
17 Ecuador

Three horizontal bands of yellow (top, double width), blue, and red with the coat of arms superimposed at the center of the flag. The flag retains the three main colors of the banner of Gran Colombia, the South American republic that broke up in 1830. The yellow color represents sunshine, grain, and mineral wealth, blue the sky, sea, and rivers, and red the blood of patriots spilled in the struggle for freedom and justice.

Flag courtesy of the CIA World Factbook

Map courtesy of Wikipedia

Google Earth

Marine iguanas are excellent swimmers capable of diving up to half an hour at depths of 10 m (32 ft) or more. The males grow to approximately 1.7 m (5.6 ft) long.

Photo courtesy of the CIA World Factbook

Ecuador is a member of ICAO.
Last updated on March 9, 2025


According to Britannica, a president serves as the chief of state and head of government. The president and vice president are elected by popular vote and serve four-year terms. Members of the cabinet are appointed by the president. Legislative power is vested in the unicameral National Assembly; members are popularly elected to four-year terms. Constitutional conventions became a common feature of Ecuador’s political system in an effort to eliminate the instability of the period from the mid-1990s to the early 21st century, when many individuals served as president and none completed a four-year term. A new constitution—the country’s 20th since its independence in 1830—was approved by voters in a referendum held in September 2008. In December 2015 the National Assembly enacted 15 amendments to the constitution, including the removal of term limits for elected office, the implementation of which was to be transitional until 2021. (Under the 2008 constitution the president and the vice president had been limited to two consecutive terms in office.)

The president appoints governors to administer each of Ecuador’s provinces. Provinces are divided into cantones (cantons); these in turn are divided into parroquias (parishes). Ecuador’s government has become increasingly decentralized. The mayors (rulers of cantons), elected by local vote, are particularly important for initiating local infrastructure projects and environmental controls.

Ecuador’s judicial system is composed of provincial courts, higher or divisional courts, and a Supreme Court. Despite attempts at reform, the Supreme Court has historically been plagued by inconsistent rulings and is viewed as being susceptible to outside influences.

General Directorate of Civil Aviation

The General Directorate of Civil Aviation is the civil aviation authority of Ecuador. Their vision is to be an efficient, strategic, innovative institution that facilitates air transport and that dynamically adapts to changes in world aeronautics in a safe and sustainable way, becoming a benchmark at the regional level. The General Directorate of Civil Aviation has a mission to plan, regulate, control and manage civil aeronautical activity in Ecuadorian territory, providing quality aeronautical services, prioritizing safety in air operations and minimizing impacts on the environment.


SkyVectorGoogle MapsADS-B Exchange

ICAO countries publish an Aeronautical Information Publication (AIP). This document is divided into three parts: General (GEN), En Route (ENR) and Aerodromes (AD). ENR 1.4 details the types of airspace classes they chose to adopt from classes A through G.

Ecuador AIP



Drone Regulations

RPAS Laws can be found on the General Directorate of Civil Aviation website. They are translated below!


Galapagos Islands drones need authorization




RDAC 101 UAS – Translated into English by Google


Translations of any materials into English are intended solely as a convenience to the public and are not legally binding. The author has merely attempted to provide a Google translation of the original material to English for convenience. Due to the nuances in translating to a foreign language, several differences may exist so before using for any work or pleasure please have the document translated by a professional service!

Resolution No. DGAC-DGAC-2024-0100-R
Quito, D.M., December 11, 2024

WHAT, Article 226 of the Constitution of the Republic establishes: “(¼) The Institutions of the State, their agencies, dependencies, public servants and persons who act by virtue of a state power will exercise only the powers and faculties attributed to them in the Constitution and the Law. They will have the duty to coordinate actions for the fulfillment of their purposes and to make effective the enjoyment and exercise of rights (¼)”;
THAT, Article 227 of the Constitution Ibidem indicates: “(¼) The public administration constitutes a service to the community that is governed by the principles of effectiveness, efficiency, quality, hierarchy, decentralization, decentralization, coordination, participation, planning, transparency and evaluation (¼)”;
THAT, Article 130 of the Organic Administrative Code establishes that: “The highest administrative authorities have regulatory authority of an administrative nature only to regulate the internal affairs of the body in their charge, except in cases where the law provides this competence for the highest legislative authority of a public administration. The regulatory competence of the actions of persons must be expressly attributed in the law.”;
THAT, the Codification of the Civil Aviation Law, in articles 2 and 5, establishes that the General Directorate of Civil Aviation is a regulatory entity, autonomous under public law, with legal status and its own funds, which will maintain technical and operational control of national aeronautical activity, and, for the purposes of its application, the technical terms in aeronautical matters are governed by the Technical Regulations of Civil Aviation (RDAC), issued by the Aeronautical Authority, whose highest Authority is the Director General of Civil Aviation;
THAT, article 6, numeral 3, literal a) of the Codification of the Civil Aviation Law, indicates that it is the responsibility of the highest administrative authority of the DGAC, to “Issue, reform, repeal technical regulations, orders, internal regulations and complementary provisions of civil aviation, in accordance with this Law, the Aeronautical Code, the Convention on International Civil Aviation, and those that are necessary for flight safety and the protection of air transport safety”;
THAT, with Resolution No. DGAC-DGAC-2024-0019-R of March 6, 2024, the “General Rules that Regulate the Operation of Remotely Piloted Aircraft (RPAS)” come into force, while the review process of RDAC 102 lasts through working groups with the personnel involved in the application of the RDAC in reference;
THAT, through memorandum No. DGAC-OVSN-2024-0107-M of December 3, 2024, the head of the working team of the RDAC Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) project, sends in the final document with the inclusion of the observations of the citizens and the industry, also requests that the numbering RDAC 101 be maintained, in order to maintain a harmonization with similar Regulations on unmanned aircraft in the South American region, and additionally, requests that the RDAC be repealed which deals with “unmanned free balloons” because their operation falls within the new
regulation 101, as they are considered unmanned aircraft;
THAT, the Standards Committee in Ordinary Session No. 007/2024 of October 24, 2024, unanimously resolved to approve RDAC 101 Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) with the observations included by the working group, and to issue the prior report to the highest authority and consequently the Resolution;
THAT, with Memorandum No. DGAC-SGAC-2024-0846-M of December 10, 2024, the President of the Standards Committee, sends the prior report to the highest authority on RDAC 101 Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS);
THAT, during the development of RDAC 101 Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS), Chapter B: Rules for the formulation of RDACs and Chapter C: Processing of RDACs of RDAC 11 “Rules for the Development, Approval and Amendment of RDACs” were applied;
THAT, pursuant to Decree No. 344 of August 6, 2024, Mr. Juan Pablo Franco Castro is appointed as Director General of Civil Aviation, in charge, and, In use of his legal and regulatory powers
Article One.- Approve the New Edition of RDAC 101 – Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS).
Article Two.- This Resolution, without prejudice to its publication in the Official Register, will enter into force upon its legalization.
Article Three.- Repeal Resolution No. DGAC-DGAC-2024-0019-R of March 6, 2024.
Article Four.- The procedures that are in process according to Resolution No. DGAC-DGAC-2024-0019-R of March 6, 2024, will conclude according to the rules established therein.
Article Five- Order the Social Communication Directorate to publish on the institutional website and disseminate this Resolution on institutional social networks.
FIRST. – To entrust the execution of this Resolution to the General Subdirectorate of Civil Aviation, in coordination with the Directorate of Aeronautical Certification and Continuous Surveillance, and the Zonal Subdirectorate of the Coast, according to the scope of its competences in accordance with the corresponding documents that allow its application, such as amendments to the RDACs, Advisory Circulars, Procedures and Checklists, among others, which must be prepared and approved by the Directorates and Management involved and will enter into force within a period of 30 days from the
legalization of this Resolution.
FIRST. – Applications for granting, renewals, and modifications of operating permits subject to RDAC 101 – Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) will continue to be handled based on the Regulations on Operating Permits for Aerial Work Services, Related Activities, and Private Air Services. In addition, they will be subject to compliance with the provisions of Art. 110 of the Aeronautical Code, which states: “Notwithstanding the granting of a concession or operating permit, no operator may initiate transport operations or other air services if it is not in possession of an Operating Certificate (AOC) issued by the General Directorate of Civil Aviation, which states that the holder is adequately equipped to safely and efficiently carry out operations in the determined area or routes,” Reference: UAS Operating Certificate (UOC), within a period of no more than (30) thirty days with payment for processing fees, counted from the date of notification of the operating permit Resolution.
SECOND. – The current operating permits in which the First Transitory Provision of Resolution No. DGAC-DGAC-2024-0019-R of March 6, 2024, appear, must comply with the provisions of Art. 110 of the Aeronautical Code, in accordance with the corresponding documents that allow its application indicated in the First General Provision.
THIRD. – The Authorizations that are in force as a RPA Pilot Training Center, Code: DCAV-PS-GCAV-PLI-CR-001, Version: 1. 0 of July 27, 2023, must comply with the provisions of Art. 110 of the Aeronautical Code.
Repeal Resolution No. DGAC-DGAC-2024-0019-R of March 6, 2024.
Repeal the content of RDAC 101 – Unmanned free balloons, and in its absence the same RDAC number will be used
for the Regulation of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS).
Communicate, comply with and publish.



101.001 Application.

(a) This Regulation establishes the requirements for the use and operation of unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) up to a MTOW of 250 Kg that are carried out in the airspace under the jurisdiction of the Ecuadorian State, and applies to any natural or legal person, public or private, national or foreign, that carries out operations with UAS, whether for recreational, private or aerial work purposes.

(b) This Regulation does not apply to the following:
(1) Air transport operations.
(2) Operations of military entities, police and customs that require operating unmanned aircraft for the development of their activities, except when these operations are carried out in controlled airspace and in the vicinity of aerodromes, in such a way that they may interfere with the operation and/or affect the operational safety of manned civil aviation; for which they must comply with the provisions of Chapter B of this Regulation.
(c) Unless a Special UAS Authorization from the DGAC is obtained, the following operations are prohibited:
(1) Operations of unmanned aircraft in covered or confined spaces.

101.005 Definitions and abbreviations.

(a) Definitions. In this Regulation, the following definitions will be used in the Ecuadorian State to define the aspects related to the operation of unmanned aircraft.

Accident with unmanned aircraft. Any event related to the use of an unmanned aircraft, which occurs between the moment in which the aircraft is ready to perform a flight and the moment in which it stops, at the end of the flight, and its main propulsion system is turned off, during which:
(1) Any person suffers fatal or serious injuries as a result of:
(i) Direct contact with any part of the aircraft, including parts that have broken off from the aircraft; or
(ii) Collision with a manned aircraft.
(2) The aircraft suffers damage that is substantial or that adversely affects its structural strength, performance or flight characteristics as a result of a collision with another manned or unmanned aircraft.
(3) Significant damage occurs to third party property.
Aerodrome. A defined area of ​​land or water including all its buildings, installations and equipment, intended wholly or partially for the arrival, departure and surface movement of aircraft.
Aircraft. Any machine that can be supported in the atmosphere by reactions of the air other than the reactions of the air against the surface of the earth.
Unmanned aircraft (UA). An aircraft designed to fly without a pilot on board.
Remotely piloted aircraft (RPA). An unmanned aircraft that is piloted from a remote piloting station.
Model aircraft. Small aircraft for sport or experimental flights.
Altitude. Vertical distance between a level, point or object considered as a point and mean sea level (MSL).
Height. Vertical distance between a level, point or object considered as a point, and a specified reference.
Landing area. Part of the movement area intended for landing or takeoff of aircraft.
UAS pilot authorization. Document issued by the DGAC by means of which a natural person is authorized to operate a UAS.
Special UAS flight authorization. Authorization issued by the DGAC in which the scope of the flight authorization is specified in detail, including: dates, hours, type of operation, areas, polygons or flight lines, approved heights and other operational and administrative considerations required for the planned air operation.
UAS pilot flight log. Record of UA flight hours completed in a format determined by the UAS operator and/or the remote pilot, which must contain at least the following data: name of the UAS pilot, date of flight, takeoff time, landing time, total flight time, manufacturer and model of the registered UAS equipment, flight characteristics and operating conditions.
UA characteristics. It refers to the physical architecture of the unmanned aircraft, for example, multirotor, fixed wing, VTOL, delta wing, among others.
Payload. The amount of weight that the unmanned aircraft UA is capable of carrying, regardless of its own weight.
Unmanned aircraft aerial operation categories. It is the classification of aerial operations carried out with unmanned aircraft that determine different requirements and limitations for operations with UAS.
Open category. It corresponds to operations with unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) of up to 4 kilograms, carried out by natural persons for non-commercial purposes.
Specific category. It corresponds to operations with unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) with a maximum weight (mass) (MTOW) of up to 250 kilograms, which includes the weight (mass) of all elements that are on board and/or connected to the aircraft at takeoff, carried out for the purposes of private air services or aerial work, and/or any UAS operation that is carried out in deviation from any of the restrictions for the open category and that entails a greater risk to operational safety.
Certified category. It corresponds to operations of remotely piloted aircraft systems (RPAS), whose flight conditions and purposes of use are similar to those of manned aviation, that is, they will be subject to the applicable operational requirements established in the corresponding RDACs. These operations may be carried out in accordance with the instrument flight rules, for which reason they will require a type certificate, airworthiness certificate, registration certificate, among others; and their remote pilots must have a remote pilot license, an aeronautical medical certificate and specific training in the RPA they operate.
Note. The International Civil Aviation Organization has classified the operation of remotely piloted aircraft systems (RPAS) as a certified category, however, it is still developing the standards and recommended practices (SARPs) that must appear in the Annexes to the Convention on International Civil Aviation, relating to the operation of unmanned aircraft in transport activities and other aerial work, so the DGAC will not authorize operations of this nature until said Annexes have been amended in the relevant technical aspects and, consequently, the RDAC of Ecuador have been duly harmonized.
UAS operating certificate (UOC). Certificate issued by the DGAC through which a UAS operator is authorized to carry out certain aerial operations with UAS.
Unmanned aircraft system registration certificate. Certificate issued by the DGAC by means of which the registration of a UAS in the DGAC aeronautical registry database is recorded.
Concentrations of people. Meetings in which people are in the same space, increasing their occupational density.
Instrument meteorological conditions (IMC). Meteorological conditions expressed in terms of visibility, distance from clouds and cloud ceiling, less than the specified minimums.
Visual meteorological conditions (VMC). Meteorological conditions expressed in terms of visibility, distance from clouds and cloud ceiling, equal to or better than the specified minimums.
Operations control. Authority exercised with respect to the initiation, continuation, deviation or termination of a flight in the interest of the operational safety of the aircraft, and the regularity and efficiency of the flight.
Conversion. Method by which a State grants a national license based on a valid and current foreign license issued by a Contracting State to the Convention on International Civil Aviation, to a national or foreign person, subject to compliance with the requirements established for that purpose.
Civil twilight. It is the period of time that begins 30 minutes before sunrise or also the period of time that includes 30 minutes after sunset.
Air traffic control unit. Generic expression that applies, as the case may be, to an area control center, an approach control unit or an aerodrome control tower.
Detect and avoid (DAA). Ability to see, capture or detect conflicting traffic or other hazards and take appropriate measures to comply with the applicable flight rules.
First-person view device (FPV). A device that generates and transmits a real-time video image to a control station screen or monitor that gives the pilot of an unmanned aircraft the illusion of flying the aircraft from the perspective of a pilot on board.
Drone. In the context of UAS, it is the generic word used to refer, indifferently, to any unmanned or remotely piloted aircraft.
Droneport/Vertiport. It is the physical space defined on the ground or on a certain structure whose design characteristics are created to support safe and effective operations of unmanned aircraft.
Swarm. It refers to a group of unmanned aircraft that, autonomously, automatically, remotely piloted or the combination of these, fly together in a synchronous or harmonious manner, moving as a single body, responding to a single control system, previously programmed.
Command and control link (C2). Data link between the remotely piloted aircraft and the remote pilot station for the purpose of flight control.
Controlled airspace. Airspace of defined dimensions within which air traffic control service is provided, in accordance with the airspace classification.
Note. Controlled airspace is a generic term covering ATS classes A, B, C, D and E, as described in RDAC 211.
Segregated airspace. Airspace of specific dimensions assigned for the exclusive use of a specific user or users.
Operations specifications. Authorizations, conditions and limitations related to the UAS Operating Certificate and subject to the conditions set out in the Operations Manual.
Control station (GCS). Interface used by the remote pilot to control the flight path of the unmanned aircraft.
Remote pilot station (RPS). The component of a remotely piloted aircraft system that contains the equipment used to remotely pilot an aircraft.
Geofence. A virtual boundary for a defined geographic volume or area. It can be of any size or shape. Geofences are developed using specialized software.
Incident. Any occurrence related to the use of an aircraft, other than an accident, that affects or may affect the safety of operations.
Major Incident. An incident involving circumstances that indicate there was a high probability of an accident occurring, that is related to the use of an aircraft and, in the case of an unmanned aircraft, that occurred between the time the aircraft is ready for flight and the time it is stopped, at the end of the flight, and its main propulsion system is turned off.
Chief UAS Pilot. Remote pilot with a certain amount of experience in flying with UA, formally designated for this position by a UAS operator, who is responsible for supervising the safe operation of that operator’s UA, compliance with the applicable current regulations, standardizing the procedures established by the UAS operator in its operations manual (OM) and for operational management before the DGAC.
Note. In the case of operators who are natural persons, the position of Chief UAS Pilot is obligatorily assumed by that same natural person.
Unmanned aircraft flight log. Document in which the flight time of each unmanned aircraft (UA) registered with the DGAC is recorded, completed in a format determined by the UAS operator, which contains at least the following data: manufacturer and model of the equipment, name of the operator or owner as appropriate, date of each flight, take-off time, landing time, total flight time and name of the remote pilot who performed the flight. Additionally, it must include a specific format in which reports of malfunctions, failures or technical anomalies and maintenance work performed on the UAS are listed, indicating its current operational condition (airworthiness).
Maintenance. Tasks required on an aircraft, its control station (GCS) or remote pilot station (RPS), its propulsion system and its related components, including, overhaul, inspection, replacement, maintenance, rectification of defects and carrying out modifications or repairs, with the objective of ensuring the airworthiness of an unmanned aircraft.
Operations manual (MO). Document containing procedures, instructions and guidance that allow personnel in charge of the operations of the remotely piloted aircraft system to perform their duties.
UAS manufacturer’s manual. Document provided by the manufacturer of a UAS, describing the characteristics of an unmanned aircraft UA for a specific model, which does not substitute or replace the UAS operator’s operations manual.
Maximum takeoff mass (weight) (MTOW). Maximum mass of the unmanned aircraft, including payload and fuel, as defined by the manufacturer or constructor, with which the aircraft may be operated at takeoff.
Dangerous Goods. Any object or substance that may constitute a significant risk to health, safety, property or the environment and that is listed as dangerous goods in the Technical Instructions or is classified in accordance with said Instructions.
Risk Mitigation. The process of incorporating preventative controls or defenses to reduce the severity or probability of the projected consequence of a hazard.

Visual Observer. A person designated by the operator who, through visual observation of an unmanned aircraft, assists the remote pilot in the safe conduct of the flight, in order to see and avoid other aircraft or objects in the air or on the ground.

Autonomous Operation. Operation during which an unmanned aircraft flies without intervention by a remote pilot in the management of the flight.
Visual Line of Sight (VLOS) operation. Type of UAS operation in which the remote pilot can maintain continuous visual contact with the unmanned aircraft without the aid of instruments and determine its attitude, in order to control the trajectory of the craft and avoid collisions with other aircraft, people and obstacles.
Extended Visual Line of Sight (EVLOS) operation. Type of UAS operation in which the remote pilot can maintain continuous visual contact with the unmanned aircraft with the aid of instruments or visual observers.
Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS) operation. Type of UAS operation that is not carried out within visual range of the aircraft.
UAS operator. Natural or legal person who is dedicated to the exploitation or operation of unmanned aircraft.
Remote pilot (RP). Person who operates the flight controls of an UA and/or performs essential functions in the operation of an UA, as applicable, during flight time.
Safety risk. The expected probability and severity of the consequences or results of a hazard.
Safety. The state in which the risks associated with aviation activities related to, or directly supporting, the operation of aircraft are reduced and controlled to an acceptable level.
Air traffic service (ATS). A generic term applied, as appropriate, to flight information, alerting, air traffic advisory, air traffic control services including area control services, approach control or aerodrome control.
Unmanned aircraft system (UAS). An aircraft and its related components that operate without a pilot on board.
Remotely piloted aircraft system (RPAS). Remotely piloted aircraft, its associated remote pilot station(s), required command and control links, and any other components as specified in the type design.
Safety management system (SMS). Systematic approach to safety management that includes organizational structures, accountability, and necessary policies and procedures.
Terms and Conditions. Document attached to the UAS Operating Certificate (UOC), where the authorized activities and their validity are described, with their restrictions, limitations and/or prohibitions.
Aerial work. These are other than air transport, in which UAS can be used commercially, and may be agriculture, construction, photography, surveying, observation and patrol, search and rescue, aerial announcements and others that the Aeronautical Authority considers to be aerial work.
Air transport. Air transport refers to the service of transporting passengers or cargo from one place to another using aircraft. This mode of transport allows for the efficient movement of people, goods and mail through the air.
Air traffic. All aircraft in flight.
Privately built UAS. A UAS assembled or manufactured for the manufacturer’s own use, excluding UAS assembled from sets of components introduced to the market in the form of a single, ready-to-assemble kit.
Flight visibility. The average slant distance from the control station at which prominent unilluminated objects can be seen and identified during the day and prominent illuminated objects can be seen and identified at night.
VFR flight. Flight conducted in accordance with visual flight rules.
Control zone. Controlled airspace extending upward from the earth’s surface to a specified upper limit.
UA flight restriction zone (FRZ). Specific area in which UA flight is not permitted.
Danger zone. Airspace of defined dimensions in which activities hazardous to aircraft flight may be carried out at certain times.
Prohibited zone. Airspace of defined dimensions over the territory or jurisdictional waters of the State, within which aircraft flight is prohibited.
Restricted zone. Airspace of defined dimensions over the territory or jurisdictional waters of the State, within which aircraft flight is restricted, in accordance with certain specified conditions.
(b) Abbreviations.
AAC Civil Aviation Authority (Dirección General de Aviación Civil DGAC)
AGL Height above ground level.
ATC Air traffic control.
ATS Air traffic services.
BVLOS Beyond line of sight visibility.
C2 Command and control link.
C3 Command, control and communications link.
DAA Detect and avoid.
DSNA Directorate of Air Navigation Services.
EVLOS Extended line of sight visibility.
FPV First person view.
FRZ UA flight restriction zone.
MM Maintenance manual.
MO Operations Manual.
MTOW Maximum takeoff weight (mass).
RDAC Aeronautical Regulation of the Civil Aviation Directorate.
RP Remote pilot.
RPA Remotely piloted aircraft.
RPAS Remotely piloted aircraft system.
RPS Remote pilot station.
SARPS Standards and recommended practices published by ICAO.
SMS Operational safety management system.
SNA Air Navigation Services.
UA Unmanned aircraft.
UAS Unmanned aircraft system.
UMT UAS maintenance technician.
UOC UAS operating certificate.
UTM Unmanned aircraft systems traffic management.
VMC Visual meteorological conditions.
VLOS Line of sight visibility.
VTOL Vertical takeoff and landing.

101.010 Inspection and demonstration of compliance.

(a) A remote pilot or UAS operator is required to submit documents supporting his activity at the request of:

(1) An Inspector of the General Directorate of Civil Aviation; or
(2) A member of the Public Force.

(b) The UAS operator or remote pilot must allow the DGAC to perform any test or inspection of the unmanned aircraft system and its operational processes, to determine compliance with current aeronautical regulations.
(c) The UAS operator or remote pilot must allow the public force to carry out consultation and review processes of the documentation supporting his activity and demonstrating the legality, competence and/or authorization to carry out operations with UAS.
(d) Without prejudice to the corresponding legal action, refusing to inspect or negligent failure to comply with any of the requirements or limitations established in this Regulation will give rise to actions specified in the Regulation issued for this purpose, as it constitutes a danger to operational safety or public security.
(e) If necessary, the public force may be alerted of the individual in order to prevent the intended flight activity from constituting a threat to operational safety or putting people, the environment, public or private property at risk, or violating the rights of third parties.

101.015 Recreational operations.

Operations with UAS dedicated exclusively to recreational activities shall comply with the operating rules established in chapters B and C of this Regulation and the registration of the UAS, if applicable.


101.020 Aerial work operations.

Operations with UAS dedicated to aerial work, that is, with a commercial nature or for profit, shall comply with the operating rules established in chapters B and D of this Regulation and must have the corresponding operating permit in accordance with current regulations and the registration of the UAS, in all cases.

101.025 Private air service operations.

(a) Operations with UAS dedicated to private activities shall be subject to the operating rules established in Chapters B and D of this Regulation and must have the corresponding operating permit in accordance with current regulations and the registration of the UAS in all cases.

(b) Public service activities, as well as scientific research, innovation and development activities, carried out by public or private entities, shall also be considered private activities.

101.030 UAS operation certification.

(a) Any person who requires to carry out operations with UAS such as aerial work or private air services must have a “UAS operation certificate (UOC)”, issued by the DGAC in accordance with Chapter E of this Regulation.


101.035 Special UAS flight authorization.

(a) The DGAC may issue a special UAS flight authorization that authorizes operations with UAS in deviation from certain specific requirements of the Operating Rules established in Chapter B of this Regulation.

(b) The special UAS flight authorization will be issued by the DGAC in accordance with Chapter G of this Regulation.

101.040 Compliance with local laws and regulations.

(a) Any natural or legal person who requires operations with UAS, in addition to compliance with this Regulation, shall comply with all applicable rules, regulations, ordinances and other legal provisions including, but not limited to, those related to national security, public safety, protection of privacy and personal intimacy, intellectual property, citizen protection, protection of biodiversity, bodies of water and ancestral human settlements.

101.045 Notification of accidents and incidents.

(a) Any remote pilot, UAS operator or owner of an unmanned aircraft; must inform the DGAC within a maximum period of 24 hours, through the State notification system (NSSP), of any accident, incident or any event that occurs during the operation of an unmanned aircraft that includes:

(1) Injuries to any person.
(2) Damage to any property on the surface.
(3) Damage to the environment, flora or fauna.
(4) Collisions with any element of the national aeronautical infrastructure.
(5) Collisions with a manned aircraft or an unmanned aircraft, on the surface or in flight.
(6) Loss, misplacement or destruction of the unmanned aircraft.

101.050 Alcohol or psychotropic substances.

(a) Every remote pilot and every person who participates in the operation of a UA must not:

(1) Operate a UA, or participate in its operation if under the influence of alcohol or psychotropic substances; and
(2) Operate a UA, or participate in its operation within 12 hours after consuming alcohol or psychotropic substances.

(b) Committing a prohibited act established in this section is grounds for:
(1) Suspending or revoking the remote pilot authorization, without prejudice to the corresponding legal action.

101.055 Forgery.

(a) No person shall make or promote the making of:

(1) Any fraudulent or intentionally false record or report that may be used to demonstrate compliance with any requirement of this Regulation; or
(2) Any reproduction or alteration of any certificate, authorization, record or report, for fraudulent purposes.

(b) The commission of any prohibited act described in (a) shall be sufficient reason to:
(1) Deny any application for a UAS certificate or authorization regulated in accordance with this Regulation; or
(2) Permanently suspend or revoke any certificate or authorization issued by the DGAC in accordance with this Regulation; or
(3) Initiate administrative sanctioning action according to the rules set forth in the “Regulations for the exercise of the sanctioning power of aeronautical contraventions”, without prejudice to any residual civil, criminal or administrative liability that may arise from such non-compliance.

101.060 Operation categories

(a) UAS operations that may be carried out within Ecuadorian territory are classified according to the purpose for which they are operated, as follows:

(1) Open category. This corresponds to operations with unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) of up to 4 kilograms, carried out by natural persons for non-commercial purposes, complying with the operational requirements and limitations established in this Regulation, as well as compliance with safety standards, functionalities and operating instructions given by the manufacturer.

To operate in the open category, the following is required:
(i) Registration of the UAS as established in Appendix 1 of this Regulation.
Note. For the purposes of this Regulation, all UA flight activity carried out by minors will be the responsibility of the parents or whoever has their legal custody, as well as the owner and/or whoever appears as the holder of the UA registration.
(2) Specific category. This corresponds to operations with unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) with a maximum weight (mass) (MTOW) of up to 250 kilograms, which includes the weight (mass) of all elements that are on board and/or connected to the aircraft at takeoff, carried out for the purposes of private air services or aerial work, and/or any UAS operation that is carried out in deviation from any of the restrictions for the open category and that implies a greater risk to operational safety. In operations in a specific category, operational safety is guaranteed by developing a risk identification and assessment process, as well as establishing operational limitations.
To operate in a specific category, it is required to have:
(i) UAS registration as established in Appendix 1 of this Regulation.
(ii) Remote pilot authorization.
(iii) Operating permit.
(iv) UAS operating certificate (UOC).
(3) Certified category (RESERVED).



101.100 Scope of application

The rules of this chapter shall apply to all natural and legal persons, public or private, national or foreign, that carry out operations with unmanned aircraft systems.


101.105 Registration of unmanned aircraft.

(a) Any UA with a maximum takeoff weight (mass) (MTOW) greater than two hundred and fifty grams (250g), but less than two hundred and fifty kilograms (250 Kg), must be registered with the DGAC.

Note 1. The UAS registration process is described in Appendix 1 of this Regulation.
Note 2. UA/RPA with an MTOW greater than two hundred and fifty kilograms (250 kg) shall comply with the DGAC Aeronautical Registration procedure that complies with manned aviation, in compliance with Annex 7 of the International Civil Aviation Convention.

101.110 Remote pilot.

(a) Anyone who manipulates the flight controls of an unmanned aircraft is considered a remote pilot.

(b) The remote pilot is directly responsible for the operation of the unmanned aircraft system.
(c) The remote pilot must ensure that:
(1) The unmanned aircraft does not represent a danger to other persons, aircraft or property in the event of loss of control of the unmanned aircraft.
(2) The planning and operation of the unmanned aircraft system complies with all applicable provisions of this Regulation.

101.115 Responsibilities of the remote pilot in the open and specific categories.

(a) Every remote pilot must:

(1) Ensure the safety of each flight operation.
(2) Plan the operation of each UA flight, complying with the provisions of this Regulation.
(3) Know the designation and classification of the airspace and any applicable restrictions in the area where the flight operation is planned.
(4) Analyze the airspace surrounding the place of operation, considering risks to people, property and the environment both on the surface and in the air, including the prevailing local meteorological conditions, class of airspace and flight restrictions in the area.
(5) Ensure that the persons participating in the operation are informed about the operating conditions, emergency procedures, roles, responsibilities and potential dangers.
(6) Operate the UA in a responsible and safe manner, avoiding negligent or reckless actions that may generate dangers and/or risks to operational safety, to the life and physical integrity of people, or that could cause damage to flora and fauna, or to public or private property.
(7) Ensure that any object mounted or transported by the UA is properly secured and does not negatively affect the flight characteristics or control capacity of the unmanned aircraft.
(8) Operate the UA within the limitations established by the manufacturer and/or in accordance with the provisions of the UAS operator’s operations manual for the specific category.
(9) Inspect and verify that the UA and its corresponding systems are in suitable conditions to perform a safe flight, including the C2 link and communication system between the ground control station or system and the UA.

(10) Ensure that the aircraft’s energy management procedures are followed during its operation and that the total flight time does not exceed the UAS’s autonomy limitations, taking into account the manufacturer’s specifications, mission and operating environment.
(11) Yield the right of way and keep clear of all manned aircraft, on the ground and/or in flight.
(12) Make the necessary arrangements to avoid any risk of interference or collision with other unmanned aircraft, people or property.
(13) Ensure that the place reserved for takeoff, launch, landing or recovery is suitable for the intended operation.
(14) Respect the right to privacy of natural and legal persons.
(15) Request a special UAS flight authorization in accordance with Appendix 6, when operations are required that deviate from any of the operational requirements of this chapter.

101.120 Medical condition.

(a) Any person intending to operate a UAS must refrain from manipulating the flight controls if:

(1) He or she knows or has reason to suspect that he or she has a physical or mental condition that could affect the safe operation of the unmanned aircraft.
(2) He or she is fatigued, or if he or she believes that he or she may suffer the effects of fatigue during the operation.

101.125 Visual observer.

(a) The use of a visual observer during the operation of the UA is required if the technical conditions of flight require his or her presence to mitigate risks to third parties.

(b) The use of a visual observer is mandatory in EVLOS operations, in operations with night vision systems, and in operations with first-person view (FPV) systems.
(c) If a visual observer is required during the operation of the UA, the following requirements must be met:
(1) The remote pilot and the visual observer must maintain effective communication with each other at all times.
(2) The remote pilot must ensure that the visual observer can observe the UA in the manner specified in 101.205(b).
(3) The remote pilot and the visual observer must coordinate the following:
(i) Observe the airspace in which the UA is operating for any potential collision hazards; and
(ii) Know the position of the unmanned aircraft at all times.

101.130 Use of first-person view (FPV) devices.

Any operation of an unmanned aircraft system using a first-person view (FPV) device must involve a visual observer who can detect conflicts or other hazards beyond the field of view displayed on the FPV device screen.

101.135 In-flight emergency.

(a) In an in-flight emergency requiring immediate action, the remote pilot may deviate from any provision of this Regulation to the extent necessary to address that emergency, taking care not to affect persons, wildlife, the environment or property of third parties.

(b) Each remote pilot who deviates from any provision of this Regulation, protected under paragraph (a) of this section, must notify this deviation within 5 days of the event, by submitting a report in the State Reporting System (NSSP).

101.140 Dangerous operation.

(a) It is not permitted to operate an unmanned aircraft system:

(1) In a negligent or reckless manner in a way that may endanger the safety, life of people, fauna and flora, the environment or private or public property.
(2) In controlled airspaces described in 101.190 (a)(2).
(3) In the vicinity of an aerodrome described in 101.195.
(4) To transport and/or drop objects or merchandise that are considered a danger to people, flora and fauna, the environment or property of third parties, unless you have the corresponding Authorization.

101.145 Operation from moving vehicles.

(a) It is not permitted to operate an unmanned aircraft system from:

(1) A moving aircraft; or
(2) A moving land or water vehicle, unless the UA is flying over a sparsely populated area or at least 500 m from persons, buildings or third-party property and has a special UAS flight authorization issued by the DGAC.

101.150 Operation of multiple unmanned aircraft.

It is not permitted to operate the flight controls of more than one unmanned aircraft at the same time, unless it has a special UAS flight authorization issued by the DGAC.

101.155 Day/night operation.

(a) To comply with VLOS or EVLOS operating conditions, operations must be carried out during daylight hours between sunrise and sunset.

(b) Operation of an unmanned aircraft system shall be permitted during nighttime hours, between sunset and sunrise, and during periods of civil twilight, provided that the following are met:
(1) The unmanned aircraft is equipped with position or anti-collision lights that are visible from a distance sufficient for the remote pilot to identify the direction of the aircraft during flight.
(2) If the operation is to be carried out with the use of night vision systems, a visual observer must be provided.
Note. Official sunset and sunrise times are available in the Aeronautical Information Publication (AIP) of the DGAC.

101.160 Operation in urban areas.

(a) UAS operations carried out in the vicinity of or within areas with urban infrastructure and/or urbanized areas (residential areas), in addition to the requirements demanded by the category in which they operate, must comply with the following:

(1) It is not permitted to operate the UA within 30 horizontal and vertical meters of any person other than the UA operation.
(2) It is not permitted to operate the UA within 30 horizontal and vertical meters of any building, without exceeding 122 m (400 feet) above the ground surface.
(3) Demonstrate through a risk analysis that the possibility of damage to people or infrastructure on the ground is mitigated.

(b) An exception to the provisions of (a) is made if it is an operation to support a developing civil emergency, carried out by a public service organization.
(c) An exception to the provisions of (a) is made if the operation has a Special UAS Flight Authorization.
(d) Additionally, the requirements, regulations or ordinances of the local Authority (GAD) must be observed and complied with.

101.165 Autonomous operation.

(a) Operation of an unmanned aircraft system in autonomous mode is permitted provided that the following are met:

(1) The ability to take control of the UA and monitor flight paths and aircraft status in real time must be maintained at all times.
(2) Autonomous flight operations are limited to a distance of 1,000 meters measured horizontally from the fixed position of the UA takeoff or launch point, taking into account that the landing point may or may not be the same takeoff or launch point. If the operation requires exceeding this distance, the operator must have a UAS Operating Certificate (UOC) for specific category operations in accordance with Chapter E of this Regulation or have a special UAS flight authorization issued by the DGAC.
(3) The operator must have a UAS flight management technology system that demonstrates the tracking and command of the UA, which allows the measurement of the maximum communication delays with the UA.

(b) In an autonomous flight (scheduled asynchronously) the responsibility for the operation with UAS and compliance with the applicable conditions of this Regulation shall fall on the UAS operator and the remote pilot who designed the flight plan and/or programmed the UA.

101.170 Operation of transport of cargo or goods.

(a) Unless there is a UAS Operating Certificate (UOC) for a specific category operation in accordance with chapter E of this Regulation; and, an authorization, certification or whatever corresponds (if required) granted by other State control entities, the operation of an unmanned aircraft is prohibited to:

(1) Transport cargo or goods that include:
(i) Hazardous, corrosive or flammable materials.
(ii) Biohazardous materials, blood, medications, or biological samples of any kind.
(iii) Explosive materials, weapons, ammunition, or war equipment of any kind.
(iv) Animals, insects, or living beings of any kind.
(2) Transporting cargo for compensation or payment.

(b) The transportation of cargo or goods subject to the UA by means of a line must be carried out with an unmanned aircraft and accessories manufactured and designed specifically for this purpose and operated in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.

101.175 Operation near aircraft.

(a) An unmanned aircraft shall not be operated in such close proximity to another manned or unmanned aircraft as to create a collision hazard, except for swarm operations.

(b) An unmanned aircraft must yield the right-of-way to all manned aircraft. Yielding the right-of-way means that the unmanned aircraft may not pass over, under, or in front of another aircraft.
(c) In the case of category-specific operations, the holder of a UOC must detail the specific procedures that unmanned aircraft must follow when yielding the right-of-way to manned aircraft, taking into account aspects such as relative altitude, flight path and possible evasive maneuvers.

101.180 Operation over people.

The operation of an unmanned aircraft over people is not permitted unless:

(a) Those people are directly participating in the operation of the UA.

(b) Those people are located under a covered structure that can provide protection against the fall of a UA.
(c) The operation of an unmanned aircraft meets the requirements of the operational categories specified in Chapters C and D of this Regulation.

101.185 Maximum operating altitude of UAS.

(a) The operation of an unmanned aircraft in the open and specific categories is permitted in Ecuadorian airspace up to a height of one hundred twenty-two meters (122 m) or four hundred feet (400 ft) above ground level (AGL).

(1) In the event of requiring to fly over a structure that exceeds 122 m (400 ft), it may operate within a radius of fifty meters (50 m) from the structure and fly no more than fifteen meters (15 m) above the upper limit of said structure.

101.190 Operation in UA Flight Restriction Zones (FRZ).

The operation of an unmanned aircraft is not permitted in the open and specific categories, in the horizontal limits of restricted and/or prohibited airspaces for UAS operations (FRZ), described below:

(a) Restricted zones or airspaces are airspaces in which the overflight of an unmanned aircraft is permitted provided that there is an authorization issued by the authority/institution responsible for said airspace:
(1) Segregated airspaces.

Note 1. Among the Institutions or Organizations that may request a segregation of airspace are: Municipalities, Universities, Research and Development Centers, among others.
Note 2. Any Institution/Organization that requires the segregation of an airspace must request it from the DGAC through the procedure detailed in Advisory Circular CA-101-A.
(2) Controlled airspaces (Class B, Class C, Class D or Class E).
(3) Airspaces surrounding hospitals, military and police bases, strategic infrastructure of the State.
(4) Airspaces determined as “ADIZ – Air Defense Identification Zones”.
(5) Airspaces surrounding an open-air gathering of people such as concerts, festivals, sporting events, among others.
(6) Airspaces over areas declared intangible or sensitive areas determined by the competent Authority, such as conservation zones for the safeguarding and protection of fauna, flora and freshwater bodies, as well as the cultural protection of human settlements of ancestral communities.
(b) Prohibited zones or airspaces are airspaces in which the overflight of an unmanned aircraft is not permitted under any circumstances:
(1) Airspaces over surfaces or areas declared as “State security zones”.
(2) Airspaces surrounding controlled aerodromes, uncontrolled aerodromes, runways without ATS and heliports, as specified in 101.195.
(3) Airspaces surrounding National Government administration facilities such as: Presidential Palace, National Assembly, Judicial Branch (all its facilities nationwide), National Electoral Council (CNE) and the Council for Citizen Participation and Social Control (CPCCS).
(4) Airspaces surrounding facilities for deprivation of liberty and social rehabilitation centers.
(5) Airspaces surrounding public emergencies in progress (including inspection, surveillance, transportation of supplies, rescue operations, among others). In these events, only unmanned aircraft from public service institutions that respond to the emergency may operate.
(6) Airspaces surrounding military or police operations in progress.
(7) Airspaces designated through notification to airmen (NOTAM).
(8) Airspaces surrounding forest fires (where the fire is fought with manned aircraft).
(9) In areas or airspaces close to people or property, where the operation of the UA demonstrably and manifestly violates the privacy of people.
(c) The competent authorities, institutions, organizations or public or private entities, as appropriate, responsible for the restricted and prohibited airspaces mentioned in a) and b), have the following responsibilities and powers:
(1) To arrange and apply the appropriate control actions to prevent the entry and overflight of UAS in the airspace under their responsibility.
(2) To determine the safety distance around the infrastructure or surface site that is intended to be restricted for UAS flights.
(3) To apply the right of inhibition (anti-drone technology) or other actions necessary to disable an unmanned aircraft, when it fails to comply with the provisions of this section.

101.195 Operation in or near aerodromes.

An unmanned aircraft must not be operated within the limits of:

(a) Controlled aerodrome:
(1) In a rectangular space of 600 meters (0.3 nautical miles) on each side of the runway centerline and 3 kilometers (1.6 nautical miles) from the threshold of each runway end; and
(2) 5 kilometers (2.7 nautical miles) in the approach and departure cones of the runway, from the prohibited space delimited in (a)(1), unless special authorization for UAS flight is obtained from the DGAC.
(3) Except for the prohibited spaces for UAS flight mentioned in (a)(1) and (2), it is possible to operate in the vicinity of an aerodrome within a radius of 5 kilometers (2.7 nautical miles), limited up to 40 meters above ground level (AGL), provided that there is authorization or coordination with the operator responsible for said aerodrome.

(b) Uncontrolled aerodrome and runways without ATS:
(1) 1.8 kilometres (1 nautical mile) in radius with the centre at the centre point of the take-off/landing area (runway), unless authorised by or coordinated with the operator responsible for such aerodrome.
(c) Heliport:
(1) 0.9 kilometres (0.5 nautical mile) in radius with the centre at the centre point of the take-off/landing area, unless authorised by or coordinated with the operator responsible for such heliport.

101.200 Operation of aircraft in line-of-sight visibility (VLOS).

(a) An unmanned aircraft may be operated in line-of-sight visibility (VLOS), that is, within visual range with direct vision and without the aid of any optical or electronic device.

(b) The remote pilot and visual observer (if available) must observe the unmanned aircraft throughout the flight to:
(1) Know the location of the unmanned aircraft.
(2) Determine the attitude, height, and direction of flight of the unmanned aircraft.
(3) Observe the airspace for other air traffic or other hazards.
(4) Determine that the unmanned aircraft does not endanger the safety or property of others.
(5) Observe the surrounding airspace and operate the unmanned aircraft below any cloud base.

101.205 Operating aircraft with extended line-of-sight visibility (EVLOS).

(a) An unmanned aircraft may be operated with extended line-of-sight visibility (EVLOS), that is, within an “increased” visual range with the use of an intermediate visual observer responsible for viewing the aircraft and giving instructions to the pilot in command at all times, provided that the following requirements are met:

(1) The intermediate visual observer must have the same training as the remote pilot.

(2) The maximum distance between the remote pilot and the visual observer must not exceed 500 meters.
(3) The remote pilot and the observer must communicate by an agreed communication system.

101.210 Operation of aircraft with visibility beyond the line of sight (BVLOS).

(a) An unmanned aircraft may be operated with visibility beyond the line of sight (BVLOS), that is, an operation in which the remote pilot does not need to have the aircraft in sight since he can know its position throughout the flight by means of advanced automated visualization systems, provided that the following are met:

(1) The remote pilot has proven training in BVLOS operations.
(2) BVLOS operation is considered a “specific” category of operation.
(3) Request the publication of a NOTAM (if applicable).
(4) The operator of an unmanned aircraft system must have an operating certificate (UOC) in accordance with Chapter E of this Regulation, or have a special UAS flight authorization issued by the DGAC.
(5) If applicable, the holder of a UOC, who performs operations beyond the line of sight, must have DAA (Detect and Avoid) technology installed in the aircraft or based on the ground and have means to inform other airspace users about the location of their aircraft.

Note. The DGAC may carry out tests and validations to determine that the DAA alternative proposed by a holder of a UOC complies with the reliability and safety for its operations.

101.215 Operational limitations for unmanned aircraft.

(a) An unmanned aircraft system must not be operated exceeding the following operational limitations:

(1) The flight height established in 101.185.
(2) In the event that no other redundancy method exists to ensure the reliability of the C2 link, the operating radius of the UA relative to the control station and/or remote pilot must not exceed the operational limits given by the manufacturer.
(3) The remote pilot and the visual observer can maintain the aircraft within direct line of sight (VLOS) and extended line of sight (EVLOS).
(4) The performance restrictions (aircraft and power source) specified by the manufacturer.
(5) The maximum meteorological conditions (wind, humidity) specified by the manufacturer.
(6) The minimum visibility must not be less than five kilometers (5 Km), observed from the control station/remote pilot location.

101.220 Prohibition of A/C transponder equipment, automatic dependent surveillance-broadcast (ADS-B) equipment and ELT equipment.

The use of an A/C transponder, an ADS-B Out transponder in transmit mode, or an ELT is prohibited during the operation of an unmanned aircraft system.



101.300 Scope of application.

The rules of this chapter shall apply to all natural and legal persons, public or private, national or foreign, who plan to carry out UAS operations for recreational purposes.

101.305 Operating conditions in the open category.

To carry out open category operations, all of the following conditions must be met:
(a) The operations shall be carried out in such a way that the remote pilot of the unmanned aircraft does not fly over or endanger any non-participating person within the space in which he is operating.

(b) They shall be carried out by a remote pilot who is at least 14 years old (with adult supervision) and has reviewed the basic induction material on unmanned aircraft, available on the DGAC website.

(c) They will be carried out with:
(1) UAS of series or private construction, which have a MTOW of less than four (4) Kilograms including the weight (mass) of all the elements that are on board and/or connected to the aircraft at the time of takeoff; or
(2) UAS of any mass considered as “model aircraft”.

(d) Operate in accordance with the provisions of Chapter B of this Regulation.

(e) The UA must have an active remote identification system and geo-barrier function.

(f) Operations must be carried out at all times with line of sight visibility (VLOS).

(g) Operations must be carried out at no more than 122 meters / 400 feet from the earth’s surface, except when flying over an obstacle, as specified in 101.185 (a)(1).

(h) Operations must be carried out in visual meteorological conditions (VMC) and daylight hours; However, night operations may be carried out as long as the provisions of 101.155 (b) are complied with.

(i) Operations carried out using first-person view (FPV) systems must have a visual observer.

(j) The remote pilot must consult the publication of defined areas for manned and unmanned aviation, as well as the flight restriction zones for UA (FRZ).

(k) The remote pilot will be directly responsible for any damage to third parties caused by the UA as a result of its operation, as well as being liable for any fault or negligence of any kind established in article 2229 of the Ecuadorian Civil Code.
(l) Any failure to comply with the specific operating conditions described for the open category will result in the intended UA operation being considered as a specific category and subject to the provisions of Chapter D of this Regulation.

101.310 Restrictions on the operation of a UA in the open category.

(a) An unmanned aircraft in the open category is not permitted to operate:
(1) In UA flight restriction zones (FRZ).
(2) In BVLOS operation.
(3) For commercial purposes.
(4) For the transport of cargo or goods described in 101.170.
(5) To throw or drop objects or materials (solid or liquid).
(6) To perform training flights.
(7) To perform swarm operations.

101.315 Minimum knowledge required to operate a UA in the open category.

(a) Remote pilots who will operate in the open category must review the induction material on aeronautical concepts and unmanned aircraft systems, available on the DGAC website.

(b) Remote pilots who will operate in the open category, in addition to the knowledge mentioned in (a), must know the following:
(1) Operation and safety procedures established by the UA manufacturer.
(2) Maintenance procedures established by the UA manufacturer.
(3) The general parts or components of the UAS to be operated, including its controls.



101.400 Scope of application.

The rules of this chapter shall apply to all natural and legal persons, public or private, national or foreign, who plan to carry out operations, as established in 101.060 (a)(2), for private purposes or for aerial work.

101.405 UAS operation in the specific category.

(a) The following activities carried out with UAS are considered as operations in the specific category:

(1) Capturing images or data in the vicinity of people.
(2) Capturing images, videos or data for surveillance and private security purposes.
(3) Capturing images, videos or data for mass media, content creation and audiovisual production.
(4) Capture of images, videos or data for inspection and/or evaluation purposes of infrastructure, crops, geology, natural disasters, accidents or emergencies in progress.
(5) Capture of images, videos or data for cartography, geodesy, topography, photogrammetry, 3D surveying, among others.
(6) Spraying and/or dispersion.
(7) Swarm or multiple aircraft flight.
(8) Flight in BVLOS.
(9) Cargo transportation.
(10) Activities of public entities.
(11) UAS training.
(12) Any operation that exceeds the limitations for the open category.
(13) Others that imply a higher level of risk to the operational safety of people and property in the air and on the surface.

101.410 Operating conditions for a UA in the specific category.

(a) To carry out operations with a UA in the specific category, the UAS operator must observe, in addition to the provisions of Chapter B of this Regulation, the following specific operating conditions:

(1) Have a UAS Operating Certificate (UOC) issued by the DGAC.
(3) Remote pilots must have the “remote pilot authorization” issued by the DGAC.
(4) Have the civil liability policy(ies) required by this Regulation.
(5) Notwithstanding the provisions of the previous section, in the event that the quantification of the damage is greater than the coverage of said policy, the operator will be directly civilly liable for the damages caused by the aircraft due to its operation, as well as, will be liable for fault or negligence of any kind in accordance with the provisions of article 2229 of the Ecuadorian Civil Code.
(6) Plan and execute operations in compliance with the provisions of the UAS operator’s Operations Manual (OM) and the manufacturer’s manuals.
(7) Designate the personnel required for each operation, assigning the remote pilot in command, who will be responsible for the UAS operation.
(8) Conduct the corresponding operational safety risk analyses, according to the type of operation and specific flight conditions, including hazard identification, risk assessment and risk mitigation strategies.

(9) Comply with all operating conditions of the open category and those corresponding to operations in the specific category, according to the type of operation and the expected flight conditions.
(b) For UAS operations in private activities or aerial work, the UAS operator must have the corresponding operating permit for aerial work, related activities and private air services.
(c) For UAS operations in training activities, these may only be carried out by a certified UAS training organization.
(d) The DGAC may cancel, restrict, deny and/or prohibit any approved operation, if any possible risk to operational safety is determined.
(e) When required, the remote pilot must have a portable VHF air band receiver in order to monitor the corresponding ATS unit, for which:
(1) The remote pilot will be attentive to the air traffic that develops in the area to operate.
(2) The remote pilot shall comply with the parameters and procedures established by the ATS department for its operation in controlled airspace.
(f) Any certified UAS operator who requires to deviate from the provisions of Chapter B of this Regulation must obtain a special UAS flight authorization issued by the DGAC, indicating the required deviations, the reasons or justifications and the technical and operational conditions with which it will manage and mitigate any operational risk that is clearly and previously identified.

101.415 Airworthiness conditions for UAS operations in the specific category.

(a) Every UA that is to be operated in the specific category must meet the following airworthiness conditions:

(1) Maintain its structural elements and control systems in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.
(2) Any modification or alteration in the configuration or technical characteristics that affects in any way the flight and/or operation capabilities or characteristics of the UA must be expressly approved by its manufacturer.
(3) The remote command and control system must not generate any interference with other aeronautical systems.
(4) The following systems must be present and operational in the UA:
(i) A command and control (C2) system that complies with the descriptions in section 101.420.
(ii) An autopilot system.
(iii) A satellite navigation system.
(iv) A launch and/or recovery system (if required).
(5) All devices installed for the execution of a certain type of operation such as optical sensors, loading and unloading systems, spraying or dispersion systems, among others, must function correctly, in accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications.
(6) For night flight, the UA must have lights that make it clearly visible.

101.420 C2 (command and control) link conditions.

(a) The C2 link will be subject to validation and acceptance by the DGAC, for which all UAS operators must:

(1) Submit to the DGAC a detailed description of the C2 link configuration and the procedures in case of loss or deterioration of the link.
(2) If a cellular telephone service provider is used, have a map that supports the coverage of the link service in the area where the operation is planned and during the time that it will take.

(3) Identify the limitations of the C2 link, according to the type of specific operation requested (for example: antenna blocking, range limit, antenna power and radiation pattern, infrastructure that blocks the signal, among others).
(b) The UAS operator must include all relevant information on the C2 link in its Operations Manual.
(c) The risk mitigation actions for connection loss defined by the manufacturer and/or the UAS operator must focus on minimizing the consequences in the event of a C2 link failure.
Note. The DGAC has the authority to limit a UAS operation in order to maintain an acceptable level of operational safety regarding the integrity of the C2 link, taking into account that the current state of technology may not be able to provide the levels of reliability and integrity required for a safe operation.

101.425 Conditions for communication with the air traffic service and other manned aircraft.

(a) Any UA that is to be operated in the specific category must meet the following communications conditions:

(1) In case of operating in controlled airspace, the remote pilot must have a communications system configured on the ATC frequency corresponding to said space, maintain permanent listening and identify the air traffic that is operating in its vicinity.

Note. No remote pilot trained under this regulation is authorized to transmit messages on the aeronautical frequencies of the air traffic control system.
(2) In case of operating outside controlled airspace, in the vicinity of runways, heliports, aerodromes without ATS, the remote pilot must have a communications system configured on the frequency 123.45 MHz, maintain permanent listening and identify the air traffic that is operating in its vicinity.
(3) In the case of operating outside controlled airspace, specifically in areas where agricultural spraying operations are being carried out with manned aircraft, the remote pilot must have a communications system configured on the 126.3 MHz frequency, maintain permanent listening and identify air traffic operating in its vicinity.
Note. The 126.3 MHz frequency is widely used by the agricultural aviation sector in Ecuador. Agricultural UAS operators must use this frequency until another regulatory provision provides otherwise.



101.500 Scope of application.

The rules of this chapter shall apply to all applicants for a UAS Operating Certificate (UOC) and the corresponding authorizations and limitations.

The UOC allows a UAS operator to provide a certain service with the use of UAS, within the framework of this Regulation and the powers granted therein.

101.505 Duration of the UOC.

(a) The UOC shall be issued for an unlimited period of time.

(b) The Terms and Conditions of the UOC shall have the same validity as the corresponding operating permit.
(c) The UOC shall be valid as long as it is not returned by the operator, or cancelled by the DGAC.

101.510 Requirements to obtain a UOC.

To obtain a UOC in the specific category, the applicant must meet the following requirements:

(a) Have the operating permit to perform aerial work and private air services.

(b) Have the applicable insurance certificate.
(c) Present the registration certificate of each and every one of the UAS with which he/she will carry out operations.

101.515 Conditions to obtain a UOC.

(a) To obtain a UOC, the applicant must meet the following conditions:

(1) Have competent personnel for the execution of the operations specified in his/her UOC application.
(2) UAS pilots must have remote pilot authorization issued by the DGAC.
(3) Have the technological equipment, software, UAS and other requirements necessary for the effective and safe development of the operations to be carried out.

(b) UAS Training Organizations, in addition to the conditions mentioned in (a), must comply with the following:
(1) Have adequate facilities and locations to provide theoretical and practical instruction, as well as a UAS flight simulation system for the training of their students.
(2) The personnel who will provide theoretical or practical instruction in UAS must have a certificate of theoretical/practical course or training on instruction techniques or teaching methodology.
(3) The UAS Training Organization that, in addition to its academic activities, intends to carry out other activities or operations with UAS in a specific category mentioned in Chapter D of this Regulation, must request another specific UOC for the additional operations it requires to develop.

101.520 Certification procedure.

(a) To obtain a UOC, the applicant must comply with and follow what is described in Appendix 5 of this Regulation.

(b) In order to grant a UOC, the DGAC will carry out inspection and operational verification processes at the applicant’s facilities.
(c) If the result of the inspection process is satisfactory, the DGAC will issue the corresponding UOC for the type of operation requested by the applicant.
(d) A certified UAS operator may be inspected by the DGAC at any time, and must therefore keep the information and requirements set forth in this Regulation up to date and current.

101.525 Contents of the UAS Operating Certificate (UOC).

(a) Operating Certificate.

(1) Identification of the UAS operator (first and last names, name or corporate name).
(2) UOC number,
(3) Date of issue.

(b) Terms and Conditions.
(1) Effective date of the UOC Terms and Conditions
(2) Authorizations and limitations.
(3) Identification of the operating permit issued by the DGAC, date of issue and expiration.
(4) The area, zone or class of airspace authorized for operations.
(5) Data of the UAS operator (address, telephone number and email).

101.530 Renewal of the UOC Terms and Conditions.

To renew the Terms and Conditions of the UOC, the following will be required:

(a) Renewed operating permit.

(b) Submit the requirements established in 101.510 (b) and (c) updated.
(c) Submit the inspections required by the DGAC.

101.535 Privileges of a UOC.

Once a UOC is granted to a UAS operator, the DGAC grants the following privileges:

(a) Operate according to the specifications granted in the Terms and Conditions attached to the UOC.

(b) Within the Terms and Conditions granted, the UAS operator may authorize its own operations without requesting a special UAS flight authorization from the DGAC.
(c) The holder of a UOC may request a special UAS flight authorization, if the intended operation is not covered by the privileges granted in the UOC.

101.540 Responsibilities of a UAS operator.

(a) Document and maintain an up-to-date record of:

(1) All relevant qualifications and training completed by the remote pilot, maintenance personnel, and other personnel in charge of tasks essential to the operation of the UAS.
(2) Maintenance activities performed on the UAS.
(3) Information on UAS operations, including any unusual technical or operational events.
(4) The updated list of remote pilots designated for each flight.
(5) The updated list of maintenance personnel (or personnel performing maintenance activities if they have other activities)
(6) The flight log for each UA operated.

(b) Ensure that personnel in charge of UAS operations (remote pilot, UMTs, and visual observers) meet all of the following conditions:
(1) Have completed on-the-job training developed by the operator.
(2) Know the UAS operator’s MO and the procedures established in accordance with (a)(1).
(c) Maintain the UAS in suitable conditions for safe operation by defining, at a minimum, maintenance instructions and employing adequately trained and qualified maintenance personnel.
(d) Certify the accumulated flight time of each remote pilot at least once a year.
(e) Verify and ensure the adequate condition and psychophysical aptitude of the remote pilots and all personnel linked to the UAS operation.
(f) Guarantee the prevention of fatigue situations during the operation.
(g) Be responsible for damages and/or losses that may be caused during the air operation, resulting from collision or interference with other aircraft in the air or on the ground or third parties on the surface.
(h) Keep the guarantees or insurance policies in force.
(i) Report to the DGAC any change or modification in the information provided to the DGAC, within 15 days following its occurrence (changes in aircraft, technological equipment, pilots, organization, facilities, among others).
(j) Ensure that operations are carried out within the limits of these regulations and/or under the terms of the UOC or the special authorization granted by the DGAC.
(k) For UAS training organizations:
(1) Report in writing to the DGAC each time they are going to teach a remote pilot course, at least 5 business days before the start of the course.
(2) Report in writing to the DGAC the full names and identification number of the approved students, at most 2 business days after the end of the training.

101.545 Transferability of a UOC.

A UOC is not transferable between operators.

101.550 Suspension and cancellation of the UOC.

(a) The DGAC may suspend a UOC in the following cases:

(1) Due to loss of its validity due to:
(i) Non-compliance with its conditions of granting.
(2) For carrying out operations that put operational safety at risk.
(3) For lack of adequate maintenance.

(b) The DGAC will proceed to cancel a certificate as a UAS operator (UOC) in the following cases:
(1) In the event of a repeat suspension (with the same cause) within a period of one year.
(c) In order to proceed with the suspension or cancellation of a UOC, the DGAC will do so by means of written notification to the UAS operator, where the cause that motivates the suspension or cancellation will be sent.
(d) In the case of a cancellation of the UOC, the holder must return said document to the DGAC within seven (07) days following the date of cancellation.

101.555 UAS maintenance obligations.

(a) The UAS operator in the specific category must keep its UAS airworthy and in suitable conditions for a safe flight, in accordance with the instructions provided by the manufacturer.

(b) A UAS operator must develop and maintain a current UAS maintenance log.

101.560 Duties required of a UAS operator.

(a) Every UAS operator who has registered ten (10) or more UAS must have:

(1) Chief remote pilot, or

(2) Chief Instructor, and
(3) Chief Maintenance Officer.
(b) For UAS operators who have registered fewer than 10 UAS, the owner or legal representative may perform the functions of chief remote pilot, chief instructor and/or chief maintenance officer as long as he or she meets the requirements established for each position.



101.600 Application.

(a) This chapter prescribes the requirements for issuing a remote pilot “authorization” to operate unmanned aircraft within Ecuadorian territory in the specific category.

Note. To operate unmanned aircraft in the certified category, you must obtain a remote pilot “license”, the requirements for its issuance will be contained in RDAC 061 (Reserved to date).
(b) Obtaining a remote pilot authorization is individual and independent of the registration of the UAS or the certificate as a UAS operator and does not require the interested person to be the owner of a registered UAS.

101.605 Remote Pilot Authorization.

(a) The person interested in obtaining a remote pilot authorization must comply with the requirements and procedures established by the DGAC for obtaining it.

(b) Remote pilot authorization shall be mandatory to conduct UAS operations in the specific category.

101.610 Eligibility.

(a) The eligibility requirements to obtain a remote pilot authorization under this chapter are:

(1) Be of legal age (18 years of age).
(2) Be able to read, speak, write and understand the Spanish language.

101.615 Requirements for the issuance of a remote pilot authorization.

(a) To obtain a remote pilot authorization, the applicant must:

(1) Accredit
(i) Theoretical-practical training course at a UAS Training Organization certified by the DGAC; or
(ii) Training course given by the manufacturer, which must be acceptable to the DGAC.
(2) Pass a theoretical knowledge test before the DGAC, in the subjects detailed below:
(i) General knowledge of UAS.
(ii) Principles of Flight.
(iii) Flight Operations.
(iv) Basic Aeronautical Meteorology.
(v) Aeronautical Law.
(vi) Human Factors.
(vii) Air Navigation.
(viii) Air Traffic Services.
(ix) Aeronautical Radiotelephony.
(x) General SMS Knowledge.

101.620 Knowledge Tests and Passing Grades.

(a) The knowledge tests required under this Regulation are conducted in the manner prescribed by the DGAC.

(b) An applicant for a knowledge test must have completed the application in the manner prescribed by the DGAC.
(c) The minimum passing score for the knowledge test shall be seventy-five percent (75%) of the total score.

101.625 Inappropriate or unauthorized conduct.

(a) An applicant for a knowledge test shall not:

(1) Intentionally copy or delete any knowledge test.
(2) Give to another applicant or receive from another applicant any part or copy of a knowledge test.
(3) Give or receive assistance on a knowledge test during the period in which the test is being given.
(4) Take any part of a knowledge test on behalf of another person.
(5) Be represented by, or represent another person for a knowledge test.
(6) Use any materials or aids during the period in which the test is being given, unless specifically authorized to do so by the DGAC; and
(7) Intentionally causing, assisting, or participating in any act prohibited by this paragraph.

(b) An applicant who is determined by the DGAC to have committed an act prohibited by paragraph (a) of this section is prohibited, for one (1) year after the date of committing that act, from:
(1) Applying for a remote pilot certificate issued under this Regulation; and
(2) Applying for and taking any test under this Regulation.
(c) Any remote pilot authorization held by an applicant may be suspended or revoked if the DGAC determines that such person has committed an act prohibited by paragraph (a) of this section.

101.630 Retest after failure.

(a) An applicant who has not achieved the minimum score on a knowledge test may make a new attempt two (2) business days after the failure.

(b) If the applicant does not achieve the minimum score on the second attempt, the applicant may make new attempts fifteen (15) days after the failure.

101.635 Validity of remote pilot authorizations.

(a) A remote pilot authorization granted under this regulation is valid for twenty-four (24) months, without prejudice to renewing it for another equal period, provided that the following requirement is met:

(i) Pass a theoretical knowledge exam before the DGAC, on the provisions of RDAC XXX “Unmanned Aircraft System”.

(b) The powers of the remote pilot authorization may not be exercised:
(i) If the holder has renounced said remote pilot authorization, or it has been suspended or cancelled by the DGAC.
(ii) When it is known or suspected that he or she has a physical or mental condition that could affect the safe operation of the unmanned aircraft.

101.640 Conversion of the remote pilot authorization, certificate, license or credential.

(a) Without prejudice to Ecuador’s own immigration and labor laws, remote pilot authorizations, certificates, licenses or credentials issued by other Contracting States to the Convention on International Civil Aviation (ICAO) may be converted into a remote pilot authorization, provided that the applicant meets the following requirements:

(1) Application in accordance with the procedure established by the DGAC.

(2) Copy of the foreign license, certificate or credential issued by a Contracting State to the International Civil Aviation Convention.
(3) Identity document.
(4) Pass a theoretical knowledge exam before the DGAC.
(5) Read, speak and understand the Spanish language.
(b) Before converting the license, certificate or credential, the DGAC will consult with the foreign authority that issued the license, certificate or credential of origin regarding: validity, limitations, suspensions or revocations.
(c) From the granting of the remote pilot authorization, the holder will be under the control mechanisms of the DGAC, as well as subject to the obligation to comply with the requirements established for the performance of the duties of the remote pilot authorization.



101.700 Application.

(a) This chapter prescribes the requirements for issuing a “special authorization” for UAS flight, for operations that:

(1) Exceed the limitations established for the open category.
(2) Exceed the limitations established for the specific category.
(3) Deviate from any requirements of this Regulation.
(4) Deviate from the authorizations established in a UAS operating certificate.

(b) A person/operator who receives a special UAS flight authorization:
(1) May deviate from the requirements of this Regulation to the extent specified in the special authorization; and
(2) Must comply with all conditions or limitations specified in the special authorization.

101.705 Considerations for the granting of a special UAS flight authorization by the DGAC.

(a) An application for a special UAS flight authorization must contain a complete description of the proposed operation and a justification establishing that the operation can be safely conducted under the terms of such special authorization.

(b) Prior to granting the special UAS flight authorization, the DGAC will evaluate:
(1) Compliance with Chapter B.
(2) The risk assessment and robustness of the mitigation measures that the UAS operator proposes to maintain safe operation of the UAS in all phases of flight.
(3) Evidence submitted by the UAS operator that the mitigation measures have been implemented, unless the UAS operator has a valid UOC with appropriate privileges.
(c) The DGAC will grant the special UAS flight authorization when the evaluation concludes that:
(1) The operational safety objectives take into account the risks of the operation.
(2) The combination of mitigation measures relating to the operational conditions for carrying out the operations, the competence of the personnel involved and the technical characteristics of the UA, are adequate and sufficiently robust to maintain the safe operation in view of the identified ground and air risks.
(3) The UAS operator has provided a declaration confirming that the intended operation complies with any applicable State Laws relating to it, in particular, regarding privacy, data protection, liability, insurance, safety and environmental protection.
(d) The DGAC may prescribe additional limitations it considers necessary.
(e) Where the operation is not considered sufficiently safe and the proposed mitigation measures do not satisfy the minimum level of operational safety required, the DGAC shall refuse to issue a special UAS flight authorization and shall inform the applicant of the reasons for its refusal.

101.710 Application for a special UAS flight authorization.

(a) To apply for a special UAS flight authorization, every UAS operator must submit the application form for a special UAS flight authorization to the DGAC.

(b) The application form must be accompanied by the additional requirements demanded by the DGAC that guarantee operational safety. These additional requirements are listed in Advisory Circular CA-101-A.
Note. The special UAS flight authorization form and the requirements requested by the DGAC are available on the DGAC website and in Advisory Circular CA-101-A.

101.715 Procedure for issuing a special UAS flight authorization.

In order to be granted a special UAS flight authorization, the applicant must comply with the procedure described in Advisory Circular CA-101-A.

101.720 Issuance of a special UAS flight authorization.

Once the requirements and conditions established in this Regulation have been met by a UAS operator, the DGAC will issue the respective special UAS flight authorization.

101.725 Content of a special UAS flight authorization.

(a) The special UAS flight authorization granted by the DGAC contains:

(1) Name or company name of the UAS operator.
(2) Scope of the special authorization.
(3) The exact description of the authorized operation.
(4) Validity of the special authorization and number of authorized operations (limited or unlimited).
(5) The place or places where the UAS operation is authorized.
(6) Prohibitions, limitations and/or operational conditions required by the DGAC.
(7) Additional recommendations.

101.730 Validity and validity of a special UAS flight authorization.

A special UAS flight authorization is valid within the terms indicated therein and in force on the authorized dates or periods.


Registration of unmanned aircraft systems (UAS).

1. Obligation to register unmanned aircraft systems and associated technological equipment.
(a) Any natural or legal person, public or private, national or foreign, who plans to carry out operations with unmanned aircraft systems in Ecuadorian territory, must register the UAS in the web registration system of the General Directorate of Civil Aviation, based on the following considerations:
(1) All unmanned aircraft systems that have an MTOW of two hundred and fifty grams (250 gr) or more.
(2) All technological equipment associated with any UAS operation will be listed at the time of registration or at any time they are incorporated into an operation.

Note. For all certified category unmanned aircraft systems, the nationality and registration marking processes will be applied in accordance with Annex 7 of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO).
2. Qualification for UAS registration.
(a) Be of legal age (18 years of age), and
(b) Be an Ecuadorian citizen or foreigner resident in Ecuador, or
(c) Have legal status established under the laws of the Ecuadorian State.
3. UAS registration certificate.
(a) The DGAC will issue a UAS registration certificate with a unique number to each registered unmanned aircraft, once the requirements have been met and in accordance with the procedure established for this purpose.
(b) The associated technological equipment will be listed as an integral part of the UAS registration database for the registered owner or operator.
4. Requirements for registering a UAS.
(a) For the registration of unmanned aircraft, the following information must be provided:
(1) Name or corporate name of the legal entity that owns the UAS and the full name of the legal representative or names and surnames of the natural person who owns the UAS.
(2) Identity document number of the natural person or the legal representative of the legal entity.
(3) Home address.
(4) Email address.
(5) Telephone number (conventional/cellular).
(6) Name of the manufacturer of the unmanned aircraft.
(7) Name of the unmanned aircraft by the manufacturer.
(8) Maximum takeoff weight (MTOW).
(9) Purpose of use of the UAS.
(10) Serial number of the unmanned aircraft.
(11) Photographs (top, front and side).
5. Responsibilities for UAS registration.
(a) For the purposes of ownership of the registration, any natural or legal person who registers the UA will be the owner of the unmanned aircraft and will be considered as the UA operator.
(b) Any transfer of UAS domain must be immediately reported to the DGAC, in order to cancel the UA registration.
(c) When leasing contracts or any other commercial act that transfers the status of operator of a UAS are entered into, they must be immediately reported to the DGAC by sending a copy of the respective contract, so that the operational and legal responsibility falls on the lessee in its capacity as operator; otherwise, the lessor will retain ownership of the UA and will maintain responsibility for its operation.
6. Marking and identification of an unmanned aircraft
All registered unmanned aircraft must be marked legibly in a visible place on the aircraft, with the respective registration number granted by the DGAC.
The guidelines on the marking of an unmanned aircraft are described in Advisory Circular CA-101-A.
7. Cancellation of the UAS registration certificate.
Every UA holder registered in the UAS registration system must report to the DGAC within 7 days after the occurrence of the following events, in order to proceed to cancel the registration certificate:
(a) The aircraft has reached the end of its useful life or its flight capacity and is permanently removed from service.
(b) The aircraft has suffered an accident causing its definitive destruction.
(c) The aircraft has disappeared or been lost.
(d) The legal entity that owns it has been dissolved or merged.
(e) The registered owner has sold or transferred ownership of the unmanned aircraft.
8. Updating the UAS registration.
Every UA holder registered in the DGAC UAS registration system must keep their information updated when changes occur in:
(a) Home address.
(b) Email address.
(c) Telephone number (conventional / cell phone).
(d) Insurance policy number.
(e) The legal entity owner has changed its name or corporate name.


Recreational operations of unmanned aircraft within the framework of clubs or associations.

1. Application.
(a) At the request of an unmanned aircraft club or association (including model aircraft), the DGAC may issue an authorization to operate unmanned aircraft systems for recreational purposes.

(b) The authorization referred to in (a) shall be issued based on the presentation of the following requirements:
(1) Legal formation of the club or association based on the relevant national regulations.
(2) Procedure manual containing the organizational structure of the club or association and the established operational safety management system.
(c) The club or association shall ensure that:
(1) Inform the associated remote pilots of the conditions and limitations defined in the authorization issued by the DGAC.
(2) Promote that associated remote pilots achieve the minimum competence necessary to pilot unmanned aircraft and model aircraft safely and in accordance with the conditions and limitations defined in the authorisation.
(3) Adopt appropriate safety measures when an associated remote pilot does not comply with the conditions and limitations defined in the authorisation.
(4) Provide, upon request of the DGAC, the necessary documentation for supervision and monitoring purposes.
(d) The authorization referred to in (a) shall specify the conditions under which operations may be carried out within the framework of clubs or associations of unmanned aircraft.
(e) The DGAC may allow clubs and associations of unmanned aircraft to register the unmanned aircraft of their members, on their behalf, in the registration system established in accordance with Appendix 1 of this Regulation.
2. Flights in competitions and sporting and recreational activities.
(a) An unmanned aircraft may be operated in competitions and sports and recreational activities, provided that the following are met:
(1) The UA must not be flown “over” persons not involved in the operation.
(2) For UAS operations in open spaces, a safety zone must be delimited for the public, with physical protection barriers to ensure their safety.
(3) For UAS operations in closed or confined spaces, a physical protection barrier (mesh, for example) must be provided to delimit the entire flight area.
(i) If the presence of the public is considered, there must be a safety zone for their protection.
Note. UA operations in covered or roofed spaces are not considered an aerial operation, since they do not imply the use of airspace; however, whoever carries out this operation must comply with the rules set forth in this paragraph.


Requirement for Third-Party Liability Insurance.

1. Application.
(a) The owner or operator of an unmanned aircraft is obliged to respond for damages caused to third parties as a result of its flight activities in the event of an incident or accident.

(b) The owner or operator of an unmanned aircraft used in recreational activities in the open category, whose maximum takeoff weight (mass) (MTOW) is less than 4 kg, is NOT obliged to present to the DGAC the insurance policy that covers civil liability to third parties; however, the operator will be directly responsible for the damages caused by the aircraft due to its operation, as well as will be liable for fault or negligence of any kind established in article 2229 of the Ecuadorian Civil Code.
(c) The owner or operator of an unmanned aircraft used in activities specified in the Regulations on Operating Permits for Aerial Work Services, Related Activities and Private Air Services, whose maximum takeoff weight (mass) (MTOW) is greater than 250 gr, is required to submit to the DGAC the insurance policy that covers civil liability to third parties.
The amount of the third party liability insurance coverage will be calculated based on the potential risk of damage caused by the maximum takeoff weight (mass) of the unmanned aircraft (MTOW). The minimum coverage of the third party liability insurance will be established according to the following table:
MTOW (Max)                      COVERAGE (Minimum) Aerial Work and Private Aerial Services
<250 gr                                    N/A

251 gr – 5 Kg                         USD 3,000.00

5.01 Kg – 25 Kg                    USD 6,000.00

25.01 Kg – 50 Kg                 USD 10,000.00

> 50.01 Kg                            USD 15,000.00






(d) In the event that the operation is carried out in a swarm or group of drones for the activities indicated in the Regulations on Operating Permits for Aerial Work Services, Related Activities and Private Aerial Services, the owner or operator of an unmanned aircraft is entitled to contract a third party liability insurance policy, in such a way that

(e) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraphs (c) and (d), in the event that the quantification of the damage is greater than the coverage of said policy, the operator shall be directly civilly liable for the damages caused by the aircraft due to its operation, as well as liable for fault or negligence of any kind in accordance with the provisions of article 2229 of the Ecuadorian Civil Code. Therefore, the operator is directly civilly liable for the damages or losses caused by the aircraft due to its operation, including activities that affect privacy, intimacy, image rights and other intangible activities.
(f) Obtaining hull insurance that covers the physical integrity of the unmanned aircraft is not a requirement for this Regulation, but may be obtained voluntarily.


Safety management for a UAS operator.


1. Application.
No person or organization may operate a UA in the specific category unless it has conducted a specific operational risk assessment.

2. Development and implementation.
(a) A risk assessment shall:
(1) Describe the characteristics of the UAS operation.
(2) Propose appropriate safety objectives.
(3) Identify the risks of the operation on the ground and in the air considering all the factors listed below:
(i) The extent to which the activity could endanger third parties or property on the ground.
(ii) The complexity, performance and operational characteristics of the UA involved.
(iii) The purpose of the flight, the type of UAS, the probability of collision with other aircraft and the class of airspace used.
(iv) The type, scale and complexity of the UAS operation or activity, including, where applicable, the size and type of traffic handled by the responsible organization or person;
(v) ​​The extent to which those affected by the risks involved in the operation of the UAS are able to assess and exercise control over those risks.
(4) Identify a range of possible risk mitigation measures; and
(5) Determine the necessary level of robustness of the selected mitigation measures such that the operation can be carried out safely.
(b) The description of the UAS operation, which may be contained in the operations manual (OM), shall include at least the following:
(1) The nature of the activities to be carried out;
(2) The operational environment and geographical area for the intended operation, in particular the population to be overflown, the topography, the types of airspace, the volume of airspace where the operation will be conducted and what volume of airspace is maintained as necessary risk buffers, including operational requirements for access to the airspace and FRZ zones referred to in Chapter B.
(3) The complexity of the operation, in particular planning and execution, personnel competencies, experience and composition, and the technical means necessary to carry out the operation.
(4) The technical characteristics of one or more UAS, including the respective performance in view of the conditions of the planned operation.
(5) The competence of the personnel to carry out the operation, including their composition, function, responsibilities, training and recent experience.
(c) The assessment shall propose a target level of safety, which shall be equivalent to the level of safety in manned aviation, taking into account the specific characteristics of the operation of UAS.
(d) Risk identification shall include the determination of all of the elements listed below:
(1) The unmitigated ground risk of the operation considering the type of operation and the conditions under which the operation is conducted, including at least the following criteria:
(i) Visual line of sight (VLOS), extended visual line of sight (EVLOS), or beyond visual line of sight (BVLOS).
(ii) Population density of the areas overflown.
(iii) Overflight of an assembly of people.
(iv) The dimensional characteristics of the UA.
(2) The absolute air risk of the operation considering all of the following:
(i) The exact volume of airspace where the operation will be conducted, extended by a volume of airspace necessary for contingency procedures.
(ii) The class of airspace or type of unclassified airspace.
(iii) The impact on other air traffic and air traffic management (ATM), including:
A. The altitude of the operation.
B. Controlled, uncontrolled, unclassified, or atypical airspace.
C. Aerodrome versus non-aerodrome environment.
D. Airspace over urban versus rural environment; and
E. Separation from other traffic.
(e) The identification of possible mitigation measures necessary to meet the proposed target safety level shall consider the following possibilities:
(1) Containment measures for people on the ground.
(2) Strategic operational limitations for the UAS operation, including:
(i) Restricting the geographic volumes where the operation takes place.
(ii) Restricting the duration or timing of the time slot in which the operation takes place.
(3) Strategic mitigation through common flight rules or common airspace structures and services.
(4) Ability to cope with potential adverse operational conditions.
(5) Organizational factors such as operational and maintenance procedures applied by the UAS operator and maintenance procedures that comply with the manufacturer’s user manual.
(6) Level of competence and experience of personnel involved in flight safety.
(7) Risk of human error in the application of operational procedures.
(8) Design and performance characteristics of the UAS including:
(i) Initial airworthiness approval.
(ii) Availability of means to mitigate mid-air collision risks, if implemented.
(iii) Availability of systems that limit energy at the time of impact or frangibility of the UA.
(iv) The design of the UAS according to recognized industry standards and fail-safe design.
(f) The DGAC shall assess the robustness of the proposed mitigation measures to determine whether they are proportionate to the operational safety objectives and the risks of the intended operation, in particular to ensure that each stage of the operation is safe.
3. Responsibilities.
(a) The risk assessment shall be:
(1) Submitted by the UAS operator when applying for a special UAS flight authorization.
(2) Developed and registered by the UAS operator holding a UOC.


Requirements for Operational Certification.

1. Application.
(a) The DGAC will issue a UAS Operational Certificate (UOC) to any UAS operator that performs aerial work operating in a specific category that requests it.

(b) For the issuance of a UOC, in addition to the basic requirements of Chapter E, the additional requirements described in this appendix must be met.
2. Requirements for the UAS Operational Certification process.
(a) To obtain a UOC, a UAS operator or an applicant UAS Training Organization will undergo the certification process established by the DGAC during which it must demonstrate to the DGAC that it complies with the requirements established in this Regulation, by submitting the following information:
(1) Description of the personnel that the UAS operator will use to comply with the powers granted by the corresponding UOC and that responds to the proposed organizational chart.
(2) Supporting documents demonstrating that the applicant has met or exceeded the minimum qualifications required for management personnel who will use the UAS operator, established in section 101.555 of this Regulation.
(3) Description of the UAS fleet and the technological equipment associated with the operation, which it is proposed to use.
(4) Location of the operations and maintenance base.
(5) Description of the Operational Safety Management System or a Risk Management system applied to UAS
(6) Operations Manual (MO) / Instruction and Procedure Manual (MIP).
(7) Maintenance Procedures.
(8) Document indicating that the applicant must notify the DGAC of any change in personnel linked to the operator’s activities.
(9) Proposed quality assurance system to maintain compliance levels with regulations and certification standards.
(10) Declaration of compliance with RDAC 101.
(11) For a UAS Training Organization:
(i) Description of the training facilities and their equipment. (For a UAS Training Organization)
(ii) Training program and curriculum for each training course, study material, policies, procedures and the student evaluation plan.
(iii) Description of the record control, detailing the training documents, qualification documents and the evaluation of the instructors.
3. UAS Operator / UAS Training Organization Personnel.
(a) A UAS operator and/or a UAS Training Organization must have a structure that allows it to manage all levels of the organization, through people who have the training, experience and qualities necessary to ensure the maintenance of a high degree of training quality.
(b) The details of the structure, indicating individual responsibilities, will be included in the Operations Manual (MO) or in the Instruction and Procedures Manual (MIP).
(c) The UAS operator/UAS Training Organization shall designate a responsible manager who has the corporate authority to ensure the operation of the Organization.
(d) The UAS operator/UAS Training Organization shall designate a person or group of persons, according to the size and scope of the organization, whose responsibilities include planning and supervision of operations or training or maintenance activities, as the case may be.
(e) The UAS operator/UAS Training Organization shall additionally designate the persons who will carry out the activities of the organization and its support systems.
(1) Remote pilot personnel, or
(2) Remote pilot instructor personnel, and
(3) UAS maintenance personnel.
4. Personnel qualifications and responsibilities.
(a) Chief remote pilot.
(1) Knowledge and experience:
(i) Have training as a remote pilot in at least one of the operations authorized to the UAS operator certified in the specific category.
(ii) Demonstrate operational experience in UAS similar to those used for the type(s) of air operation(s) approved by the UAS operator.
(iii) Have a basic SMS course.
(2) Duties and responsibilities:
(i) Manage UAS flight authorization requests before the DGAC.
(ii) Ensure that the UAS operator’s operations are carried out in accordance with this Regulation and other applicable current regulations.
(iii) Ensure the proper assignment and use of each UA and each remote pilot, in accordance with the required competencies.
(iv) Monitor the competency of each designated remote pilot.
(v) Propose the guidelines and standard procedures for the operations authorized to the certified operator, as appropriate, socializing, monitoring and supervising their compliance by each designated remote pilot and other personnel involved in the operations, which must be included in the operation manual.
(b) Chief Instructor (exclusive for UAS Training Organization).
(1) Knowledge and experience:
(i) Be the holder of a valid remote pilot authorization issued by the DGAC.
(ii) Accredit a training course in instruction techniques that is acceptable by the DGAC and its corresponding refresher courses every twenty-four (24) months. (iii) Two hundred (200) hours of flight as a remote pilot.
(iv) Demonstrate having provided instruction with at least one (1) year of experience as an instructor.
(2) Duties and responsibilities:
(i) Supervise the individual progress of the students.
(ii) Supervise the work of the instructors.
(iii) Certify the instruction records of the students and certificates of completion of the course.
(iv) Ensure that each UAS instructor (UFI) accredits an instruction techniques course before being assigned as an instructor of the UAS Training Organization and subsequently demonstrates that he is up to date every twenty-four (24) months.
(v) Ensure that each student completes the course according to the instruction program.
(vi) Maintain the instruction techniques, procedures and standards of the UAS Training Organization, which are acceptable to the DGAC; and
(vii) Ensure that the written exams for each phase and at the end of the course are kept in a safe place and accessible only to authorized personnel.
(c) UAS maintenance manager.
(1) Maintenance knowledge:
(i) Have training in maintenance processes, provided by the manufacturer or the UAS operator.
(ii) Demonstrate to the DGAC the ability to perform maintenance functions on the UAS that the UAS operator will use for its operations.
(2) Duties and responsibilities:
(i) Maintain the operator’s UAS in operating conditions acceptable to the DGAC.
(d) UAS remote pilot personnel.
(1) Qualifications and experience:
(i) Have a remote pilot authorization granted by the DGAC.
(ii) Demonstrate the ability to perform the specific activities required by the UAS operator for its operations.
Note. These additional trainings must be recorded in the UAS Operator’s Operations Manual (MO).
(2) Duties and responsibilities:
(i) They will be recorded in the UAS operator’s Operations Manual.
(e) UAS remote pilot instructor personnel (exclusive for a UAS Training Organization).
(1) Qualifications and experience:
(i) Have a remote pilot authorization granted by the DGAC.
(ii) Demonstrate the ability to carry out the specific training activities required by the UAS training organization for the development of its activities.
Note. These additional trainings must be recorded in the Training Manual (MIP) of the Training Organization (UTO).
(2) Functions and responsibilities:
(i) They will be recorded in the Training Manual (MIP) of the UAS Training Organization.
(f) UAS maintenance personnel.
(1) May be carried out by the following persons:
(i) The remote pilot or any other personnel designated by the UAS operator.
(ii) A UAS maintenance technician (UMT) trained and qualified by the UAS operator in the specific category
(2) Qualifications and experience:
(i) Have adequate training in maintenance processes, provided by the manufacturer or the UAS operator.
Note. These additional trainings must be recorded in the Operations Manual (MO) of the UAS Operator.
(3) Functions and responsibilities:
(i) Ensure the maintenance of the UAS or any component thereof.
(ii) Maintain the UAS airworthy.
(iii) Additional functions and responsibilities will be recorded in the Operations Manual (MO) of the UAS operator.
5. UAS Operator / UAS Training Organization Documentation
In order to obtain a UOC, every UAS operator / UAS Training Organization must have the following documentation, which must contain at least the following:
(a) Operations manual (MO).
(1) The organization of the UAS operator.
(2) The types of air operations to be carried out.
(3) Procedures and operating limitations adapted to the type of operation planned and the risk involved.
(4) The UAS fleet and the technological equipment associated with the operation.
(5) Competencies of remote pilots and visual observers.
(6) Any other information that must be inserted in the MO, due to the operations carried out.
Note. The content model of the Operations Manual (MO), as well as its preparation and amendment process, are available in the Operational Certification Advisory Circular (UOC) (CA-101-B).
(b) Maintenance manual (MM).
(1) The maintenance program for each individual UA, including:
(i) Limited-life components (batteries, moving parts, etc.).
(ii) Periodic inspections.
(iii) Monitoring of maintenance activities.
(2) The technological components associated with the UAS fleet it operates.
(3) The technical data of the manufacturer of each UAS.
(4) The obligation to record the maintenance and work performed on a UAS or its components.
Note. The content model of the Maintenance Manual (MM) as well as its development and amendment process are available in the Advisory Circular for Operational Certification (UOC) (CA-101-B).
(c) Instruction Manual (MIP).
(1) The organization / organizational chart of the UAS Training Organization.
(2) The content of the training programs, including the course material and equipment to be used.
(3) Competencies of remote pilot instructor personnel.
(4) A general description of the training facilities intended for the development of theoretical and practical classes of the UAS Training Organization.
(5) A description of the procedures that will be used to establish and maintain the competence of the training personnel.
(6) A description of the method that will be used for the performance and maintenance of record control.
Note. The content model of the Training Manual (MIP) as well as its development and amendment process are available in the Operational Certification Advisory Circular (UOC) (CA-101-C).
(d) Operational Safety Manual – SMS (Reserved).
6. Safety Management System (SMS).
(a) Every UAS operator / UAS Training Organization must develop a safety culture that includes knowledge of the Safety Management System applied to UAS.
(b) The UAS operator / UAS Training Organization must establish, implement and maintain an SMS, which at a minimum:
(1) Identifies the hazards that affect operational safety, assesses and mitigates the risks;
(2) Ensures that the necessary corrective measures are applied.
(c) The Safety Management System must be directly proportional to the size of the UAS operator, the complexity of its operations, as well as the hazards and operational safety risks associated with the services it provides.
7. Training Program (Exclusive for UAS Training Organizations).
(a) Every UAS Training Organization must establish its Training program based on the subjects required in section 101.615 (a) (2) of Chapter F of this Regulation:
(1) General knowledge of UAS.
(2) Principles of Flight.
(3) Flight Operations.
(4) Basic aeronautical meteorology.
(5) Aeronautical Law.
(6) Human Factors.
(7) Air Navigation.
(8) Air traffic services.
(9) Aeronautical radiotelephony.
(10) General knowledge of SMS.
(b) Theoretical training.
The flight training program for remote pilots must have a minimum total of thirty-four (34) hours of theoretical training.
(Additional Tables – Not Translated)

Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) Regulations & Policies

See drone laws above for vertiport definition




Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) News

2022 – Airports In Argentina, Brazil, Ecuador & Uruguay Could Become eVTOL Hubs

2022 – Airbus extends collaboration with Ecocopter for urban air mobility services in Chile, Ecuador and Peru



Short Essay Questions

Scenario-Based Question

You have been hired by a Drone Startup Company. Your boss has immediately assigned this job to you.

They need you to prepare a one-page memo detailing the legalities of using a drone to film marine iguanas in Galapagos, pictured above.

They need you to mention any national laws and local ordinances.

They specifically want to know what airspace (insert pictures) you will be operating in and whether or not you need an airspace authorization.

Does it matter whether or not you are a citizen of the country?

Lastly, there is a bonus for you if, as you scroll through this chapter, you find any typos or broken links!

Short Essay Questions

  1. What are the drone categories?
  2. How is registration addressed?
  3. How is remote ID addressed?
  4. What are the model aircraft rules?
  5. What are the commercial drone rules?
  6. Are there waivers or exemptions to the rules? If so, for what?
  7. Would you share a link to an interactive airspace map?
  8. How is BVLOS addressed?
  9. How can you fly drones at night?
  10. How can you fly drones over people?
  11. Where do you find drone NOTAMs?
  12. What are the rules for drone maintenance?
  13. What are the rules for an SMS program?
  14. What are some unique rules not mentioned above?
  15. What are the C-UAS rules?
  16. What are the AAM rules?





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Drones and AAM Across the World Copyright © 2023 by Sarah Nilsson is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.