 18.12.2006, hereinafter referred to as “multilateral agreement”.
13. “Follow mode” is a mode of operation of a UAS when flying without a pilot continuously follows the remote pilot within a predetermined radius.
14. “Night” is the hours between the end of evening twilight and the beginning of evening twilight in the morning, as defined in the current regulation “On air rules and forecasts operational regarding services and procedures in air navigation”.
15. “Prohibition of trading” is any measure aimed at prevention in the chain of supply, for making the product available on the market.
16. “Cargo” is any instrument, mechanism, device, part, apparatus, accessory or accessory, including communication equipment installed or attached to the aircraft and is not used or intended to be used in the operation or control of the aircraft in flight and it is not part of the airframe, engine or propeller.
17. “Sound power level LWA” is the weighted sound power in dB, with respect to 1 pW, as defined in “SSH EN ISO 3744 – Acoustics – Determination of sound power levels and sound energy levels of noise sources, using sound pressure – Engineering methods for an essentially free field on a reflecting plane”, or its update.
18. “Measured sound power level” is a sound power level, as defined from the measurements defined in part 13 of the annex; the measured values can be determined either by one single UA representative for the device type, or from the average of a number of UA.
19. “Guaranteed sound power level” is a defined sound power level, in accordance with the requirements set out in part 13 of the annex, which includes the ambiguities for due to changes in manufacturing and measurement procedures and where the manufacturer or representative its authorized located in the Community, confirms that according to the technical instruments used and mentioned in the technical documentation, it is not exceeded.
20. “Control unit (CU)” means the equipment or system of equipment to control aircraft without a remote pilot, as defined in point 17, of article 3, of VKM no. 1095, date 24.12.2020, which supports the control or monitoring of the unmanned aircraft during each phase of the flight, except for any infrastructure that supports the command and control link service (C2).
21. “Economic operators” is the producer, the authorized representative of the producer, importer and distributor of UAS.
22. “Unmanned aircraft system operator” (UAS operator) is any legal person or entity operating or intending to operate one or more UAS.
23. “Conformity assessment body” is a body that performs assessment activities of conformity, including calibration, testing, certification and inspection.
24. “Equipment to remotely control unmanned aircraft” is any instrument, device, mechanism, apparatus, accessory, program/software or accessory that is necessary for the safe operation of a UA, other than a part and not carried on board UA’s.
25. “Maximum take-off weight (MTOM)” is the maximum weight of the UA, incl load and fuel, as determined by the manufacturer or builder, with which the UA can to be operated on.
26. “Authorized representative”, is any natural or legal person located within the ZPEA or Albania, who has received a written mandate/authorization from a manufacturer to act on his behalf in relation to specified duties.
27. “Remote pilot” is a natural person responsible for the safe execution of the flight of a UAV, operating its flight controls, either manually or, when the UAV is flying automatically, monitoring its course and being able to intervene and
change its course at any time.
28. “Products” are all the products mentioned in point 1, of article 2, of this regulations.
29. “Producer” is any natural or legal person who produces a product or has a product designed or manufactured, and markets that product under their name or trademark.
30. “Hovering” is staying in the same geographical position in the air.
31. “Regulation on the rules and procedures for the operation of unmanned aircraft” is the regulation of the minister responsible for air transport, which approximates the Regulation of Implementation of Commission (EU) no. 2019/947.
32. “Unmanned aircraft system (UAS)” means an unmanned aircraft and equipment therefor control it remotely.
33. “Technical specification” is a document that describes the technical requirements of a product must fulfill.
34. “The structure responsible for market supervision” is:
– State Inspectorate of Market Surveillance, for product market surveillance, according to this regulation, for use by consumers;
– State Technical and Industrial Inspectorate, for products according to this regulation, for non-consumer use.
35. “Harmonized standard” is an Albanian standard, which transposes a standard of harmonized European, in support of these rules, according to the list of standards harmonized Albanian or any changes thereof published in the Official Gazette.
36. “C2 Connection Service” is a communication service provided by a third party, by provided command and control between the drone and the CU.
37. “Distributor” is any natural or legal person in the supply chain, other than the manufacturer or importer, who makes a product available on the market.
38. “Privately built UAS” is a UAS assembled/built or manufactured for builder’s own use, excluding assembled/group-built UAS of parts placed on the market by the manufacturer as a single device (kit), ready to be used
39. “Placing on the market” is making the product available for the first time on the market.
40. “Assessment of conformity” is the process that proves whether the requirements have been met specified for a product, process, service, system, person or body.
1. The products mentioned in point 1, of article 2, must meet the defined requirements in parts 1 to 6, 16 and 17 of the annex to this regulation.
2. UAS that are not toys within the meaning of VKM no. 262, dated 3.4.2013, “For the approval of technical regulation “On the safety of toys”, will be in accordance with the relevant requirements essential health and safety requirements, defined in VKM no. 1060, dated 23.12.2015, “For approval of the technical rule “On machines and defining the list of standards of harmonized”, only in relation to risks other than those related to security UA flight.
3. Any program/software updates to products that have already been made available on market can only be made if these updates do not affect the compatibility of the product.
Making the product available on the market and free movement of products
1. Products become available on the market only if they are manufactured in accordance with the requirements of this chapter and do not endanger the health or safety of persons, animals or properties.
2. Making available on the market products that comply with the requirements of this Chapter, no shall be prohibited, limited or hindered, for the aspects included in this Chapter.
Obligations of producers
1. When the manufacturer places his product on the market, he ensures that they are designed and produced in accordance with the requirements defined in parts 1 to 6, 16 and 17 of the annex hereto regulations.
2. The manufacturer draws up the technical documentation and performs the relevant evaluation procedure conformity defined in this regulation. When the conformity of the product with the requirements set out in parts 1 to 6, 16 and 17 of annex to this regulation, it is demonstrated by this conformity assessment procedure, the manufacturer draws up the EU declaration of conformity and affixes the CE marking.
3. The manufacturer keeps the technical documentation and EU declaration of conformity for 10 years, after the product is placed on the market.
4. The manufacturer ensures that the necessary procedures are implemented, that the serial production of the product
remains in compliance, in accordance with what is described in this chapter. Changes in product design or characteristics, as well as changes in harmonized standards Albanian, international standards or in the technical specifications, in relation to which it is declared conformity of a product, will be taken into account appropriately. When deemed appropriate, in relation to the risks posed by a product, manufacturers, to protect the health and safety of consumers, perform testing of samples marketed products, investigate and, if necessary, will keep a record of complaints, non-conforming products and returned products and will keep them inform distributors of any such monitoring.
5. UAS manufacturers ensure that the UAS placed on the market by them has a type within the meaning of the provisions of law no. 10489, dated 15.12.2011, “On trading and supervision of market of non-food products”, amended, have marked, the series or the unique serial number or other element that allows identification of that product or, where the size or nature of the product does not enable it, the required information is placed on the packaging or in the documents accompanying the product and, if applicable, in accordance with the requirements set out in relevant parts 2 to 4, 16 and 17 of the annex. Manufacturers of C5 class accessory sets will ensure that the sets have a unique type and serial number that allows their identification.
PRODUCERS of additional remote identification elements must ensure that the additional element remote identification to have the type and a unique serial number marked, which allows the identification of them and in accordance with the requirements defined in part 6 of the annex to this regulation. In it In all cases, manufacturers will ensure that a unique serial number is also attached to the the EU declaration of conformity or the simplified EU declaration of conformity defined in part 14 of the annex to this regulation.
6. The manufacturer puts his name, registered trade name or trademark on the product, website address and postal address at which he can be contacted or, when this information cannot be placed on the product, the manufacturer places them on the packaging or in its accompanying documents. Address data must be in the official language of Republic of Albania and in a language easily understandable for users and the structure responsible for market supervision.
7. The manufacturer ensures that the product is accompanied by the manual and notification document the information required by parts 1 to 6, 16 and 17 of the annex to this regulation, in the languages Albanian and English, so that it can be easily understood by other users and consumers.
Such manual and information notice document, as well as any labeling, shall be clear, understandable and legible.
8. The manufacturer ensures that the product is accompanied by a copy of the EU declaration of conformity, or from a simplified EU declaration of conformity. When a statement is given simplified EU of conformity, it must contain the correct web address where it can the full text of the declaration of conformity is obtained.
9. Manufacturers who consider or have reason to believe that the product they have placed in market is not in accordance with the requirements presented in this chapter, it must immediately take the necessary corrective measures to bring the product into compliance or, as the case may be, stop trading or withdraw it from the market, if appropriate. When the product presents risk, the manufacturer immediately informs the structure responsible for market surveillance, details, in particular, of the non-conformity and of any corrective measures taken.
10. Producers, at the justified request of the structure responsible for market surveillance, provide her with all the necessary information and documentation in paper or form electronic, for demonstrating the conformity of the product determined to demonstrate the compatibility of the product with this chapter, in the Albanian language. Manufacturers cooperate with the structure responsible for market surveillance for any measures taken to eliminate the risk displayed by the product they have placed on the market.
11. When placing on the market a Class C5 or C6 UAS or a Class C5 add-on, manufacturers must inform the market surveillance authority of the country where it has its principal place of business business.
Authorized representatives
1. The manufacturer, with an act of representation, can appoint an authorized representative. Obligations defined in point 1, of article 6, and the obligation to draw up the technical documentation, of referred to in point 2, of article 6, of this regulation, cannot be part of the act of representation.
2. The authorized representative performs the duties defined in the act of representation, issued by the manufacturer. The act of representation must allow the authorized representative to perform, at least:
a) keep the EU declaration of conformity and the technical documentation available to to the structure responsible for market surveillance, for 10 years from placing the product on the market;
b) provide to the structure responsible for market supervision, in case of a justified request on its part, all the information and documentation necessary for the demonstration of product compatibility;
c) cooperate with the structure responsible for market supervision, according to the request made on its part, for taking measures to eliminate the risks presented by the product, for it to which the deed of representation was issued.
Obligations of importers
1. Importers place on the Albanian market only the products which are in accordance with the requirements defined in chapter II of this regulation and the applicable legislation in power.
2. Before placing the product on the market, importers ensure that:
a) the manufacturer has carried out the appropriate conformity assessment procedures defined in Article 14 of this regulation;
b) the manufacturer has drawn up the technical documentation;
c) the product bears the CE marking and, when required, the UA class identification label and showing the sound power level;
d) the product is accompanied by the specified documents, points 7 and 8, of article 6;
e) the manufacturer has fulfilled the requirements defined in points 5 and 6 of Article 6. When the importer considers or has reason to believe that a product does not comply with the requirements defined in parts 1 to 6, 16 and 17 of the annex to this regulation, he must not place the product on the market, until it is brought into conformity. When the product presents a risk, the importer informs the manufacturer and the structures responsible for market surveillance.
3. The importer puts his name, trade name or registered trade mark on the product, website and postal address where he can be contacted or, when this information is not possible to place on the product, the importer places them on the packaging or documents her companion. The data on the address must be in the official language of the Republic of
Albania and in a language easily understood by the end users and the structure responsible for market surveillance.
4. Importers ensure that the product is accompanied by the manual and notification document the information defined in parts 1 to 6, 16 and 17 of the annex, in the official language of Republic of Albania. Instructions and safety information, as well as any other labeling should be clear, legible and easily understood.
5. Importers ensure that while the product is under their responsibility, the conditions of storage or transport do not endanger the compliance of the product with the requirements of defined in article 4.
6. When the importer doubts that the product he has made available on the market can present risk to the health and safety of consumers, conducts testing of product samples made available on the market, investigates and, if necessary, maintains a complaint register for non-conforming products and products returned by the consumer or the end user, and informs the distributor of any such monitoring.
7. Importers, who consider or have reason to believe that the product, which they have placed on the market, is not in accordance with this regulation and the legislation in force harmonized EU, should immediately take the necessary corrective measures, to bring it product in conformity or, as the case may be, stop trading or withdraw it from the market. When the product presents a risk, the importer immediately informs the structure responsible for the supervision of
to the market, giving details, in particular, of non-compliance and any corrective measures taken.
8. Importers keep the declaration of conformity and the technical documentation available of the structure responsible for market surveillance, for 10 years after placing the product on the market, and ensure that technical documentation can be made available to such structures, according to request.
9. Importers, at the justified request of the structure responsible for market surveillance, provide them with all the necessary information and documentation in paper or form electronic, for the demonstration of product conformity in the Albanian language. The importer cooperates with the structure responsible for market surveillance, for any measure taken for eliminating the risk presented by the product placed on the market by it.
10. When placing on the market a Class C5 or C6 UAS or a Class C5 add-on, importers must inform the market surveillance authority where they have their principal place of business.
Obligations of Distributors
1. When the product becomes available on the market, distributors should act with caution properly, regarding compliance with the requirements set forth in this chapter.
2. Before making a product available on the market, the distributor verifies that the product bears the CE marking of conformity, where appropriate, and, where applicable, the e label UA class identification and sound power level indicator, and is accompanied by the documents referred to in points 7 and 8, of article 6, as well as that the manufacturer and the importer have meet the requirements defined in points 5 and 6 of Article 6 and in point 3 of Article 8.
Distributors ensure that the product is accompanied by the manual and the notification document the information required by parts 1 to 6, 16 and 17, of the annex, in Albanian and in a language that can be easily understood by consumers and other users. This manual and the information notice document, as well as any labeling, shall be clear, understandable and readable.
When the distributor considers or has reason to believe that the product is not in conformity with the requirements set out in Article 4, he must not make the product available on the market, until it is brought into conformity with the legal requirements applicable to it. When the product displays risk, the distributor informs the manufacturer or importer of the risk as well as the structure responsible for market surveillance.
3. Distributors ensure that, during the time when the product is under their responsibility, the conditions of storage or transport do not jeopardize compliance with the requirements set out in Article 4.
4. Distributors, who consider or have reason to believe that the product, which he have made available on the market, is not in accordance with this regulation, and the legislation harmonized in force ensure, taking corrective measures for bringing the product to conformity or, as the case may be, the ban on trading or its return. When the product presents a risk, the distributor immediately informs the structure responsible for market surveillance, giving them details, in particular, of the non-conformity and of any corrective measures taken.
5. At the justified request of the structure responsible for market supervision, the distributor provides her with all the information and documentation necessary to demonstrate product compatibility. The distributor cooperates with the responsible structure, according to its request, for any measures taken to eliminate the risk presented by the product made commercially available from him.
Cases in which manufacturers’ obligations apply to importers and distributors
An importer or distributor shall be considered a manufacturer, for the purposes of this chapter, and subject to the manufacturer’s obligations, according to Article 6, when he places a product on the market under its name or trademark or modifies the product already placed on the market in order to such as to affect compliance with the requirements set forth in this chapter.
Identification of economic operators
1. Economic operators, upon request, inform the market surveillance authorities with it identification data, as follows:
a) any economic operator who supplied them with a product;
b) any economic operator, which they have supplied with a product.
2. Economic operators must be able to present the information defined in point 1 of this article:
a) for 10 years, after being supplied with the product;
b) for 10 years, after supplying the product.
Presumption of conformity
1. A product that is in accordance with the harmonized Albanian standards or parts thereof their references, which are published in the Official Gazette, are presumed to be in compliance with the requirements covered by those standards or their parts defined in parts 1 to 6, 16 and 17 of the annex.
EU declaration of conformity
1. The EU declaration of conformity, referred to in point 8, of article 6, proves that it is demonstrated compliance of the product with the requirements set out in parts 1 to 6, 16 and 17 of the annex to this regulation and, for UAS, identifies its class.
2. The EU declaration of conformity is drawn up according to the form defined in part 11 of the annex. It contains the elements specified in this section and is constantly updated. EU declaration of conformity is translated into Albanian and in a language easily understood by the user and from the structure responsible for market surveillance.
3. The simplified EU declaration of conformity referred to in paragraph 8 of article 6 shall contain the elements defined in part 12 of the annex. It contains the specified elements in this section and is constantly updated. The EU declaration of conformity is translated into the language Albanian and in a language easily understood by the end user and the structure responsible for market surveillance.
4. When the product is subject to the implementation of more than one legal or sub-legal act, which requires drawing up the EU declaration of conformity, a single declaration is drawn up for all these acts EU conformity. The statement must contain the identification of the applicable legal acts, by including their publication references.
5. By drawing up the EU declaration of conformity, the manufacturer assumes responsibility for product compliance with the requirements set forth in this regulation.
Conformity assessment procedures, approval of conformity assessment bodies, of the approval of the European notified bodies, the requirements for the approval of the bodies of approved, as well as their supervision are done in accordance with law no. 10489, “On trading and the supervision of the market of non-food products”, as amended, as well as with the relevant parts of annex to this regulation.
Market surveillance and control of products entering the market
1. Market surveillance and control of products entering the market is carried out by the structure responsible for market supervision, referred to in point 34, article 3 of this regulation, according to provisions and in accordance with law no. 10489, dated 15.12.2011, “On trading and supervision of the market of non-food products”, amended, and VKM no. 1060, date 23.12.2015, “For the approval of the technical rule for machines and determining the list of harmonized standards”.
2. The Civil Aviation Authority, as the competent authority for operational safety, according to stipulations in Article 8, of Law 96/2020, will ensure that it cooperates with the authorities of market surveillance and border control for security issues and establishing mechanisms proper communication and coordination, making the best use of information
included in the event reporting system defined in law no. 96/2020 and acts by-laws in its implementation, and information systems defined in law no. 10489, date 15.12.2011, “On trading and market supervision of non-food products”, amended.
The procedure for dealing with products that pose a risk at the national level
1. When the structure responsible for market supervision, referred to in point 34, article 3, of this regulation, there are sufficient reasons to believe that a product poses a risk to health or the safety of persons or for other aspects of the protection of the public interest involved in this chapter, they must carry out an assessment in relation to the product in question, in accordance with it all the requirements set forth in this chapter. For this purpose, the relevant economic operators must cooperate, as necessary, with the structure responsible for market surveillance.
When, during the assessment carried out, according to the first paragraph, of this point, the structure responsible for
market surveillance finds that the product does not comply with the requirements set out in this chapter, requests without delay from the relevant economic operator, to take all the actions of appropriate corrective measures, to bring the product in line with these requirements, to stop trading the product or return the product to the end user within a reasonable period, in proportional to the nature of the risk presented.
2. The corrective actions mentioned in the second paragraph of point 1 of this article are taken in compliance with the provisions of the legislation in force for trading and market supervision non-food products.
3. The economic operator must ensure that all appropriate actions are taken corrective action, in relation to the product in question, which he has made available on the market.
4. When the relevant economic operator does not take the appropriate corrective measures within the period of referred to in paragraph 2, point 1, of this article, the structure responsible for market supervision take all appropriate interim measures to prohibit or limit the making of available on the market of the product or for the prohibition of trading or for the return of the product from the end user.
5. The information referred to in paragraph 4 includes all available details, in particular the data necessary to identify the non-conforming product, the origin of the product, the nature of the claimed non-conformity and the risk involved,
the nature and duration of the national measures taken and the arguments presented by the relevant economic operator. In particular, the structures responsible for market surveillance show if the discrepancy is due to any of the following:
a) the inability of the product to meet the requirements defined in Article 4;
b) deficiencies in the harmonized standards mentioned in Article 12.
Product compliant but posing a risk
1. When the structure responsible for market supervision, referred to in point 34, article 3 hereof regulation, after the assessment made according to point 1, article 15, of this regulation, finds that even though the product complies with this chapter, it presents a health or safety hazard of persons or for other aspects of public interest protection, protection covered by this chapter, he will ask the relevant economic operator to take all the appropriate measures for ensure that the product in question, placed on the market, does not present a risk, stop trading product or return the product within a reasonable period, commensurate with the nature of the risk that appears.
2. The economic operator must ensure that corrective actions are taken in relation to it all the products he has made available in the market.
Formal inconsistency
1. Without prejudice to the provisions of Article 16, of this regulation, the structure responsible for market supervision, referred to in point 34, article 3, of this regulation, in accordance with the provisions corresponding to the VKM no. 1060, dated 23.12.2015, in force for these products, requires the operator relevant economic authority to put an end to the inconsistency in question, when it finds one of the cases of the following:
a) the CE marking is affixed contrary to the legislation in force for trading and market surveillance of non-food products;
b) the CE marking is not affixed;
c) the identification number of the approved body, when the assessment procedure is applied conformity, as it has not been established;
d) the UA class identification label has not been placed;
e) indication of sound power level, if required, is not set;
f) the serial number is not set or does not have the correct format;
g) manual or information notice is not available;
h) the EU declaration of conformity is missing or has not been drawn up;
i) the EU declaration of conformity is not drawn up correctly;
j) technical documentation is not available or incomplete;
k) manufacturer’s or importer’s name, registered trade name or registered trade mark,
The web address or postal address is missing.
2. When formal non-compliance persists, the structure responsible for market surveillance must take all appropriate measures to limit or prohibit the products that are made of available in the market or to ensure that they are revalued or suspended from trading or returned or withdrawn from the market.
Requirements for UAS operated in the “certified” and “specific” categories, except when are operated by declaration.
1. The design, production and maintenance of the UAS shall be certified by the Authority Albanian Civil Aviation (AAC), if the UAS fulfills one of the following conditions:
a) it has a characteristic dimension of 3 m or more, and is designed for it operated on gatherings of people;
b) is designed for the transportation of people;
c) is designed for the purpose of transporting dangerous goods and requires a level high durability to mitigate risks for third parties in the event of an accident;
d) is used in the “specific” category of defined operations, according to the above Regulation Rules and Procedures for the Operation of Unmanned Aircraft (item 31, article 3, of this regulation) and when the operational authorization issued by the CAA, after an assessment of the anticipated risk in that regulation, considers that the risk of the operation cannot be mitigated in order to suitable without UAS certification.
2. A UAS subject to certification must comply with the applicable requirements defined in the regulations in force approved by the minister responsible for air transport,
“For determining the implementing rules of airworthiness and environmental certification of aircraft and related products, parts and equipment, as well as for certification of design and production organizations”, “On additional specifications of airworthiness for a certain type of operations” and “On the continuity of validity of aircraft and aeronautical products, parts and equipment and on the approval of organizations and personnel involved in these tasks”.
3. Except in cases where it must be certified in accordance with point 1 of this article, a UAS used in the “specific” category must contain the technical skills defined in the operational authorization issued by CAA or as defined by the Operator’s Certificate Light UAS (LUC), in accordance with part C of the appendix of the Regulation on the Rules and
Procedures for the Operation of Unmanned Aircraft (item 31, article 3, of this regulation).
4. Unless privately built, all UAS not subject to registration, according to the relevant provisions of the Regulation on Rules and Procedures for Operating Unmanned Aircraft, will have a unique serial number in accordance with the standard ANSI/CTA-2063-A-2019, Small Unmanned Aerial Systems Serial Numbers, 2019, or his review.
5. Each UA, which is intended to be operated in the “specific” category and at a height below 120 meters, must be equipped with a remote identification system that allows:
a) uploading the UAS operator registration number required in accordance with the provisions relevant in the Regulation on Rules and Procedures for the Operation of Unmanned Aircraft, and any additional number provided by the registration system. The system will perform a consistency check verifying the integrity of the full string provided to the UAS operator at the time of registration.
In case of non-compliance, the UAS will issue an error message to the UAS operator;
b) periodic transmission of at least the following data, in real time, throughout flight duration, in a way that can be received by existing mobile devices:
i. UAS operator registration number and verification code provided by the Member State during the registration process, except when the consistency check defined in point “a” not passed;
ii. the unique serial number of the AI in accordance with paragraph 4 or, if the AI has been built privately, the unique serial number of the addendum, as specified in part 6 of the addendum;
iii. the time stamp, the geographic position of the AI and its height above the surface or point lifting;
iv. route course measured clockwise from true north and speed land of the AU;
v. geographic position of the remote pilot;
vi. an indication of the emergency status of the UAS.
c) to reduce the ability to compromise the functionality of the identification system directly at a distance.
UAS operators of other countries
1. UAS operators, having their principal place of business, are established or reside in another country, must be in accordance with the provisions in the Regulation on the Rules and Procedures for the Operation of Unmanned Aircraft (item 31, article 3), for the purposes of UAS operations within the airspace of the Republic of Albania.
2. The competent authority for the UAS operator of the other country shall be the CAA, as the authority competent authority of the state where the operator intends to operate, when the operation is intended to be carried out in Albania.
3. With the exception of point 1, a remote pilot or operator certificate of proficiency UAS, in accordance with the Regulation on Rules and Procedures for the Operation of Aircraft without Pilot, or an equivalent document, may be recognized by the competent authority for the purpose of operation within, for, and outside the Republic of Albania, provided that:
a) the other country has requested such recognition;
b) remote pilot proficiency certificate or UAS operator certificate are documents valid State of issue; AND
c) CAA has ensured that the requirements on the basis of which these certificates were issued provide the the same level of security as this regulation.
Administrative offenses
Violations of the requirements of this regulation by economic operators are treated according to legislation in force for trading and market supervision of non-food products.
Requirements for a Class C0 unmanned aircraft system
A Class C0 UAS has prominently the class identification label on the UA as follows:
A Class C0 UAS shall comply with the following:
1) have a MTOM of less than 250 g, including cargo;
2) have a maximum flight speed of 19 m/s;
3) have a maximum reachable height above the take-off point limited to 120 m;
4) be safely controllable, with respect to stability, maneuverability and performance of the data link, by a remote pilot, following the instructions of manufacturers, as necessary under all anticipated operating conditions, including failure
or malfunction of one or, if applicable, more systems;
5) to be designed and built in such a way as to minimize harm to people during operation, sharp edges should be avoided, unless technically unavoidable, according to good design and manufacturing practices. If equipped with a propeller, it should be designed in such a way as to limit any damage that can be caused by the blades propeller;
6) to be supplied exclusively by electricity;
7) if it is equipped with a “Follow-me” functionality/mode and when this function is on, be at an interval that does not exceed 50 m from the remote pilot and enable the remote pilot to regain control of the UA;
8) to be launched on the market with a user’s manual, which provides:
a) characteristics of the AI including, but not limited to:
– the UA class;
– the UA weight (with a description of the reference configuration) and the maximum weight of lifting (MTOM);
– the general characteristics of the permitted loads in terms of their dimensions weight, UI interfaces and other possible limitations;
– equipment and software programs to remotely control AI;
– and a description of the behavior of the AI, in case of loss of the command-control connection;
b) clear operating instructions;
c) operational limitations (including but not limited to meteorological conditions and day/night operations); AND
d) appropriate description of all risks associated with UAS operations adapted to age of the user;
9) to include an information notice published by the Aviation Safety Agency of European Union (EASA) or CAA, as the case may be, which provides for limitations and obligations applicable, in accordance with the Regulation on Rules and Procedures for the Operation of Aircraft without Pilot (item 31, article 3, of this regulation);
10) points 4, 5 and 6 do not apply to UAS that are toys within the meaning of the safety directive of toys.
A Class C1 UAS prominently bears the class identification label on the UA as follows:
A Class C1 UAS shall comply with the following:
1) to be made of materials and to have such performance and physical characteristics, that ensure that, in the event of a terminal velocity collision with a human head, the energy of transmitted to the human head is less than 80 J, or, as an alternative, have a MTOM less than 900 g, including cargo;
2) have a maximum flight speed of 19 m/s;
3) have a maximum reachable height above the take-off point limited to 120 m or be equipped with a system that limits the height above the surface or above the take-off point to 120 m or to a value selectable by the remote pilot. If the value is selectable, clear information about the height of the UA above the surface or take-off point during flight will
to be given to the remote pilot;
4) be safely controllable, with respect to stability, maneuverability and command-control connection, by a remote pilot with the appropriate competence, according to the regulation
“On the rules and procedures of operating unmanned aircraft” and following the instructions of manufacturers, as required under all anticipated operating conditions, including failure/malfunction of one or, if appropriate, more systems;
5) have adequate mechanical strength, including any necessary safety factors and, when appropriate, stability to withstand any strain to which it is subjected for a long time of use without any breakage or deformation that could interfere with its safe flight;
6) to be designed and constructed in such a way as to minimize harm to people During operation, sharp edges should be avoided, unless technically necessary unavoidable, based on good design and manufacturing practice. If equipped
with a propeller, it must be designed in such a way as to limit any damage that may occur caused by propeller blades;
7) in case of loss of the command-control link, to have a reliable method and foreseeable for the UA to recover the command-control link or if this fails, to terminate the flight in a manner that minimizes the effect on third parties in the air or on the ground;
8) except for cases where it is a fixed-wing UA, to have a LWA with power A of guaranteed sound with weighting determined, according to part 13, that does not exceed the levels of defined in section 15;
9) except for the cases, when it is a fixed-wing UA, to have the level indicator guaranteed sound power A with weighting set in the UA and/or its packaging, such as defined in section 14;
10) to be supplied exclusively by electricity;
11) have a unique physical serial number that matches the Small Air Systems Serial Numbers unmanned Standard ANSI/CTA-2063-A-2019, Small Unmanned Aerial Systems Serial Numbers, 2019;
12) to have a direct remote identification, that:
a) allows uploading the registration number of the UAS operator, in accordance with the Regulation on Rules and Procedures for the Operation of Unmanned Aircraft (item 31, article 3) and any additional number provided by the registration system; the system will make continuous checks by verifying the integrity of the entire chain provided to the UAS operator at the time of registration; in case of incompatibility, the UAS will give the operator an error message;
b) provides, in real time throughout the duration of the flight, periodic direct transmission by the AI, using an open and documented data transmission protocol next, in a way that they can be taken directly from existing mobile devices inside a transmission range:
i. UAS operator registration number and verification code provided by the country of registration during the registration process, except when checking compliance according to letter (a) of this point not passed successfully;
ii. the unique physical serial number of the UA in accordance with point 11;
iii. the time-stamp, the geographical position of the AI and its height above the surface or the take-off point;
iv. track course measured clockwise from true north and speed land of the AU; AND
v. the geographical position of the remote pilot or, if not available, of the waypoint lifting;
c) reduces the ability to compromise the functionality of the direct remote identification system;
13) to be equipped with a geo-awareness system, which ensures:
a) an interface to upload and update data containing information on the airspace restrictions associated with the position of the UA and the altitude imposed by geographical areas, as defined in the Regulation on the Rules and Procedures of Operation Drones, which ensures that the process of uploading or updating this data does not
degrades its integrity and validity;
b) a warning alarm for the remote pilot, when a possible violation is detected airspace restrictions; AND
c) information for the remote pilot, on the status of the UA, as well as a warning alarm, when the positioning or navigation systems cannot ensure the proper functioning of geoawareness system;
14) if the AI has a function that limits its access to certain areas of the space or air volumes, this function must operate in such a way that it interacts smoothly with the UA flight control system, without adversely affecting flight safety; except In addition, clear information will be provided to the remote pilot when this function prevents the UA enter these areas or parts of the airspace;
15) provide the remote pilot with a clear warning, when the UA battery or station its control reaches a low level so that the remote pilot has enough time to safely lower UA;
16) to provide:
a) with lights for the purpose of controllability of the UA; AND
b) at least one flashing green light, in order to distinguish/visibility of the UA at night, to enable a person on the ground to distinguish the UA from a manned aircraft;
17) if it is equipped with a “Follow-me” functionality/mode and when this function is on, be at an interval that does not exceed 50 m from the remote pilot, and to enable the remote pilot to regain control of the UA;
18) to be launched on the market with a user’s manual, which provides:
a) UA characteristics including, but not limited to:
– UA class;
– the weight of the UA (with a description of the reference configuration) and the maximum weight of lifting (MTOM);
– the general characteristics of the permitted loads in terms of their dimensions weight, UI interfaces and other possible limitations;
– equipment and software programs to remotely control AI;
– the reference of the transmission protocol used for the direct emission of identification to distance;
– sound power level;
– and a description of the behavior of the AI, in case of loss of data connection; AND the method for obtaining the command-control link of the AI;
b) clear operating instructions;
c) the procedure to upload airspace restrictions to the geoawareness function;
d) maintenance instructions;
e) problem solving procedures;
f) operational limitations (including but not limited to meteorological conditions and day/night operations); AND
g) appropriate description of all risks associated with UAS operations;
19) include an information notice published respectively by EASA and/or CAA, under EASA, which provides for limitations and obligations in force under the Regulation on Rules and Procedures for the Operation of Unmanned Aircraft (item 31, article 3, of this regulation).
20) if it is equipped with a remote identification network system, it will:
a) allow, in real time throughout the duration of the flight, periodic direct transmission from AI, using an open and documented data transmission protocol following, in a way that they can be received over a network:
i. UAS operator registration number and verification code provided by the country of registration during the registration process, except when the compliance check, according to letter “a”, of point 12, not passed successfully;
ii the unique physical serial number of the UA in accordance with point 11;
iii the time-stamp, the geographical position of the UA and its height above the surface or the take-off point;
iv course measured clockwise from true north and speed land of the AU; AND
c. the geographical position of the remote pilot or, if not available, of the waypoint lifting;
vi. a UAS emergency status orientation;
a) reduces the ability to compromise the functionality of the direct identification system in distance.
A Class C2 UAS has prominently the class identification label on the UA as follows:
A Class C2 UAS shall comply with the following:
1) have an MTOM of less than 4 kg, including cargo;
2) have a maximum reachable height above the take-off point limited to 120 m or be equipped with a system that limits the height above the surface or above the take-off point to 120 m or to a value selectable by the remote pilot. If the value is selectable, clear information about the height of the UA above the surface or take-off point during flight will
to be given to the remote pilot;
3) be safely controllable in terms of stability, maneuverability and data link performance, by a suitably competent remote pilot, as defined in the Regulation on Rules and Procedures for the Operation of Unmanned Aircraft (item 31, article 3, of this regulation) and following the manufacturer’s instructions, as necessary in it all anticipated operating conditions including the failure/malfunction of one or, if appropriate, of more systems;
4) have the necessary mechanical strength including any necessary safety factors and, when appropriate, stability to withstand any stress to which it is subjected for a long time of use without any breakage or deformation that could interfere with its safe flight;
5) in the case of a tethered UA, have a tensile tether length that is less than 50 m and a mechanical force that is not less than:
a) for aircraft heavier than air, 10 times the weight of the aerodyne at maximum weight;
b) for lighter-than-air aircraft, 4 times the force exerted by the maximum thrust combination static and aerodynamic force of the maximum permissible wind speed during flight;
6) be designed and constructed in such a way as to minimize harm to people during operation, sharp edges should be avoided, unless technically unavoidable in basis of good design and manufacturing practice. If equipped with a propeller, it should be designed in such a way as to limit any damage that may be caused by the blades propeller;
7) except when connected, in case of data connection loss, have one reliable and predictable method for the UA to recover the data connection or to complete the flight in a manner that minimizes the effect on third parties in the air or on the ground;
8) except in cases where it is connected, to be equipped with a data interconnection protected from unauthorized access to control and command functions;
9) except in cases where it is a fixed-wing UA, be equipped with one remote pilot selectable and limiting low speed mode/function maximum flight speed at no more than 3 m/s;
10) unless it is a fixed-wing UA, have a sound power level A LEA of guaranteed with weighting determined, according to part 10, that does not exceed the levels determined in part 15;
11) unless it is a fixed wing UA, have the guaranteed power level indicator of the A-weighted sound placed on the UA and/or its packaging, according to part 11;
12) to be supplied exclusively by electricity;
13) have a unique physical serial number in accordance with Small Air Systems Serial Numbers unmanned ANSI/CTA-2063-A-2019 standard (Small Unmanned Aerial Systems Serial Numbers, 2019);
14) to have a direct remote identification, that:
a) allows uploading the registration number of the UAS operator, in accordance with the Regulation on Rules and Procedures for the Operation of Unmanned Aircraft, and any additional numbers provided by registration system; the system will make continuous checks verifying its integrity the entire chain provided to the UAS operator at the time of registration; in case of incompatibility, UAS will give the operator an error message;
b) provides, in real time throughout the duration of the flight, periodic direct transmission by the AI, using an open and documented data transmission protocol next, in a way that they can be taken directly from existing mobile devices inside transmission range:
i. UAS operator registration number and verification code provided by the country of registration during the registration process, except when checking compliance according to letter “a” hereof the point was not passed successfully;
ii. the unique physical serial number of the UA, in accordance with point 13;
iii. the geographical position of the UA and its height above the surface or take-off point;
iv. track course measured clockwise from true north and speed land of the AU; AND
v. geographic position of the remote pilot; or if it is not possible the take-off point;
c) reduces the ability to compromise the functionality of the direct identification system distance.
15) to be equipped with a geo-awareness function, which ensures:
a) an interface to upload and update data containing information on airspace restrictions related to the position of the UA and the altitude imposed by the zones geographical, as defined in the Regulation on Rules and Procedures for the Operation of Unmanned Aircraft, which ensures that the process of uploading or updating this data does not degrades its integrity and validity;
b) a warning alarm for the remote pilot, when a possible violation is detected airspace restrictions; AND
c) information for the remote pilot on the status of the UA, as well as a warning alarm, when its positioning or navigation cannot ensure proper operation of the system geoawareness;
16) if the UA has a function that limits its access to certain areas of the space or air volumes, this function must operate in such a way that it interacts smoothly with the UA flight control system, without adversely affecting flight safety;
in addition, clear information will be provided to the remote pilot when this function prevents UA to enter these areas or volumes of airspace;
17) provide the remote pilot with a clear warning when the UA battery or station control reaches such a low level that the remote pilot has enough time to safely seated UA;
18) to provide:
a) with lights for the purpose of controllability of the UA; AND
b) at least one flashing green light, in order to distinguish/visibility of the UA at night, to enable a person on the ground to distinguish the UA from a manned aircraft;
19) to be launched on the market with a user’s manual, which provides:
a) characteristics of the AI including, but not limited to:
– the UA class;
– the weight of the UA (with a description of the reference configuration) and the maximum weight of lifting (MTOM);
– the general characteristics of the permitted loads, in terms of their dimensions weight, UI interfaces and other possible limitations;
– equipment and software programs to remotely control AI;
– the reference of the transmission protocol used for the direct emission of identification to distance;
– sound power level;
– and a description of the behavior of the UA, in case of loss of the connection of the command and control and method to regain connection;
b) clear operating instructions;
c) the procedure to upload airspace restrictions to the geoawareness function;
d) maintenance instructions;
e) problem solving procedures;
f) operational limitations (including but not limited to meteorological conditions and day/night operations); AND
g) appropriate description of all risks associated with UAS operations;
20) to include an information notice published by the Aviation Safety Agency of European Union (EASA) or CAA, as the case may be, which provides for limitations and obligations of applicable, in accordance with the Regulation on Rules and Procedures for the Operation of Pilotless aircraft.
A Class C3 UAS prominently bears the class identification label on the UA as follows:
A Class C3 UAS shall comply with the following:
1) have an MTOM of less than 25 kg, including cargo, and have one dimension maximum characteristic less than 3 m;
2) have a maximum reachable height above the take-off point limited to 120 m or be equipped with a system that limits the height above the surface or above the take-off point to 120 m or to a value selectable by the remote pilot. If the value is selectable, clear information about the height of the UA above the surface or take-off point during flight will to be given to the remote pilot;
3) be safely controllable, with respect to stability, maneuverability and data link performance, by a suitably competent pilot, such as defined in the Regulation on the Rules and Procedures for the Operation of Unmanned Aircraft, and
following the manufacturer’s instructions, as necessary in all conditions provided for operation, including the failure/malfunction of one or, if appropriate, more many systems;
4) in the case of a tethered UA, have a tensile tether length that is less than 50 m and a mechanical strength, not less than:
a) for aircraft heavier than air, 10 times the weight of the aerodyne at maximum weight;
b) for lighter-than-air aircraft, 4 times the force exerted by the combination of maximum thrust static and aerodynamic force of the maximum permissible wind speed during flight;
5) except for cases where it is connected, in case of data connection loss, of have a reliable and predictable method for the UA to recover the data connection or terminate the flight in a manner that reduces the effect on third parties in the air or on earth.
6) except in cases where it is a fixed-wing UA, have the level indicator of guaranteed A-weighted sound power determined according to part 13 set in UA and/or its packaging under section 14;
7) to be supplied exclusively by electricity;
8) have a unique physical serial number that matches the Small Air Systems Serial Numbers without pilot of standard ANSI/CTA-2063-A-2019, Small Unmanned Aerial Systems Serial Numbers, 2019;
9) unless it is connected, have a direct remote identification that:
a) allows uploading the registration number of the UAS operator, in accordance with the Regulation on Rules and Procedures for the Operation of Unmanned Aircraft and any additional numbers issued by registration system; the system will make continuous checks, verifying its integrity the entire chain provided to the UAS operator at the time of registration; in case of incompatibility,
The UAS will give the operator an error message;
b) provides, in real time throughout the duration of the flight, periodic direct transmission by the AI, using an open and documented data transmission protocol next, in a way that they can be taken directly from existing mobile devices inside transmission range:
i. UAS operator registration number and verification code provided by the country of registration during the registration process, except when checking compliance, according to letter “a” of this point has not passed successfully.
ii. the unique physical serial number of the UA, in accordance with point 8;
iii. the time stamp and geographic position of the AI and its height above the surface or take off point;
iv. track course measured clockwise from true north and speed land of the AU; AND
v. geographic position of the remote pilot; if it is not possible the take-off point;
vi. an alert on the emergency status of the UAS.
c) reduces the ability to compromise the functionality of the direct remote identification system.
10) to be equipped with a geo-awareness function, which ensures:
a) an interface to upload and update data containing information on airspace restrictions related to the position of the UA and the altitude imposed by the zones geographic, as defined in the Regulation on Aircraft Operating Rules and Procedures unmanned, which ensures that the process of loading or updating this data does not degrade it its integrity and validity;
b) a warning alarm for the remote pilot, when a possible violation is detected airspace restrictions; AND
c) information for the remote pilot on the status of the UA, as well as a warning alarm, when its positioning or navigation cannot ensure proper system operation geoawareness;
11) if the AI has a function that limits its access to certain areas of the space or air volumes, this function must operate in such a way that it interacts smoothly with the UA flight control system, without adversely affecting flight safety;
in addition, clear information will be provided to the remote pilot when this function prevents UA to enter these areas or volumes of airspace;
12) unless connected, be equipped with a data connection protected from entry unauthorized in commands and control functions;
13) provide the remote pilot with a clear warning, when the UA battery or station control reaches a low level, such that the remote pilot has enough time to safely seated UA;
14) to provide:
a) with lights for the purpose of controllability of the UA; AND
b) at least one flashing green light, in order to distinguish/visibility of the UA at night, to enable a person on the ground to distinguish the UA from a manned aircraft;
15) to be launched on the market with a user’s manual, which provides:
a) UA characteristics including, but not limited to:
– the UA class;
– the UA weight (with a description of the reference configuration) and the maximum weight of lifting (MTOM);
– the general characteristics of the permitted loads in terms of their dimensions weight, UI interfaces and other possible limitations;
– equipment and software programs to remotely control AI;
– procedures to upload to the remote identification system, the registration number of the UAS operator;
– the reference of the transmission protocol used for the direct emission of identification to distance;
– sound power level;
– and a description of the behavior of the UA, in case of loss of command connection and control and method of recovery;
b) clear operating instructions;
c) the procedure to upload airspace restrictions to the geoawareness function;
d) maintenance instructions;
e) problem solving procedures
f) operational limitations (including but not limited to meteorological conditions and day/night operations); AND
g) appropriate description of all risks associated with UAS operations;
16) to include an information notice published by the Aviation Safety Agency of the European Union (EASA) or the CAA, as the case may be, which provides for limitations and obligations applicable, in accordance with the Regulation on Rules and Procedures for the Operation of Aircraft without Pilot.
17) if it is equipped with a remote identification network system, it will:
a) allow, in real time throughout the duration of the flight, periodic direct transmission from AI, using an open and documented data transmission protocol following, in a way that they can be received over a network:
i. UAS operator registration number and verification code provided by the country of registration during the registration process, except when the compliance check, according to the letter “a”, of point 9 not passed successfully;
ii. the unique physical serial number of the UA in accordance with point 8;
iii. the time-stamp, the geographical position of the AI and its height above the surface or the take-off point;
iv. track course measured clockwise from true north and speed land of the AU; AND
v. the geographical position of the remote pilot or, if not available, of the waypoint lifting;
vi. a UAS emergency status orientation;
b) reduces the ability to compromise the functionality of the direct identification system in distance.
A Class C4 UAS has the class identification label on the UA visibly as follows:
A Class C4 UAS shall comply with the following:
1) have a MTOM of less than 25 kg, including cargo;
2) be safely controllable and maneuverable by a pilot in distance, following the manufacturer’s instructions, as necessary in all anticipated conditions of operation, including the failure/malfunction of one or, if appropriate, of more systems;
3) not be able to operate with automatic control modes/functions except flight stabilization aids, without direct effect on trajectory and assistance lost connection, provided that a fixed default flight control position, in the event of lost connections be available;
4) to be launched on the market with a user’s manual, which provides:
a) characteristics of the AI including, but not limited to:
– the UA class;
– the weight of the UA (with a description of the reference configuration) and the maximum weight of lifting (MTOM);
– the general characteristics of the permitted loads, in terms of their dimensions size, interfaces with the AI and other possible limitations;
– equipment and software programs to remotely control AI;
– and a description of the behavior of the AI, in case of loss of data connection;
b) clear operating instructions;
c) maintenance instructions;
d) problem solving procedures;
e) operational limitations (including but not limited to meteorological conditions and day/night operations); AND
f) appropriate description of all risks associated with UAS operations;
5) include an information notice published by the Aviation Safety Agency of European Union (EASA) or CAA, as the case may be, which provides for limitations and obligations applicable, in accordance with the Regulation on Rules and Procedures for the Operation of Pilotless aircraft.
An additional direct remote identification element must comply with the following:
1) allows uploading the registration number of the UAS operator, in accordance with the Regulation on Rules and Procedures for the Operation of Unmanned Aircraft and any additional numbers issued by registration system; the system will make continuous checks, verifying its integrity the entire chain provided to the UAS operator at the time of registration; in case of incompatibility,
The UAS will give the operator an error message;
2) has a physical serial number consistent with Small Unmanned Aerial Systems Serial Numbers standard ANSI/CTA-2063-A-2019, Small Unmanned Aerial Systems Serial Numbers, 2019, of attached to the plug-in and its packaging or its user manual in one legible way;
3) provides, in real time throughout the duration of the flight, periodic direct transmission by the AI, using an open and documented data transmission protocol next, in a way that they can be taken directly from existing mobile devices inside transmission range:
i. UAS operator registration number and verification code provided by the country of registration during the registration process, unless the compliance check according to point 1 has not been passed successfully;
ii. the unique physical serial number of the extension in accordance with point 2;
iii. the geographical position of the UA and its height above the surface or take-off point;
iv. track course measured clockwise from true north and speed land of the AU; AND
v. the geographical position of the remote pilot or, if not available, of the waypoint lifting;
4) reduces the ability to compromise the functionality of the direct identification system distance;
5) is marketed with a user manual that provides the protocol reference of transmission used for the direct transmission of remote identification and guidance, for:
a) installing the module in the UA;
b) uploading the registration number of the UAS operator.
1. Internal production control is the conformity assessment procedure, with which the manufacturer fulfills the obligations defined in points 2, 3 and 4 of this part, ensures and declares under its sole responsibility that the products in question meet the specified requirements in parts 1, 5, 6, 16 or 17 that apply to them.
2. Technical documentation – The manufacturer must draw up the technical documentation in accordance with this regulation.
3. Production – The manufacturer will take all necessary measures, so that the production process and its monitoring to ensure compliance of the manufactured product with the technical documentation mentioned in point 2 of this part and with the requirements defined in parts 1, 5, 6, 16 or 17 which apply to them.
4. CE marking and EU declaration of conformity
1) In accordance with the relevant legislation and this regulation, the manufacturer must decide the CE mark and, where appropriate, the UA class identification label, for each individual product, which meets the applicable requirements set out in parts 1, 5, 6, 16 or 17 apply to them.
2) The manufacturer must draw up a declaration of conformity in written form for each model of the product and must keep it together with the technical documentation available to national authorities for 10 years after the product is on the market. The declaration of conformity must clearly identify the product for which it is designed. A copy of the declaration of conformity shall be made available to the relevant authorities with request.
5. Authorized representative
Obligations of producers defined in point 4 can be fulfilled by a representative authorized, on their behalf and under their responsibility, provided that they are specified in authorization.
When reference is made to this part, the conformity assessment procedure will follow modules B (type examination – EU) and C (conformity to type based on control of internal production) of this part.
Type examination – EU
1. EU-type examination is the part of a conformity assessment procedure in which a notified body examines the technical design of the product and verifies and certifies that the technical design of the product meets the applicable requirements set out in parts 1 to at 6, 16 and 17.
2. The EU-type examination will be done with an assessment of the adequacy of the technical design of product through examination of technical documentation and supporting evidence mentioned in point 3, plus the examination of samples, representative of the anticipated production, of one or more important parts of the product (combination of type of production and design type/type).
3. The manufacturer must submit an application for type examination – EU with a single body notified of his election.
The request must include:
1) the name and address of the manufacturer and, if the request is submitted by the authorized representative, his name and address;
2) a written statement that the same request has not been submitted to any other body notified;
3) technical documentation; technical documentation will make it possible to evaluate conformity of the product with the applicable requirements of this regulation and shall include appropriate risk/risk analysis and assessment. The technical documentation will contain, when necessary, the elements defined in this regulation;
4) the representative of the samples of the anticipated production. The notified body may request other specimens, if necessary for carrying out the test program;
5) supporting evidence for the suitability of the technical design solution. This testimony support will cite any documents that have been used, especially when standards relevant harmonized and/or technical specifications have not been applied or have not been applied in general; supporting evidence includes, when necessary, the results of tests carried out, in compliance with other relevant technical specifications from the manufacturer’s relevant laboratory or from
another testing laboratory on his own account and under his responsibility.
4. The notified body must:
About the product:
1) examine technical documentation and supporting evidence to evaluate suitability of the technical design of the product.
For the sample/s:
2) to verify that the sample/s was produced in accordance with the technical documentation and identify the elements that have been designed, in accordance with the applicable provisions of the standards relevant harmonized and/or technical specifications, as well as elements that are designed without apply the relevant provisions of these standards;
3) carry out appropriate examinations and tests or make it possible to proceed with their performance, to verify, in case the manufacturer has chosen to implement the solutions in relevant harmonized standards and/or technical specifications, if these have been implemented in correct way;
4) to perform appropriate examinations and tests or to proceed with the performance of them, to verify, in cases where the solutions in the relevant standards have not been implemented harmonized and/or technical specifications, if the solutions adapted by the manufacturer meet relevant substantive requirements of the legislative instrument;
5) to agree with the manufacturer on a place where the examinations will be carried out and trials/testing.
5. The notified body will draw up an evaluation report that records the activities undertaken in accordance with point 4 and their results. Without prejudice to his obligations, as provided in clause 8, the notified body will release the contents of this report, in whole or in part, only with manufacturer’s agreement.
6. If the type meets the requirements of this regulation, the notified body will issue them manufacturer a type examination certificate – EU. This certificate must contain the name and manufacturer’s address, examination results, relevant aspects of claims covered from the examination, the conditions (if any) for its validity, as well as the necessary data for
the identification of the approved type. One or more appendices can be attached to the certificate.
The EU certificate and its appendices must contain all the information relevant to it allowed the assessment of the conformity of manufactured products with the examined type and for it allowed service control.
Where the type does not meet the applicable requirements of this Regulation, the notified body shall refuse to issue an Albanian or EU type examination certificate and will inform respectively the applicant, giving detailed reasons for his rejection.
7. The notified body shall keep itself informed to recognize any change in the situation general and latest product, indicating that the approved type can no longer be matched with the applicable requirements of this regulation and will determine whether these changes require further investigation. If so, the notified body must inform manufacturers respectively.
The manufacturer shall inform the notified body that maintains the technical documentation, regarding the EU-type examination certificate, for all changes to the approved type that may affect the conformity of the product with the essential requirements of this regulation or the conditions for the validity of the certificate. Such changes require additional approval and are attached the original EU type approval certificate.
8. Each notified body shall inform its notifying authority, regarding the certificates of EU-type examination and/or any supplements it has issued or withdrawn, and will put them in available periodically or upon request, to the notifying authority the list of certificates and/or any additional denied, suspended or otherwise restricted.
Each notified body shall inform the other notified bodies, regarding the certificates of EU type examination and/or any supplement or that he has refused, withdrawn, suspended or restricted and, upon request, in relation to the certificates and/or supplements he has issued.
The Commission, the Member States and other notified bodies may, on request, obtain one copies of EU type examination certificates and/or their additions. With a request reasoned, the Commission and the Member States may obtain a copy of the technical documentation and the results of the examinations performed by the notified body.
The notified body keeps a copy of the EU type examination certificate, annexes and its additions, as well as the technical file/technical documentation, including the documentation of presented by the manufacturer for 10 years, after the product has been evaluated or until it expires certificate validity.
9. The manufacturer keeps a copy of the EU type examination certificate, the appendices and additions of its, together with the technical documentation, available to the national authorities for 10 years after the product is on the market.
10. The authorized representative of the manufacturer can submit the request mentioned in point 3 and fulfill the obligations set forth in points 7 and 9, provided that they are specified in authorization.
Conformity to type, based on internal production control
1. Conformity to type based on internal production control is part one conformity assessment procedure, with which the manufacturer fulfills the defined obligations in points 2 and 3, and ensures and declares that the products in question conform to type described in a type examination certificate – EU and meet the applicable requirements of this regulation.
2. Production – The manufacturer will take all necessary measures, so that the production process and its monitoring to ensure the conformity of the manufactured product with the approved type described in the type examination certificate – EU and with the applicable requirements of defined in parts 1 to 6, 16 and 17.
3. CE marking and EU declaration of conformity
1) The manufacturer shall affix the CE marking and, where necessary, the identification label of class UA, in accordance with this regulation, on each product that conforms to the type described in the type examination certificate – EU and meets the applicable requirements of defined in parts 1 to 6, 16 and 17.
2) The manufacturer shall draw up a written EU declaration of conformity for each type of product and will keep it available to national authorities for 10 years, after the product to come to market. The EU declaration of conformity must clearly define the type of product for which was drafted.
A copy of the EU declaration of conformity will be made available to the relevant authorities upon request.
4. Authorized representative – The manufacturer’s obligations set out in point 3 can be fulfilled by their representative
authorized, for their own account and under their responsibility, provided that this is specified in authorization.
1. Conformity based on full quality assurance is the assessment procedure of conformity, on the basis of which the manufacturer fulfills the obligations defined in points 2 and 5, and ensures and declares in its exclusive responsibility that the product in question meets the requirements of applicable set out in parts 1 to 6, 16 and 17.
2. Productivity – The manufacturer shall use an approved quality system for design, manufacture, inspection final and testing of the product in question, as specified in point 3 and will be subjected supervision as defined in point 4.
3. Quality system
1) The manufacturer must submit an application for the evaluation of his quality system to the notified body chosen by him, for the product in question.
The request must include:
a) the name and address of the manufacturer and, if the request is submitted by the authorized representative, the name and address of the latter, as well;
b) technical documentation for each type of product that is intended to be produced;
c) documentation related to the quality system;
d) a written statement stating that the same request has not been submitted to anyone other notified body.
2) The quality system must ensure the compliance of the product with the requirements of this regulation.
All elements, requirements and provisions approved by the manufacturer shall be documented systematically and regularly in the form of policies, procedures and instructions written. This quality system documentation will allow a consistent interpretation of programs, plans, manuals and quality records.
The documentation, in particular, must contain a suitable description of:
a) quality objectives and organizational structure, responsibilities and competencies management, regarding product design and quality;
b) technical design specifications, including standards, to be applied and, where the relevant harmonized standards will not be fully implemented, the tools that will be used to ensure compliance with the requirements of this regulation;
c) design control and design verification techniques, processes and systematic actions that will be used during the design of products, belonging to the type of covered product;
d) techniques, processes and systematic actions related to production, quality control and quality assurance to be used;
e) examinations and tests to be carried out before, during and after production, and the frequency with which they will be carried out;
f) quality records, such as inspection reports and test data, records of calibration, reports regarding the qualifications or approvals of the personnel concerned, etc.;
g) means of monitoring the achievement of the required design and product quality, as well as effective functioning of the quality system.
3) The notified body evaluates the quality system to determine whether it meets the requirements of mentioned in point 3(2).
It shall assume conformity with these requirements, in relation to the elements of the quality system, that comply with the relevant specifications of the relevant harmonized standard.
In addition to experience in quality management systems, the audit team should have at least one member with experience as an assessor in the relevant product area and product technology in words, as well as knowledge of the applicable requirements of this regulation. The audit should include an evaluation visit to the manufacturer’s premises. The audit team will review the documentation technician referred to in point 3(1)(b) to verify the manufacturer’s ability to identify the applicable requirements of this regulation and to carry out the necessary examinations, in order
to ensure product compliance with these requirements.
The manufacturer or his authorized representative must be notified of the decision. The notice must contain the conclusions of the audit and the reasoned assessment decision.
4) The manufacturer must undertake to fulfill the obligations arising from the system quality, as approved, and maintain it so that it remains appropriate and efficient.
The manufacturer must inform the notified body that has approved the quality system for any intended change in the quality system.
5) The notified body must assess any proposed changes and decide whether the modified quality system will continue to meet the requirements referred to in point 3(2) or if a reassessment is necessary.
The notified body must notify the manufacturer of its decision. The notification must contain the conclusions of the examination and the reasoned assessment decision.
4. Supervision under the responsibility of the notified body
1) The purpose of supervision is to ensure that the producer regularly fulfills the obligations that derive from the approved quality system.
2) The manufacturer, for evaluation purposes, must allow the notified body access to the sites of design, manufacture, inspection, testing and storage, and must provide him with all necessary information, in particular:
a) quality system documentation;
b) quality records provided by the design part of the quality system, as they are the results of analyses, calculations, tests, etc.
c) quality records provided by the manufacturing part of the quality system, as they are inspection reports and test data, calibration data, reports relating to personnel qualifications, etc.
3) The notified body must carry out periodic checks to ensure that the manufacturer maintains and implements the quality system and provides the manufacturer with an audit report.
4) In addition, the notified body may make unexpected visits to the manufacturer. During these visits, the notified body may, if necessary, conduct UA or UAS tests, or make it possible to proceed with their performance, to check the proper functioning of quality system. He must provide the manufacturer with a report of the visit and, if tests have been carried out, a test report.
5. CE marking and EU declaration of conformity
1) The manufacturer must affix the CE mark and, where appropriate, the label identification of the UAS class, in accordance with this regulation, and under the responsibility of the body of notified mentioned in point 3(1) of this part, the identification number of the latter for each individual product meeting the applicable requirements of this regulation.
2) The manufacturer must draw up a written EU declaration of conformity, for each type the product and must keep it available to the national authorities for 10 years, as product to market. The EU declaration of conformity will identify the product type for it which was drafted.
A copy of the EU declaration of conformity will be made available to the relevant authorities by means of a request.
6. The manufacturer, for a period ending 10 years after the product is released on the market, must keep available to national authorities:
1) the technical documentation mentioned in point 3(1);
2) the documentation related to the quality system mentioned in point 3(1);
3) the change mentioned in point 3(5), approved;
4) decisions and reports of the notified body mentioned in points 3(5), 4(3) and 4(4).
7. Each notified body shall inform its notifying authority of approvals quality system, issued or withdrawn, and, periodically or upon request, will make available to the notifying authority the list of quality system approvals that it has rejected, suspended or restricted.
Each notified body shall inform the other notified bodies of system approvals quality, which he has rejected, suspended or withdrawn and, upon request, for system approvals of the quality he has released.
8. Authorized representative
The manufacturer’s obligations set out in points 3(1), 3(5), 5 and 6 can be fulfilled by his authorized representative, on his account and under his responsibility, provided that this specified in the authorization.
The manufacturer must define the technical documentation. Documentation should do so possible to evaluate the conformity of the product with the requirements in force. The technical documentation, when possible, should contain at least the elements of the following:
1. A complete description of the product, including:
a) photographs or illustrations showing its external features, markings and appearance interior;
b) versions of any software included in accordance with the requirements set forth from this regulation;
c) user manual and installation instructions.
2. Conceptual design and manufacturing drawings and schematics of components, circuits and other similar relevant elements.
3. Descriptions and explanations necessary to understand these drawings and schemes, as well as product operation.
4. A list of harmonized Albanian standards, fully or partially implemented, the references of which are published in the Official Gazette, and, when these harmonized standards have not been implemented, the descriptions of the approved solutions to meet the essential requirements of defined in Article 4, including a list of other relevant technical specifications applied. In case of partially implemented harmonized standards, technical documentation defines the parts that are implemented.
5. Copy of the EU declaration of conformity.
6. If the conformity assessment module in part 8 has been implemented, the copy of the certificate of Albanian type examination and its annexes, submitted by the notified body involved.
7. The results of the calculations made in the design, the examinations performed and other elements of similar related to them.
8. Test reports.
9. Copies of documents that the manufacturer has submitted to the notified body if it is included;
10. Supporting evidence for the suitability of the technical project solution. These testimonies supporting documents will cite any documents that have been used, especially when standards relevant harmonized and/or technical specifications have not been fully implemented. evidence supporting documents must include, when necessary, the results of tests carried out by the relevant laboratory of the manufacturer or by another testing laboratory on his behalf and sub
his responsibility.
11. Addresses of places of production and storage.
1. Product (type, series and serial number).
2. Name and address of the manufacturer or his authorized representative.
3. This declaration of conformity is issued under the exclusive responsibility of the manufacturer himself [in the case of an accessory set, the accessory manufacturer may state that this certificate is on top of the UAS certificate for which the set guarantees conversion].
4. Object of the declaration [identification of the product that allows traceability; may include an image with colors of sufficient resolution, where necessary to identify the products, in case of a set accessories, identify the UAS for which the set warrants conversion].
5. The subject matter of the statement described above is of class … [insert for UAS the class number, as defined in parts 1 to 5, 16 and 17 of this annex. In case of an accessory set, identify the class to which the UAS is converted].
6. The guaranteed sound power level for this UAS device is … dB (A) [only for classes with unfixed wing UAS 1 to 3]
7. The object of the statement described above is in accordance with the relevant legislation national or EU:
– [include the reference of this regulation and the relevant annex for the product class];
– or other EU legislation, where applicable.
8. References to relevant harmonized standards used or references to other technical specifications, in relation to which conformity is declared. References must marked with their identification number and version and, where appropriate, the date of release.
9. Where applicable, the notified body … [name, number]… has carried out … [description of intervention] … and has issued the EU type examination certificate.
10. Where applicable, a description of accessories and components, incl software that allows the unmanned aircraft or unmanned aircraft system to operate, such as intended and covered by the EU declaration of conformity.
11. Additional information:
Signed for and on behalf of: …
[place and date of issue]:
[name, function] [signature]:
The simplified EU declaration of conformity referred to in Article 13(3) shall be provided, as below:
– [Manufacturer’s name] hereby declares that the UAS [UAS identification: type or serial number] is class … … [include the class number of the product as defined in parts 1 to 5 and 16 and 17 of this the annex. In case of an accessory set, identify the class to which the UAS is converted] and has a level of guaranteed sound power of … dB (A) [only for fixed-wing UAS classes 1 to 3, 5 and 6].
– and in accordance with the regulations … [list all the regulations with which the product matches].
– The full EU declaration of conformity is accessible on the following website: [web address]
This part defines the airborne noise measurement methods to be used for the determination of. A-weighted sound power levels of UA classes 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6. It defines the basic noise emission standard and the detailed test code for
measuring the sound pressure level on a measuring surface that surrounds the source and for calculation of the sound power level produced by the source.
For determining the A-weighted sound power level of LWA of UA, standards fundamentals of noise emission “SSH EN ISO 3744 – Acoustics – Determination of the levels of sound power and sound energy levels of noise sources, using pressure of sound – Engineering methods for an essentially free field on a reflecting plane” will are used subject to the following additions:
Test area
The UA will hover over a reflective (rough acoustics) plane/surface. AU will placed at a sufficient distance from any reflective wall or ceiling or any object reflective so that the requirements given in annex A of “SSH EN ISO 3744 – Acoustics – Determination of sound power levels and sound energy levels of noise sources, using sound pressure – Engineering methods for an essentially free field over a plane reflective”, to be fulfilled on the measuring surface.
Sound measurement surface and microphone array. The UA will be completely enclosed in a hemispherical measuring surface, according to § 7.2.3 of “SSH EN ISO 3744 – Acoustics – Determination of sound power levels and sound energy levels of noise sources, using sound pressure – Engineering methods for a field in free essence on a reflective plane”.
The number and position of microphones is defined in annex F of “SSH EN ISO 3744 –
Acoustics – Determination of sound power levels and sound energy levels of sources of noise, using sound pressure – Engineering methods for an essentially free field on a reflective plane”.
The measurement surface will have its origin at point O, lying on the ground plane directly below AU.
Noise tests will be performed with UA rotors operating at a speed of corresponds to UA flight under MTOM.
If the UA is launched/launched on the market with additional accessories to be installed/mounted on it, it will tested with and without these accessories in all possible UA configurations.
The time-averaged sound pressure level at the A-weighted surface will defined at least three times for each UA configuration. If at least two of the values of determined do not differ by more than 1 dB, further measurements will not be necessary; otherwise, measurements will continue until two values that differ by no more than are obtained 1 dB. Time-averaged mean surface sound pressure level to be used for calculating the sound power level of a configuration UA is the arithmetic mean of the two higher values that do not vary by more than 1 dB.
The report must contain the technical data necessary to identify the source that tested, as well as noise test code and acoustic data. The A-weighted sound power level value to be reported is the highest value of of different UA configurations tested rounded to the nearest whole number (less than 0.5 the lower number is used; greater than or equal to 0.5 the lower number is used higher ).
The guaranteed sound power level indicator must consist of a single power number
guaranteed sound level in dB, the LWA sign and a pictogram that takes the following form:
If the indicator decreases according to the size of the device, the proportions given in the drawing above must be respected. However, the vertical dimension of the indicator should, if it is possible, not less than 20 mm.
Where “lg” is the base 10 logarithm.
A Class C5 UAS carries the following class identification label on the UA:
A Class C5 UAS must comply with the requirements set out in part 4, except those of defined in paragraphs 2) and 10) of part 4.
In addition, it must comply with the following requirements:
1) be an aircraft other than a fixed-wing aircraft, except that it is attached;
2) if it is equipped with a geo-awareness function, in accordance with paragraph 10) of part 4;
3) during the flight, to provide the remote pilot with clear and concise information on the height of UA above the surface or take-off point;
4) if not connected, be equipped with a low speed mode selected by the remote pilot and which limits ground speed to no more than 5 m/s;
5) if not connected, provide means for the remote pilot to complete the flight UA, which will:
a) be reliable, predictable and independent of the automatic control system and flight direction; this also applies to the activation of this tool;
b) to force the descent of the UA and prevent its horizontal displacement; AND
c) include means to reduce the effect of AI impact dynamics;
6) if it is not connected, provide the remote pilot with means to monitor in order to continuously the quality of the command and control link and to receive an alert when there is the likelihood that the connection will be lost or degraded to the extent that it jeopardizes the safe conduct of operation and another alarm when the connection is lost; AND
7) in addition to the information indicated in point 15)(a) of part 4, include in the instructions of manufacturer a description of the means to complete the flight required in point 5).
8) A Class C5 UAS may consist of a Class C3 UAS equipped with of accessories that provides the conversion of the C3 UAS to a C5 class UAS. In this case, the tag class C5 must be placed on all accessories.
An accessory kit can only provide the conversion of a Class C3 UAS, which complies with point 1) and provides the necessary interfaces with accessories.
The accessory kit must not include changes to the Class C3 UAS software.
The set of accessories will be designed and each accessory must be identified to provide a complete and correct installation by a UAS operator on a Class C3 UAS, following instructions provided by the manufacturer of the accessory kit.
The accessory kit can be marketed independently of the C3 class UAS for which they provide the conversion. In this case, the accessory kit manufacturer will market a single conversion kit that must:
1) not change the compliance of Class C3 UAS with the requirements of Part 4;
2) ensure compliance of the UAS equipped with the accessory kit with all requirements additions defined in this part, with the exception of point 3) above; AND
3) be accompanied by the manufacturer’s instructions, which provide:
i. list of all Class C3 UAS to which the kit can be applied; AND
ii. instructions on how to install and use the accessory kit.
A Class C6 UAS carries the following class identification tag on the UA:
A Class C6 UAS must comply with the requirements set out in part 4, except those of defined in paragraphs 2), 7) and 10).
In addition, it must comply with the following requirements:
1) have a maximum speed at flight level of no more than 50 m/s;
2) if it is equipped with the function of geo-awareness, to be in accordance with paragraph 10 of part 4;
3) during the flight, to provide the remote pilot with clear and concise position information geographical location of the UA, its speed and height above the surface or take-off point;
4) to enable methods of prevention by UA to not exceed the vertical limits and horizontal of the programmed operational volume;
5) enable methodology for the remote pilot to complete the flight of the UA, which will:
a) life stable, predictable, independent of automatic flight control and guidance system, independent of means of prevention of UA for violation of horizontal limits and vertical according to the requirement of point 4; this also applies to activation; AND
b) strengthen the reduction of AI and will prevent horizontal substitution;
6) enable a program for the trajectory of the AU;
7) enable the remote pilot with the means of continuous monitoring and quality of command and control to receive alerts when it is likely that the link will not be lost and degrade or compromise secure operation, as well as an alert when the link is lost; AND
8) in addition to the information of point 15)(a) of part 4, include the manufacturer’s instructions:
a) description of the way of completing the flight requested according to point 5;
b) description of the method to prevent the UA from crossing the horizontal limits and vertical of the volume and measure of the volume of the contingency, which is needed to adapt and to evaluate positioning, error, reaction time and corrective maneuver time; AND
c) the distance that is most likely for the UA to travel after activation to complete the flight determined according to point 5), which must be taken into account by the UAS operator, when defines “ground risk buffer”.
Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) Regulations & Policies
None found by the author.
However, should you, the reader, happen to stumble across something to the contrary, please email the author at FISHE5CA@erau.edu and you may be mentioned in the ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS section of this book by way of thanks for contributing to this free eBook!
Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) News
None found by the author.
However, should you, the reader, happen to stumble across something to the contrary, please email the author at FISHE5CA@erau.edu and you may be mentioned in the ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS section of this book by way of thanks for contributing to this free eBook!
Short Essay Questions
Question 1
You have been hired by a Drone Startup Company. Your boss has immediately assigned this job to you.
They need you to prepare a one-page memo detailing the legalities of using a drone at the castle at Kruje, pictured above.
They need you to mention any national laws and local ordinances.
They specifically want to know what airspace (insert pictures) you will be operating in and whether or not you need an airspace authorization.
Does it matter whether or not you are a citizen of the country?
Lastly, there is a bonus for you if, as you scroll through this chapter, you find any typos or broken links!
Question 2
Do you need a certificate to fly UAS?
If so, how do you obtain one?
Are there fees associated with this?
If so, how much?
Question 3
May you operate beyond visual line of sight?
If so, what procedures must you follow?
Question 4
Does the country have UAM/AAM laws? If so, describe, citing the exact law.
Question 5
Are you aware of any new laws or policies not mentioned above? If so, describe, citing the exact law or policy.