
20 Guatemala

Three equal vertical bands of light blue (hoist side), white, and light blue, with the coat of arms centered in the white band. The coat of arms includes a green and red quetzal (the national bird) representing liberty and a scroll bearing the inscription LIBERTAD 15 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 1821 (the original date of independence from Spain) all superimposed on a pair of crossed rifles signifying Guatemala’s willingness to defend itself and a pair of crossed swords representing honor and framed by a laurel wreath symbolizing victory. The blue bands represent the Pacific Ocean and Caribbean Sea; the white band denotes peace and purity.

Flag courtesy of the CIA World Factbook

Map courtesy of CIA World Factbook

Google Earth

Indian masks at an open-air market.

Photo courtesy of the CIA World Factbook

Guatemala is a member of ICAO.
Last updated on March 6, 2025


According to Britannica, the constitution adopted in 1986 defines the country as a sovereign democratic republic and divides power among three governmental branches: legislative, executive, and judicial. Legislative power is delegated to a unicameral Congress, whose members are elected to five-year terms through direct, popular suffrage. Executive power is vested in the president, who is both the head of government and the head of state, and the vice president, both of whom are also elected to five-year terms by popular vote.

Guatemala is divided into departamentos (departments), each headed by a governor appointed by the president. The departments in turn are divided into municipios (municipalities), which are governed by councils presided over by mayors, elected directly by popular ballot.

The Supreme Court, with at least nine justices, has jurisdiction over all the tribunals of the country. The justices are elected by Congress for terms of four years.

General Directorate of Civil Aeronautics

The General Directorate of Civil Aeronautics is the institution responsible for regulating, managing, strengthening, facilitating, and monitoring the provision of airport, navigation, and air transport services, in accordance with current legislation and international agreements ratified by the state of  Guatemala.


SkyVectorGoogle MapsADS-B Exchange

ICAO countries publish an Aeronautical Information Publication (AIP). This document is divided into three parts: General (GEN), En Route (ENR) and Aerodromes (AD). ENR 1.4 details the types of airspace classes they chose to adopt from classes A through G.

Guatemala eAIP



The Central American Corporation for Air Navigation Services (COCESNA) is an International Organization for Central American Integration, non-profit and public service, with legal status and financial autonomy, created on February 26, 1960 and governed by a Board of Directors, which it is constituted in its highest collegiate body, which is made up of the representatives of the signatory States of its Constitutive Agreement; established with well-defined objectives and purposes to respond and jointly comply with civil aviation international commitments contracted as signatory countries of the Convention on International Civil Aviation of 1944, known as the Chicago Convention. In that order, COCESNA enjoys the exclusive rights to provide Air Traffic, Aeronautical Telecommunications and Radio Assistance services in the territories of the Member States and other services established in the regional plans that have been entrusted to it by the Contracting Parties. under an international agreement. Its operations are fundamentally based on the Standards and Methods recommended by the ICAO. The adherence to the established norms and the search for excellence constitute COCESNA’s fundamental objectives.

As a result of the notable progress in aviation at the end of the 1950s, especially with the entry into service of jet aircraft, the need to modernize and strengthen the region’s air navigation services was valued, for which, in the month November 1959, a meeting with the Directors was held in Guatemala. Generals of Civil Aeronautics of Central America at that time, within which it was agreed to convene a Diplomatic Conference aimed at establishing a specialized regional organization, with the necessary human and financial resources to meet these modern requirements, as well as to unify and coordinate regional intergovernmental efforts and actions that would benefit the users of these services. Therefore, from February 22 to 26, 1960, the V Conference of Directors of Civil Aeronautics was held in Tegucigalpa, Honduras, signing the guidelines of the Central American Corporation of Air Navigation Services -COCESNA, thus marking the beginning of its existence and operation. Consequently and by virtue of its nature, on February 1, 1961, its Constitutive Agreement was registered with the International Civil Aviation Organization – ICAO and on January 2, 1962 with the United Nations (UN). During the year 1963, COCESNA acquires the official recognition of the States of the Central American isthmus, through decrees and laws that ratified its Constitutive Agreement issued by the Legislative Assemblies of each Member State. Guatemala is a member state of COCESNA.

Drone Regulations

Drone Laws include:


Unmanned Aircraft Registration Form

Equipment Evaluation Form

Special Permission Form

Individual Registration

and more!


which is translated below!


RAC 101 Translated into English by Google


Translations of any materials into English are intended solely as a convenience to the public and are not legally binding. The author has merely attempted to provide a Google translation of the original material to English for convenience. Due to the nuances in translating to a foreign language, several differences may exist so before using for any work or pleasure please have the document translated by a professional service!


RAC – 101

101.1 Applicability


1) This Regulation sets out requirements for the operation of unmanned aircraft (UAS) including model aircraft in large aircraft other than those described in paragraph (2), and to the extent that the operation of fireworks affects or may affect the safety of air navigation also the use of some of the artificial fireworks.
2) This Regulation does not apply to the operation of:
a) small model aircraft that fly in a circle, and are controlled in attitude and altitude, by means of a limited cable attached to a handle or rope by the person operating the aircraft;
b) a model aircraft operated within a facility and/or structure; or
c) large-scale unmanned aircraft (large UAS).

101.3 Definitions and Abbreviations:


Model Aircraft: Commonly referred to as model aircraft, as they are given internationally.
Approved Area: means an area for the operation of unmanned aerial vehicles.
UAV Operator Certificate: means a person certified under the RAC LPTA to operate an unmanned aircraft (UAV).
Large UAV: ​​means any of the following:
a) An unmanned airship with an envelope capacity of more than 170 cubic metres;
b) An unmanned parachute powered with a launch mass of more than 150 kilograms;
c) An unmanned aircraft with a take-off weight of more than 150 kilograms;
d) An unmanned helicopter with a take-off weight of more than 100 kilograms;
(e) An unmanned powered lifting device with a launch mass exceeding 100 kilograms.
Giant model aircraft means a model aircraft having a take-off mass (excluding fuel) of more than 25 kilograms.

Meaning of a fireworks display: A person or group of people who operate a set of several fireworks and shoot or activate them by remote control or any other type of electronic device or if the person places the fireworks, lights them manually and leaves.

NOTE: For a better understanding and interpretation of aeronautical terms in general, refer to the RAC “Definitions and abbreviations”
AIC: Aeronautical Information Circular (Aeronautical information Circular)
AGL: Above Ground Level. (Above Ground Level)
ATS: Air Traffic System (Air Traffic System)
CO: Operating Certificate
DGAC: General Directorate of Civil Aeronautics
NOTAM: Notes to Airmen (Notice to Airmen)
RAC: Civil Aviation Regulations
TG: Guatemalan Nationality Mark
Micro UAV: ​​Means a UAV with a total weight of 100 grams or less.
Small UAV: ​​Means a UAV that is not a large UAV or a micro UAV.
UAV: Unmanned aircraft, other than a balloon or kite.
UTC: Universal Time Coordinated


101.5 Meaning of Populated Area:

For this section, a populated area is an area related to the operation of an unmanned aircraft, if the area has a population density sufficient for some aspects of the operation, or some event that may occur during the operation, in
particular, a failure of the aircraft that may place at unreasonable risk the life, safety, or property of someone or something in that area that is not related to the operation.

101.7 Information requirements to be provided to the DGAC

The DGAC requires that a company or company operating under this regulation provide information about its operation, the launch or release of an unmanned aircraft, during the certification and/or authorization process as well as during surveillance inspections.


101.9 Areas authorized for the operation of unmanned aircraft

1) The interested party may request approval from the DGAC for an operation in an area for the operation of:
a) Unmanned aircraft in general, or a particular class of unmanned aircraft.

b) For section (1) (a), the classes of unmanned aircraft are the following:
i) UAVs;
ii) Aeromodeling (Model Aircrafts).
2) In considering whether or not to approve an area for any of these purposes, the DGAC must take into account the possible effect on the safety of air navigation of the operation of unmanned aircraft in the requested area.
3) The DGAC may impose conditions on the approval, in the interests of the safety of air navigation.
4) If the DGAC approves an area of ​​operation, it must publish the details of the approval (including any conditions) in NOTAM or in an Aeronautical Information Circular (AIC).
5) The DGAC may revoke the approval of an area, or change the conditions that apply to such approvals in the interests of the safety of air navigation and must publish the details of any revocation or change in NOTAM or in an Aeronautical Information Circular (AIC).

101.11 Exceptions

1) The General Directorate of Civil Aeronautics, at the request of the interested party with the respective justifications, will determine by way of exception, which rules or provisions of this regulation are not suitable to be applied to, or complied with by the operators, taking into account particular characteristics of design, limitations, weight, size or use of the aircraft or other assets to be used in the authorized operations or services. The lack or deficiency of aeronautical infrastructure and/or services may also serve as a basis to request and make exceptions, provided that operational safety is not put at risk. The exceptions that are granted will be in accordance with the nature of the request and in no case may they except or deviate from aspects related to the Type Certificates, the Supplementary Type Certificates (if applicable), or that affect Airworthiness, or standardized operational procedures in the flight manuals by the aeronautical industry.

2) Authorized exceptions shall be recorded in the Operations Manual and Specifications and Limitations of Operation of each operator, or the respective Procedures Manual of the concessionaire of an operating certificate or in its effect in
the Authorization of Operation Area issued by the DGAC.

101.13 Prohibited Hazardous Operations

1) A person shall not operate an unmanned aircraft in a manner that produces a hazard to another aircraft, another person, or property.

2) The operation of a rocket includes a fireworks rocket, regardless of whether it can be raised to more than 400 feet above ground level or not.

101.15 Unlawful interference.

Any aircraft that is subject to unlawful interference shall use its reasonable endeavors to notify the appropriate ATS unit of this fact, any significant circumstances relating to it, and any deviation from the authorized flight plan that the circumstances make necessary, in order to enable the ATS unit to give priority to the aircraft and to minimize traffic conflicts that may arise with other aircraft.

101.17 Operation in close proximity to other aircraft

No person may operate an aircraft in sufficient close proximity to another aircraft so as to create a collision hazard.

101.19 Time

1) Coordinated universal time (UTC) shall be used and shall be expressed in hours, minutes and, where required, seconds of the 24-hour day commencing at midnight.

2) The time shall be verified prior to the initiation of a controlled flight and at any other time during the flight as necessary.
3) When using the data link communications application, the time shall be accurate to within one second of UTC.


101.21 Operation in prohibited or restricted area

1) A person must not operate an unmanned aircraft in or over a prohibited area, or in or over a restricted area, except with the permission of, and in accordance with the conditions imposed by, the authority controlling the area.

101.23 Operation in controlled airspace

1) A person must not operate an unmanned aircraft above 400 feet AGL in controlled airspace, except:

2) In an area approved as an area for the operation of unmanned aircraft of the same nature as the aircraft, and in accordance with the conditions of the approval, or

3) In accordance with an authorization from air traffic control.

101.25 Operation near aerodromes

1) A person must not operate an unmanned aircraft above 400 feet AGL within 3 nautical miles of an aerodrome unless:
a) The operation of the aircraft is supported by an Operating Certificate (CO), or
b) A special permit has been issued for a specific operation.

(2) A person must not operate an unmanned aircraft in such a manner as to constitute an obstacle to an aircraft approaching or departing a landing area or runway of an aerodrome.

(3) A person must not operate an unmanned aircraft in a movement area or runway of an aerodrome unless:
(a) The operation of the aircraft is supported by an Operating Certificate (CO), or
(b) A special permit has been issued for a specific operation.

101.27 Documents required for the Operation

1) In all cases the applicant for the operation of an unmanned aircraft must include in his initial application the following:
a) The name, address and telephone number of the person who will operate the aircraft or if several persons are involved, the name, address and telephone number of the person who will coordinate the operation.

b) The date and time of the operation and/or release and how long it will last.

c) The specific area of ​​operation that includes:
i) Geographic point and its coordinates
ii) Flight height
iii) Flight speed
iv) Maximum radius from the fixed coordinate.
v) Type of communication that will be used with the nearest control center.

d) If more than 1 unmanned aircraft is to be operated at a time, the number of unmanned aircraft that must operate at the same time.

101.29 Authorizations for the operation of unmanned aircraft

1) The DGAC will grant permission for the operation of unmanned aircraft under 2 conditions:
a) Regular or Constant Operations:
i) An Operational Certificate (CO) issued by the Flight Standards Department complying with the certification process and the requirements established by the Air Transport Department to obtain an Operating Certificate.

b) Non-regular or Sporadic Operations:
i) A Flight permit, issued by the Air Navigation Department complying with the provisions of section 101.27.

2) When considering whether to give an approval or operational certificate, the DGAC must take
into account that the applicant provides additional information such as the following:
a) The degree of redundancy in critical systems of the UAV,
b) Any other fail-safe design features of the UAV; and
c) The security of its communications and navigation systems.

3) Before giving an approval, the DGAC must ensure that the person who intends to use the UAV takes the necessary precautions to prevent the proposed flight from being dangerous to people and property on the surface.

101.31 Certification of operations of unmanned aircraft used in commercial activities

To use unmanned aircraft in commercial activities, it is necessary to obtain an operating certificate (CO), in accordance with the provisions of RAC 119 (Regulation of Operating Certificates and Operating Authorizations), as appropriate, and an exploitation certificate in accordance with the provisions of the Regulations of the Civil Aviation law and the specific requirements of the Air Transport Department.

101.33 Authorizations for the operation of unmanned aircraft near an aerodrome

1) The DGAC will authorize the operation of an unmanned aircraft through the air traffic control service closest to the aerodrome to be operated.

2) The person requesting the permit contemplated in this section will request in writing attaching all the information required in section 101.27 according to the proposed operation.

3) If the DGAC grants the permit, it may impose conditions on the authorization in the interest of the safety of air navigation.

4) A person who does not comply with the requirements commits an infraction punishable in accordance with the provisions of the Civil Aviation Law, article 119.

101.35 Maximum Operating Height

1) A person must not operate an unmanned aircraft above 400 feet AGL, except:

a) In an area specifically approved in the Specific Operations Certificate (CO) or in the Flight permit, as an area for the operation of unmanned aircraft and in accordance with the conditions of the approval, or

b) As permitted by this regulation.

101.37 Operating Limitations

1) Except as permitted by this regulation, or pursuant to an air traffic control authorization, a person shall not operate an unmanned aircraft under any of the following conditions:
a) The operation of a Large UAV without a special registration and certificate of airworthiness; and
b) The operation of a Small UAV for purposes other than sport or recreation.

101.39 Operation of Various Types of Unmanned Aircraft

1) A person must not operate a small UAV outside of an approved area unless:
a) The UAV does not operate above 400 feet AGL (except with DGAC approval); and
b) The UAV operates outside of populated areas.
c) The UAV is operated solely for sport or recreational purposes.

2) Operation of Large Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
a) A person must not operate a large UAV unless the person holds a special airworthiness certificate (restricted category), or an experimental certificate.
b) A person must not operate a large UAV except with DGAC approval.
c) The DGAC may impose conditions on the approval, in the interest of the safety of air navigation, such as but not limited to:
i) Prohibiting the operation of the relevant UAV at night or in conditions other than VMC; or
ii) Restricting the extent to which the UAV could be operated at night or in conditions other than VMC; or
iii) Requiring the UAV to remain within a specified area,
d) The operator of a UAV must comply with the conditions and/or restrictions of the approved operation and the operation of the aircraft as described in the manufacturer’s approved manuals.

101.41 Use of a radiotelephone

1) A person must not operate and/or control a UAV in controlled airspace unless he or she:
a) Possesses written authorization
b) Possesses a radiotelephone operator training certificate,
b) Maintains listening on a specified frequency(s), and
c) Makes transmissions on the frequency(s) and in the interval specified by the DGAC, providing the required information.

101.43 Application for certification as a UAV operator

1) The application for certification as a UAV operator must include the following information:

a) Information on any aeronautical licence issued by the DGAC, including, if applicable, details of ratings, endorsements and qualifications.
b) Details of any aeronautical experience held by the applicant.
c) If the applicant does not hold a licence referred to in paragraph (a),
he/she must submit details of any theoretical flight training that includes radio operation.
d) Details of the applicant’s experience in the operation and operation of unmanned aerial vehicles.
e) Evidence of the completion of any training course on unmanned vehicles
in UAV operation that the applicant has undertaken.

2) If the DGAC needs further information about the applicant’s qualifications and experience, or a document, in order to decide whether to certify the applicant as a UAV operator, it may request additional requirements in writing from the applicant that are based on international norms or standards.

101.45 Requirements for certification as a UAV operator

1) A person is eligible to be certified as a UAV operator if he or she:
a) Has radio operator training.
b) Has passed a theoretical exam on theoretical flight training.
c) Has completed a training course in the operation of the type of UAV that he or she
intends to operate, conducted by the UAV manufacturer or by an aeronautical training center or by a qualified instructor.
d) Has at least 5 hours experience in the operation of unmanned aerial vehicles outside controlled airspace.

101.47 Certification as a UAV operator

If a person meets the requirements, the DGAC will issue a UAV Operator Certificate.

101.49 Cancellation of a UAV operator’s certification

1) The DGAC may cancel the certificate of a UAV operator by notification for:
a) There are reasonable grounds to believe that the operator:
i) Has operated a UAV in contravention of the Law, the Regulations, the Law or the Civil Aviation Regulations.

ii) Has operated the UAV with negligence or carelessness, or
iii) In the operation of the UAV, has recklessly endangered human life or the property of other people.

101.51 Accidents and Incidents

1) The investigation of an accident/incident with unmanned aircraft provides knowledge to prevent similar events from occurring again. Therefore, it is necessary that all accidents and incidents be reported to the DGAC. With all the data gathered in a single report, statistics can be established, trends verified, and the facts analyzed, so that lessons can be learned from the mistakes made.

2) The communication of the accident/incident must be delivered to the DGAC within a period of seventy-two (72) hours, at the latest, after the event.

3) The notification and reporting of the accident/incident must be carried out as established in RAC 13 chapter VI. (Regulation for the Investigation of Aviation Accidents and Incidents) as applicable.

4) The DGAC will be responsible for carrying out any investigation of accidents and incidents with unmanned aircraft.

101.53 Inspection Requirements

1) When requested by the DGAC or its designees, any person operating an unmanned aircraft under this regulation must allow the inspection of the aircraft and its manuals and/or documents to determine compliance and applicability of this

2) When requested by the DGAC, the operator of an unmanned aircraft must provide satisfactory evidence that the aircraft is subject to the provisions of this regulation.

101.55 Registration

1) In order to carry out flight activities with an unmanned aircraft (UAV), it must have authorization from the DGAC.

2) Every operator of unmanned vehicles must complete the procedure before the Aeronautical Registry of the DGAC, complying with the requirements established in article 79 of the Regulations to the Civil Aviation Law (as applicable), in order to be assigned a distinctive or consecutive identification number, which must be placed in a visible place on the aircraft.

3) The identification badge of the ultralight vehicle will be assigned using the letters “UAV-TG-XXX”, where XXX is a consecutive number separated by a hyphen. This consecutive number corresponds to a strict chronological order granted by the Aeronautical Registry of the DGAC.

4) The location of the identification badge will be done as follows:

a) On the lower part of the left wing, in size proportional to the size of the surface, or
b) On both parts of the vertical stabilizer only the last 3 digits (assigned consecutive number), and
c) For unmanned aircraft that do not have a fixed wing, the last 3 digits (assigned consecutive number) must be placed in a visible part of both sides of the aircraft.
d) In both cases, fixed-wing and rotary-wing unmanned aircraft must have an internal or external metal plate which indicates the following data:
i) *Model
ii) *Series
iii) Owner
iv) Identification badge
* These data must match the identification numbers of the remote actuation device of each aircraft.

5) The badge or identification number of each unmanned aerial vehicle will be cancelled in the following cases:
i. When it is required to be permanently put out of service.
ii. Due to duly verified destruction or disappearance.

6) Once an identification badge for an ultralight vehicle has been cancelled, it may not be used again or assigned to any other vehicle.

7) It is the responsibility of the owner of the unmanned aerial vehicle to promptly inform the DGAC of the occurrence of any of the above causes for cancellation of the identification badge.

101.57 Civil Liability

The owner of an unmanned vehicle shall be liable for damage on the ground and in flight, in accordance with the provisions of the Civil Aviation Law.

101.59 Insurance

1) To cover the liability indicated in section 101.57, the owner and/or the operator must maintain a valid insurance policy to cover compensation arising from any damage. In both cases, the policies must be formalized in accordance with the coverage provided by the different insurance companies regarding civil liability, when applicable in accordance with this regulation.

2) Owners and operators of unmanned vehicles used in commercial activities must submit to the DGAC proof of the policies, which demonstrate their validity. These proofs must be submitted within ten (10) business days after the issuance or renewal of the policies.

101.61 Operational Directives


1) The DGAC may issue Operational Directives by which it prohibits, limits or subjects an operation to certain conditions in the interest of operational safety.
2) Operational Directives shall contain:
a) The reason for their issuance;
b) Their scope and duration; and
c) Action required of operators.
d) The requirements of any Operational Directive shall be considered a mandatory requirement.

101.63 Lighting and signaling requirements.


1) The operation of an unmanned aircraft is prohibited between sunset and sunrise, unless some portion of its surface is illuminated or painted in such a manner as to provide a visual warning equal to that required for obstacles to air navigation.



101.65 Applicability of this Subpart


1) This Subpart applies to the operation of model aircraft (aeromodelism) that weigh 100 grams or more.
2) This Subpart does not apply to:
(a) A model aircraft line control (i.e., a model aircraft that is forced to fly in a circle, and is controlled in attitude and altitude, by means of inextensible cables attached to a handle or rope by the person operating the aircraft); or
(b) A model aircraft flown within an enclosed space (building).

101.67 Model Aircraft Operation

A person must not operate a model aircraft unless visibility at the time is good enough for the person operating the model to be able to see it continuously.

101.69 Model Aircraft Operation at Night

A person must not operate a model aircraft at night, except that the operation is pre-approved by the DGAC for a specific event.

101.71 Model Aircraft Away from Other Persons

(1) A person must not operate a model aircraft in a populated area, except at a height from which the area can be cleared if the engine fails.

(2) A person operating a model aircraft:
(a) Shall, except during takeoff, keep at least 30 metres from any person not directly engaged in the operation of the same and
(b) Shall not, during takeoff, allow anyone to stand in front of the line perpendicular to the direction of his takeoff at the point from which he began his takeoff.

3) A person who fails to comply with the requirements commits an infraction punishable
as provided for in the Civil Aviation Law section 119.

101.73 Model aircraft operations outside authorized areas

1) A person must not operate a model aircraft outside an approved area above 400 feet AGL unless he or she:
(a) Keeps within sight, and
b) Keeps clear of populated areas.

2) The DGAC must publish the details of the approval of an area (including any conditions) in NOTAM or in an Aeronautical Information Circular (AIC)

101.75 Giant model aircraft

(1) A person must not operate a giant model aircraft, except that:
(a) Specific regulations are issued and approved for such operation, or
(b) With the approval granted by the DGAC by means of a temporary Flight permit for exhibition and/or demonstration flights.

(2) The DGAC may impose a condition on the operation of a giant model aircraft if the condition is reasonably necessary in circumstances of interest to the safety of Guatemalan aviation.



101.77 Applicability

This Subpart regulates the performance of certain pyrotechnic displays, to the extent necessary to avoid a risk or danger and safeguard the safety of air navigation.

101.79 Application of national laws, rules and regulations on fireworks

(1) This regulation will not affect or contradict any law or regulation of the Republic of Guatemala regarding the use and handling of fireworks, it only aims to control and safeguard the safe operation of aircraft in Guatemalan airspace.

101.81 Projectiles prohibited in certain fireworks

Except with the approval of the DGAC, a person must not use, in a fireworks display, a projectile that is capable of reaching more than 400 metres above ground level.

101.83 Fireworks not permitted near aerodromes

(1) A person must not operate a fireworks display in or over an area near any aerodrome unless with the written approval of the DGAC.

(2) Areas near aerodromes are:
(a) A movement area or runway of an aerodrome, and
(b) The approach or departure path of a runway of an aerodrome.

101.85 Notice to DGAC of certain fireworks

(1) No person shall operate a fireworks display at a location within 3 nautical miles of an aerodrome unless written notice has been given to DGAC at least 48 hours in advance of the event.

(2) However, paragraph (1) does not apply if:
(a) The fireworks are used on domestic premises by or for someone who lives there, and
(b) They do not exceed the maximum height of 400 feet.

101.87 Data to be included in the application to the DGAC

1) Details of the data to be provided to the DGAC before the launch of fireworks, such as:
a) The name, address and telephone number of the person who will be in charge of the launch (or, if several persons will be involved in its operation, the name, address and telephone number of the person who will coordinate it).
b) The date of the display, the time of commencement and the duration of the display.
c) In the case of the launch of multiple castles or batteries; How many projectiles capable of reaching more than 400 feet above ground level are to be launched.
d) A general description of the pyrotechnic characteristics of each projectile.
e) The estimated maximum height that any projectile can reach.

(2) The DGAC may impose a condition on the operation of a fireworks display if the condition is reasonably necessary under the circumstances, for the benefit and protection of air navigation safety.

3) A person who does not comply with the requirements commits an infraction punishable in accordance with the provisions of the Civil Aviation Law, article 119.




Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) Regulations & Policies

None found by the author.

However, should you, the reader, happen to stumble across something to the contrary, please email the author at FISHE5CA@erau.edu and you may be mentioned in the ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS section of this book by way of thanks for contributing to this free eBook!


Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) News

None found by the author.

However, should you, the reader, happen to stumble across something to the contrary, please email the author at FISHE5CA@erau.edu and you may be mentioned in the ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS section of this book by way of thanks for contributing to this free eBook!


Short Essay Questions

Scenario-Based Question

You have been hired by a Drone Startup Company. Your boss has immediately assigned this job to you.

They need you to prepare a one-page memo detailing the legalities of using a drone at an open-air market in Guatemala City, pictured above.

They need you to mention any national laws and local ordinances.

They specifically want to know what airspace (insert pictures) you will be operating in and whether or not you need an airspace authorization.

Does it matter whether or not you are a citizen of the country?

Lastly, there is a bonus for you if, as you scroll through this chapter, you find any typos or broken links!

Short Essay Questions

  1. What are the drone categories?
  2. How is registration addressed?
  3. How is remote ID addressed?
  4. What are the model aircraft rules?
  5. What are the commercial drone rules?
  6. Are there waivers or exemptions to the rules? If so, for what?
  7. Would you share a link to an interactive airspace map?
  8. How is BVLOS addressed?
  9. How can you fly drones at night?
  10. How can you fly drones over people?
  11. Where do you find drone NOTAMs?
  12. What are the rules for drone maintenance?
  13. What are the rules for an SMS program?
  14. What are some unique rules not mentioned above?
  15. What are the C-UAS rules?
  16. What are the AAM rules?






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Drones and AAM Across the World Copyright © 2023 by Sarah Nilsson is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.