12 Colombia

Three horizontal bands of yellow (top, double-width), blue, and red. The flag retains the three main colors of the banner of Gran Colombia, the short-lived South American republic that broke up in 1830. Various interpretations of the colors exist and include: yellow for the gold in Colombia’s land, blue for the seas on its shores, and red for the blood spilled in attaining freedom. Alternatively, the colors have been described as representing more elemental concepts such as sovereignty and justice (yellow), loyalty and vigilance (blue), and valor and generosity (red) or simply the principles of liberty, equality, and fraternity.
Flag courtesy of the CIA World Factbook
Colombia is the world’s largest producer of emeralds, more than half of the emeralds in the world come from Colombia. The Muzo Mine, located northwest of Bogota, is one of the most renowned deposits of emeralds in the country. Colombian emeralds are known for their high-quality and for their highly prized rare deep green color. The 167 carat “Mackay Emerald” pictured here is an example of a Colombian emerald. The “Mackay Emerald” is the largest cut emerald in the Smithsonian National Gem Collection. The Art Deco-style necklace was a wedding gift in 1931 from Clarence Mackay to his wife, Anna Case, a world-renowned soprano at the New York Metropolitan Opera from 1909 to 1920. Upon her death in 1984, the necklace was bequeathed to the Smithsonian.
Photo courtesy of the CIA World Factbook
According to Britannica, under the constitution of 1991, Colombia is a republic, the public powers of which are divided between the executive, legislative, and judicial branches of government. The president, who can serve up to two consecutive four-year terms, is elected by universal suffrage. The executive is assisted by a ministerial cabinet. A Senate and a House of Representatives constitute the bicameral legislature, whose members are elected to four-year terms. The House members are elected by districts corresponding to the departments, while 100 of the 102 members of the Senate are elected by a nationwide constituency and two by the indigenous communities.
The country is divided for administrative purposes into 32 departments and the capital district of Bogotá. The departments are headed by elected governors, and each has an elected legislature. The departments are subdivided into municipalities, which are headed by elected mayors.
The Colombian political process originated during the formation of the republic. Since then, the two largest political parties, the Liberals and the Conservatives, have almost constantly vied with each other for power, the exception being 1957–74 when they formed a coalition government (see La Violencia, dictatorship, and democratic restoration). Suffrage is extended to all citizens 18 years of age and older. Citizens are guaranteed civil rights, including the right to strike, to assemble, and to petition; freedom of the press is also guaranteed. All male citizens between the ages of 18 and 30 may be called for military service.
Civil Aviation Authority of Colombia
The Civil Aviation Authority of Colombia – “Aeronautica Civil” – strives to ensure the orderly development of civil aviation in Colombia, the aviation industry, and the safe use of its airspace, facilitating different modes of transportation enhancing the country’s competitiveness.
SkyVector – Google Maps – ADS-B Exchange
ICAO countries publish an Aeronautical Information Publication (AIP). This document is divided into three parts: General (GEN), En Route (ENR) and Aerodromes (AD). ENR 1.4 details the types of airspace classes they chose to adopt from classes A through G.
Drone Regulations
RAC 100 – Operation of UAS – Amendment 2 December 2024
Informative circulars are also available
There is also a geographic arcgismap
RAC 100 Translated into English by Google
Translations of any materials into English are intended solely as a convenience to the public and are not legally binding. The author has merely attempted to provide a Google translation of the original material to English for convenience. Due to the nuances in translating to a foreign language, several differences may exist so before using for any work or pleasure please have the document translated by a professional service!
Operation of unmanned aircraft systems (UAS)
Amendment 2 – December 2024
In accordance with article 2 of Decree 1294 of 2021, the Special Administrative Unit for Civil Aeronautics is the authority in aeronautical matters throughout the national territory to regulate, certify, monitor and control, in aeronautical matters, civil aviation service providers, the use of Colombian airspace and the infrastructure available for this purpose. That the Republic of Colombia is a member of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) having signed the Convention on International Civil Aviation in Chicago in 1944, which is approved by Law 12 of 1947 and that, as such, it must comply with said Convention. That, in accordance with Article 8 of the aforementioned Convention on International Civil Aviation, “no aircraft capable of flying without a pilot shall fly without a pilot over the territory of a Contracting State, unless special permission is obtained from such State and in accordance with the terms of such permission (…)”, adding that “(…) All Contracting States undertake to ensure that the flight of unmanned aircraft in regions open to the flight of civil aircraft is regulated in such a way as to avoid any danger to civil aircraft”.
That, in accordance with the provisions of article 1789 of the Commercial Code, in the definitions contained in the Annexes to the Convention on International Civil Aviation and in the Aeronautical Regulations of Colombia, the flying component of unmanned aircraft systems are, in effect, aircraft, for which reason they are subject to the regulations contained in the Law, and their use and operation are subject to the Aeronautical Regulations of Colombia. That in 2011, ICAO established its vision on unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) and communicated it to the Member States through Circular 328 AN/190, considering them as a new component of the aeronautical system, an issue that, as a signatory country to the Convention on International Civil Aviation, we must understand, define and integrate. That in 2015, ICAO published Document 10019 AN/507 – Manual on Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS), developing a set of considerations and recommendations to guide the regulatory framework that States that have signed the Chicago Convention should begin to adopt for the segment of unmanned aircraft that require a remote pilot, as soon as they are used in international air navigation operations.
That, in response to ICAO recommendations, the Special Administrative Unit of Civil Aeronautics, through the then Secretariat of Air Safety, issued Regulatory Circular 5100-082-002 on July 27, 2015, through which it developed a first regulatory approach regarding the use of remotely piloted aircraft systems (RPAS) in Colombia. That, through Resolution 04201 of December 27, 2018, the Special Administrative Unit of Civil Aeronautics, in use of its legal powers, incorporated Appendix 13 of the RAC 91 standard into the Aeronautical Regulations of Colombia, updating, expanding and replacing the provisions on the operation of unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) within the national territory.
That the position RAC 100 in the nomenclature of the Aeronautical Regulations of Colombia, previously occupied by the standard “Units of Measurement for Air and Land Operations of Aircraft” is vacant, because it was renumbered by Resolution 02387 of December 02, 2020 as RAC 205 to adjust its nomenclature and make it compatible with that provided by the Regional Cooperation System for the Surveillance of Operational Safety SRVSOP for the Latin American Aeronautical Regulations LAR. That, advancing in the process of regulating unmanned aircraft systems in Colombia that are used in civil activities, having verified the needs of the industry, the scope of the Special Administrative Unit for Civil Aeronautics in compliance with its legal functions, the technological progress in terms of UAS in general and the requirements that this Aeronautical Authority must demand in order to carry out a better and more adequate control and timely surveillance of civil activities developed with such systems, in order to guarantee operational safety as they use the airspace, it is necessary to incorporate into the Aeronautical Regulations of Colombia a standard that specifically provides all aspects related to the operation of unmanned aircraft systems UAS.
100.001 Application
(a) This regulation establishes the operating rules for all unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) used or operated in Colombian territory, and applies to:
(1) Any natural or legal person, public or private, national or foreign, who plans to carry out operations with UAS without profit motive;
(2) Any natural or legal person, public or private, national or foreign, who plans to carry out operations with UAS for commercial purposes;
(3) Any CIAC or CEAC that plans to provide training services in the operation of UAS;
Note. – For the purposes of this subparagraph, CIAC and CEAC correspond to the training and/or instruction centers that are approved and certified based on RAC 141, 142 and/or 147 standards, as appropriate; However, in consideration of the existing transition process with respect to the RAC 2 standard, the text of this regulation refers in the same way to the currently approved Aeronautical Training Centres (CIA).
(4) All civil public entities that require the operation of unmanned aircraft in support of their mission activities, without prejudice to any particular condition that they are authorized to perform for a specific mission;
(5) All military, customs and police entities that, as an integral part of State aviation, require the operation of unmanned aircraft for the development of their mission activities, unless they are involved in public order operations (OP), as defined in RAC 91, in accordance with article 1786 of the Commercial Code, without prejudice to the security measures that may be appropriate to adopt to protect other aircraft.
(b) This regulation establishes the requirements for:
(1) The registration of UAS and associated technological equipment;
(2) Obtaining the certificate as a UAS operator;
(3) Obtaining the certificate of suitability as a UAS pilot; and
(4) Obtaining UAS flight authorization by a UAS operator.
Note: Section issued by ARTICLE ONE Resolution No. 001983 of September 27, 2023. Published in the Official Gazette No. 52,531 of September 27, 2023
100.005 Definitions
For the purposes of this regulation, when the following terms and expressions are used, they shall have the following meaning:
Unmanned aircraft accident. Any occurrence related to the operation of an unmanned aircraft, occurring between the time the aircraft is ready to move for the purpose of flight and the time it is stopped at the end of the flight and its main propulsion system is shut down, during which:
(1) Any person suffers fatal or serious injury as a result of:
(i) Direct contact with any part of the aircraft, including parts that have broken off from the aircraft; or
(ii) Direct exposure to jet blast; or
(iii) In the case of a collision with a manned aircraft, any person on board the manned aircraft who suffers fatal or serious injury.
(2) The aircraft suffers damage that is substantial or adversely affects its structural strength, performance or flight characteristics as a result of a collision with another manned or unmanned aircraft;
(3) In the case of significant damage to third party property as a result of a collision.
Unmanned aircraft (UA). Aircraft intended to fly without a pilot on board.
Registered unmanned aircraft. Unmanned aircraft that has an active registration with the UAEAC, for which a UAS pilot flight log can be validated to demonstrate the accumulated hours of experience as a UAS pilot.
Remotely piloted aircraft (RPA). Unmanned aircraft that is piloted from a remote piloting station.
Fixed wing. Designation of aircraft whose lift is generated by fixed aerodynamic planes (wings) and therefore depend on the relative movement of the aircraft with respect to the wind to maintain lift.
Populated area. Any area in which there is a presence of people.
Explosive article. An article that contains one or more explosive substances.
Accident investigation authority (AIA). In Colombia, it is the Technical Directorate for Accident Investigation.
UAS flight authorization. Authorization issued by the UAEAC in which the scope of the flight authorization is specified in detail, including: dates, hours, UA operator, UAS pilots involved in the operation, UAS involved in the operation, type of operation, approved non-contractual civil liability policy, areas, polygons or flight lines, approved heights and other operational and administrative considerations required for the planned air operation.
UAS pilot flight log. Record of flight hours in UA completed in a format determined by the UAS operator and/or by the UAS Pilot, which must contain at least the following data: name of the UAS pilot, type and identification number, date of flight, takeoff time, landing time, total flight time, manufacturer, flight characteristics and model of the registered UAS equipment, type and operating conditions.
UA flight characteristics. Refers to the physical architecture of the unmanned aircraft, for example, multirotor, fixed wing, VTOL, delta wing, among others.
Payload. The amount of weight that the unmanned aircraft UA is capable of carrying, apart from its own weight and that of its batteries.
Categories of unmanned aircraft air operation. It is the classification of air operations carried out with unmanned aircraft in relation to the considerations that govern the use of national airspace.
UAS operator certificate. Certificate issued by the UAEAC by means of which a UAS operator is authorized to carry out certain air operations with UAS.
UAS pilot suitability certificate. Certificate issued by the UAEAC by means of which privileges are granted to a natural person to operate a UAS in the specific category.
Unmanned aircraft system registration certificate. Certificate issued by the UAEAC by means of which a UAS is registered in the corresponding database.
Drone. In the context of UAS, it is the generic word used to refer, indifferently, to any unmanned or remotely piloted aircraft.
Droneport. It is the physical space defined on land or on a specific structure intended for the operation of unmanned aircraft.
Swarm. It refers to a group of unmanned aircraft that, autonomously, automatically, remotely piloted or a combination of these, fly together in a synchronous or harmonious manner, moving as a single body, responding to a single, previously programmed control system.
Command and control link (C2). Data link between the unmanned or remotely piloted aircraft and the remote pilot station for flight control purposes.
UAS technological equipment. These are devices, sensors, instruments and/or mechanisms that can be used as a complement to the UAS unmanned aircraft system that are not integrated, permanently installed or part of the UAS factory model, including, but not limited to: interchangeable cameras or sensors, specialized load supports, dispersion and spraying mechanisms, link extension systems (telemetry, command and control, communications, etc.), captive and continuous energization systems, parachutes, launchers and recovery systems, among others.
UAS operator. Natural or legal person who is engaged, or intends to be engaged, in the operation of unmanned aircraft systems.
Note. – In the context of unmanned aircraft, the operation of an aircraft includes the associated command and control system.
Geofence. From the English “geofence”, it is a virtual fence or boundary for a defined geographic volume or area. It can be of any size or shape. Geofences are created using specialized software.
Incident. Any event related to the use of an aircraft, other than an accident, that affects or may affect the safety of operations.
Serious incident. An incident involving circumstances that indicate that there was a high probability of an accident occurring, which is related to the use of an aircraft and which, in the case of an unmanned aircraft, occurred between the time the aircraft is ready to move for the purpose of performing a flight and the time it stops, at the end of the flight and its main propulsion system is turned off.
Chief UAS Pilot. A UAS pilot with certain flight experience with UA, formally designated for this position by a UAS operator, who is responsible for supervising the safe operation of that operator’s UA, compliance with the applicable current regulations, standardizing the procedures established by the UAS operator in its operations manual and for operational management before the UAEAC.
Note. – In the case of operators who are natural persons, the position of Chief UAS Pilot will be assumed by that same natural person on a mandatory basis.
Unmanned aircraft flight and maintenance logbook. Book in which the flight time of each unmanned aircraft (UAS) registered with the UAEAC is recorded, filled out in a format determined by the UAS operator, which contains at least the following data: equipment manufacturer, flight characteristics and equipment model, name of the operator or owner as appropriate, type and identification number, date of each flight, take-off time, landing time, total flight time and name and number of the suitability certificate of each UAS pilot who performed each flight. It also includes a specific format in which reports of malfunctions, failures or technical anomalies and the maintenance work performed on the UAS are listed, indicating its current operational condition (airworthiness).
Operations Manual (OM). UA operations manual issued by a UAS operator for its UAS unmanned aircraft system(s).
UAS manufacturer’s manual. Document issued by the manufacturer of a UAS describing the characteristics of a UA unmanned aircraft for a specific model, which does not substitute or replace the UAS operator’s operations manual.
UA Observer. A trained and competent person, designated by the UAS operator, who through visual observation of the unmanned aircraft, assists the UAS pilot in the safe conduct of the flight, especially in VLOS and EVLOS conditions, and/or who may substitute for the UAS pilot during UAS operation. The UA Observer shall be certified as a UAS pilot.
Line-of-sight (VLOS) operation. Aerial operation in which the UAS pilot maintains direct visual contact with the unmanned or remotely piloted aircraft, without the aid of optical or electronic devices other than corrective lenses.
Note. – The use of glasses, contact lenses, or a similar device used to correct normal vision (20/20 vision) is permitted, however, no electronic, mechanical, electromagnetic, optical, or electro-optical instrument (binoculars or similar) may be used by the UAS pilot and/or UA observer to expand their visibility.
Extended Line of Sight (EVLOS) Operation. An aerial operation in which the UAS pilot or UA observer maintains direct visual contact with the unmanned or remotely piloted aircraft without the aid of optical or electronic devices other than corrective lenses.
Note. – The use of glasses, contact lenses, or a similar device used to correct normal vision (20/20 vision) is permitted, however, no electronic, mechanical, electromagnetic, optical, or electro-optical instrument (binoculars or similar) may be used by the UAS pilot and/or UA observer to expand their visibility.
Beyond-line-of-sight (BVLOS) operation. An aerial operation in which the UAS pilot operates a UAS without maintaining direct visual contact with the UA, requiring a UAS flight management technology system that integrates a C2 link to ensure safe operation as appropriate.
UA Operator: A person who manipulates the control controls of an open category UA during its flight time, and who does not have a certificate of suitability as a UAS pilot.
Virtual Learning Object (VLO). It is a digital resource that can be used in different educational contexts. They can be courses, charts, photographs, films, videos and documents, among others, that have clear educational objectives.
UAS Pilot. Person responsible for carrying out essential tasks in the operation of an unmanned aircraft UA in a specific category, who manipulates the flight controls throughout the air operation.
Unified Command Post (UMP). It refers to the physical place where the command function is exercised, which is concentrated and implemented to coordinate the operational matters of a certain incident or event, under the responsibility of a certain civil authority.
Note. – Definition taken from Decree 0003 of January 5, 2021, “By which the protocol of preventive, concomitant and subsequent actions is issued, called “Statute of Reaction, Use and Verification of the Legitimate Force of the State and Protection of the Right to Peaceful Citizen Protest”.
Colombian Aeronautical Regulations for State Aviation (RACAE). A set of general and mandatory regulations issued by the State Aviation Aeronautical Authority (AAAE), which regulate aspects of State aviation, in accordance with other national and international regulations on the subject.
Operational management system. A system in which UAS operators record and control flight operations, keeping the following records: flights performed, type of operation, flight condition, UAS pilot, UA observers, flight records, geographic areas of operation, maintenance, failure records and operational safety events, among others.
Unmanned aircraft system (UAS). It is the set made up of the unmanned aircraft and its related elements that allow it to be operated remotely.
Operational safety management system (SMS). A systematic approach to safety management that includes organizational structures, accountability, policies and necessary procedures.
UAS flight management technology system. System that integrates a C2 link, through which the aerial operation of an unmanned aircraft(s) is managed in real time on a geographic information system (GIS), guaranteeing operational control of the flight, positioning precision, separation, location, tracking and response based on pre-established procedures to potential events of malfunction of the C2 link and/or failure events of the UA(s).
UA flight time. Time (in hours and minutes) elapsed between the ignition of the aircraft, followed by a flight phase and subsequent shutdown.
Types of aerial operation with UAS. These are aerial operations that have been classified as a specific activity carried out with an unmanned aircraft system.
Cargo transportation (“Drone Delivery”). It is the transportation, reception and/or delivery of objects or goods for commercial or non-commercial purposes, through the operation of a UA designed and authorized for this purpose.
Problematic use of psychoactive substances. The use of one or more psychoactive substances by aeronautical personnel in a way that:
(1) Constitutes a direct risk for the user or endangers the lives, health or well-being of others; and/or
(2) Causes or worsens an occupational, social, mental or physical problem or disorder.
Line of sight visibility (VLOS). Direct visual contact with the UA without optical or technological aids other than corrective lenses.
Note. – The use of glasses, contact lenses or a similar device used to correct normal vision (20/20 vision) is permitted; an electronic, mechanical, electromagnetic, optical or electro-optical instrument (binoculars or similar) may not be used to expand your visibility.
Extended Line of Sight Visibility (EVLOS). Direct visual contact with the UA with the support of a UA observer beyond the visual range of the UAS pilot without the aid of optical or electronic devices other than corrective lenses.
Note. – The use of glasses, contact lenses, or a similar device used to correct normal vision (20/20 vision) is permitted, however, an electronic, mechanical, electromagnetic, optical, or electro-optical instrument (binoculars or similar) may not be used by the UAS pilot and/or UA observer to expand their visibility.
Beyond-Line-of-Sight Visibility (BVLOS). Operations where the UAS pilot does not have direct visual contact with the UA, which requires the use of a UAS flight management technology system.
First-Person View (FPV). System that facilitates the transmission of video images from the UA to a receiver at a control station that allows a person to perceive the flight of the UA from the perspective that a pilot on board would have.
Automatic flight. Flight operation managed with the support of elements or systems that replace one or more command functions from the control station, without dispensing with the UAS pilot.
Autonomous flight. Operation during which an unmanned aircraft flies without intervention by a UAS pilot in flight management. The responsibility for the operation lies with the person planning the flight missions and programming the UA, and must be carried out by a UAS pilot.
Training zone. Airspace of defined dimensions over the national territory intended to keep civil and military crews of manned aircraft trained, through updating, standardization and autonomy processes.
UA training zone. Airspace of defined dimensions over the national territory intended to keep UAS pilots trained, through updating, standardization and autonomy processes.
No-drone flight zone (ZNVD). It is a geographical area defined by lateral and vertical limits from the ground surface to the designated height, in which the flight of unmanned aircraft is not permitted.
Dangerous zone. Airspace of defined dimensions in which activities dangerous to the flight of aircraft may be carried out at certain times.
Prohibited zone. Airspace of defined dimensions above the territory or jurisdictional waters of a State within which the flight of aircraft is prohibited.
Restricted zone. Airspace of defined dimensions above the territory or jurisdictional waters of a State within which the flight of aircraft is restricted under certain specified conditions.
100.010 Abbreviations
AAAE State Aeronautical Authority.
AAC Civil Aeronautical Authority. In this regulation, it refers to the aeronautical authority of any other ICAO member State.
AGL Height above ground level.
ARP Aerodrome reference point.
ATC Air traffic control service.
ATS Air traffic services.
BVLOS Visibility beyond the line of sight.
CDM Collaborative decision making.
CEAC Civil aeronautics training centre (according to RAC 142).
CIA Aeronautical training center (according to RAC 2).
CIAC Civil aeronautics training center (according to RAC 141 and 147).
DONA Air Navigation Operations Directorate.
EVLOS Extended line of sight visibility.
FPV First person vision.
MCM Maintenance control manual.
MO Operations manual.
OVA Virtual learning object.
PMBO Maximum gross operating weight.
PMU Unified command post.
RACAE Colombian Aeronautical Regulations for State Aviation.
RCE Extra contractual Civil Liability.
RPA Remotely piloted aircraft.
RPAS Remotely piloted aircraft system.
SAA Aeronautical Authority Secretariat.
SARPS Standards and recommended practices published by ICAO.
SMS Operational safety management system.
SSNA Air Navigation Services Secretariat.
UA Unmanned aircraft.
UAEAC Special Administrative Unit for Civil Aeronautics.
UAS Unmanned aircraft system.
VLOS Line of sight visibility.
VMC Visual meteorological conditions.
VTOL Vertical takeoff and landing.
ZNVD No-drone fly zone.
100.100 Scope of application
The rules of this chapter shall apply to all natural and legal persons, public or private, national or foreign, who plan to carry out operations with unmanned aircraft systems for commercial and/or non-profit purposes.
100.105 Registration of unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) and associated technological equipment
(a) Every unmanned aircraft system (UAS) with a UA weighing 200 grams or more must be registered with the UAEAC.
(b) For the purposes of ownership of the registration, any transfer of ownership or the status of UAS operator must be immediately registered with the UAEAC, in order to update the relevant information.
(c) When leasing contracts or any other contracts that transfer the status of operator of a UAS are entered into, the operational and legal responsibility will fall on the lessee in its capacity as operator, once the lessee or the purchaser informs the UAEAC of this matter by providing a copy of the respective contract. If this is not done, the lessor will retain such responsibility.
(d) In the event that a UA or UAS is decommissioned due to the end of its useful life, loss of flight capability, theft or any other circumstance that prevents its owner or registered operator from using it, this must be reported to the UAEAC in order to cancel its registration. Decommissioned UAS or UA for which a new registration is sought will be subject to prior monitoring and verification.
(e) All technological equipment associated with any UAS operation shall be listed at the time of registration or at any time they are incorporated into an operation.
(f) Once the requirements have been met and in accordance with the procedure established for this purpose, the UAEAC shall issue the operator a registration certificate, but this shall not include the associated technological equipment, but rather these shall be listed as an integral part of the database of UAS technological equipment for that operator.
100.110 Identification of unmanned aircraft
(a) Every UA that has been registered in the UAEAC database and with which operations are intended to be carried out within Colombian territory, must have permanently attached to its structure an identification label of at least 2 cm x 4 cm, with text in Arial font with a minimum size 8, containing at least the following data of the owner or operator of the UAS:
(1) Registration number assigned by the UAEAC to the UA;
(2) Full name or company name of the person listed in the UAEAC registry;
(3) Email address;
(4) UAEAC email address (atencionalciudadano@aerocivil.gov.co).
(b) The identification label must guarantee the following conditions:
(1) Permanent adherence to the structure of the UA;
(2) Permanent legibility of the information contained therein;
(3) It must not alter the weight and balance or the performance of the UA;
(4) Be visible on the exterior surface of the UA at all times; and
(5) It will have a color contrast that facilitates its reading.
Note. – The material, method of adherence, type of letter, position of elements, colors or additional information of the identification label is freely chosen by the user, as long as it complies at least with the provisions of this paragraph.
100.200 Scope of application
The rules of this chapter shall apply to all natural and legal persons, public or private, national or foreign, who plan to carry out operations with unmanned aircraft systems for commercial and/or non-profit purposes.
100.205 Operation categories
(a) UAS operations that may be carried out within Colombian territory are classified as follows:
(1) Open category. This corresponds to non-commercial (non-profit) operations carried out with a UA, with a maximum gross operating weight (mass) of up to 25 kilograms, including the weight (mass) of all elements that are on board and/or connected to the aircraft at takeoff. This condition must be maintained throughout the operation.
(i) To operate in the open category, it is mandatory to register the UAS unmanned aircraft system in the UAEAC database.
Note. – UAs weighing less than 200 grams will not require registration with the UAEAC.
(ii) Owners and/or users of open category UAS that were already registered with the UAEAC as class A according to Appendix 13 of the RAC 91 standard must update the registration information of their UAS.
(iii) For the purposes of this regulation, all activities carried out with a UA under the control and operation of children and adolescents will be the responsibility of the parents or whoever has custody of them, as well as the owner and/or whoever appears as the holder of the UA registration.
(2) Specific category. This corresponds to operations with a UA of any weight, but not exceeding 250 kilograms of gross weight (mass) at takeoff, including the weight of all elements on board and/or connected to the aircraft, carried out by natural or legal persons, national or foreign, for commercial purposes (for profit) and public entities that do not belong to the State Aviation, and/or to any UAS operation carried out in deviation from any of the restrictions for the open category.
(i) To operate in a specific category, it is mandatory to register the UAS in the UAEAC database;
(ii) Any flight carried out in the specific category may only be carried out by a UAS pilot;
(iii) Any flight carried out in the specific category must have a UAS flight authorization issued by the UAEAC;
(iv) The operation of manned aviation will always take priority over any operation with UAS.
(3) Certified category. This corresponds to the operations of remotely piloted aircraft systems (RPAS), whose flight conditions and purposes of use are similar to those of manned aviation. All RPAs will require a type certificate, an airworthiness certificate, will operate in accordance with instrument flight rules and their remote pilots will have a remote pilot license, an aeronautical medical certificate and specific training in the RPA they operate.
Note. – The International Civil Aviation Organization has classified the operation of remotely piloted aircraft systems (RPAS) as a certified category, however, the standards and recommended practices (SARPs) to be included in the Annexes to the Convention on International Civil Aviation, relating to the operation of unmanned aircraft in transport activities and other aerial work, are still being developed, therefore the UAEAC will not authorize operations of this nature until said Annexes have been amended in the relevant technical aspects and, consequently, the standards of the Colombian Aeronautical Regulations have been duly harmonized.
100.210 Responsibilities of a UA operator (open category) or a UAS pilot (specific category)
(a) Plan the development of the operation in compliance with the provisions of this regulation.
(b) Know the designation and classification of the airspace and any applicable restrictions in the area where the flight operation is planned.
Note. – RAC 211 – Air traffic management provides everything related to the distribution, classification, attention and surveillance of Colombian airspace.
(c) Verify the surrounding operational environment, considering risks to people and property in the immediate vicinity, both on the surface and in the air, including the prevailing local meteorological conditions, airspace class and flight restrictions in the area.
(d) Ensure that the persons participating in the operation are informed about the operating conditions, emergency procedures, roles, responsibilities and potential hazards.
(e) Operate the UA in a responsible and safe manner, avoiding actions or conditions that may generate dangers or risks to operational safety, people’s lives, infrastructure or public or private property.
(f) Operate the UA within the limitations established by the manufacturer.
(g) Operate the UA in accordance with the provisions of the UAS operator’s operations manual (specific category).
(h) Inspect and verify that the UA and its corresponding systems are in suitable conditions to carry out a safe flight.
(i) Ensure that the link and communication system (C2 link) between the ground control station or system and the UA is functioning properly.
(j) Verify that the UAS has sufficient availability of the energy required for the safe execution of the planned aerial operation (batteries, fuel, etc.).
(k) Ensure that the total flight time in an operation does not exceed 80% of the total autonomy established by the manufacturer or constructor of the UAS. If this parameter has not been defined by the manufacturer or constructor, the UA operator or exploiter must estimate it based on tests carried out by him on the system and include it in the MO, as applicable.
(l) Give way and keep clear of all manned aircraft, on the ground and/or in flight.
(m) Make the necessary arrangements to avoid any risk of interference or collision with other unmanned aircraft.
(n) Ensure that the operation is carried out from a fixed point, so that the operation of a UA is not carried out from a moving vehicle, vessel or manned aircraft.
(o) Respect and enforce current regulations regarding the right to privacy.
(p) To carry out operations in deviation from any of the conditions described in this section, the interested party must request a UAS flight authorization under the terms of this regulation.
100.215 Types of visual contact with the UA
(a) VLOS – Line of sight visibility.
(1) Flight conducted at a maximum distance of 750 meters measured horizontally from the fixed position of the UA operator or UAS pilot, without the use of optical or technological devices other than corrective lenses.
Note. – The use of glasses, contact lenses or a similar device used to correct normal vision (20/20 vision) is permitted, however, an electronic, mechanical, electromagnetic, optical or electro-optical instrument (binoculars or similar) may not be used by the UAS pilot and/or UA observer to expand their visibility.
(2) A UA operator or UAS pilot may not fly in:
(i) Any area in which the visual range with respect to the surrounding airspace in which he plans to operate is obstructed; or
(ii) In meteorological conditions that limit the ability to maintain visual contact with the UA.
(3) A UA operator or UAS pilot shall, at all times:
(i) Maintain line of sight with the UA or be in direct communication with a UA observer who maintains line of sight with the UA;
(ii) Have visual access to the surrounding airspace in which the UA is operating; and
(iii) Operate the UA below the base of the first cloud layer.
(4) For the purposes of this regulation, line-of-sight visibility (VLOS) is maintained when there is an imaginary straight line along which the operator or observer of a UA has a clear view of the UA, including the use of:
(i) Glasses, contact lenses, or a similar device used to correct the normal vision of the UAS pilot and/or UA observer (20/20 vision), without the use of an electronic, mechanical, electromagnetic, optical, or electro-optical instrument; or
(ii) A UA observer who maintains line-of-sight with the UA, while in constant communication with the UA operator or UAS pilot, for any operation in which the latter makes use of a first-person view (FPV) system.
(5) The UA observer must have the skills and qualifications of a UAS pilot for the certified category.
(b) EVLOS – Extended line-of-sight visibility.
(1) Flight that requires the support of one or more UA observers, extending the range 750 meters measured horizontally from the fixed position of the UAS pilot, without using optical or electronic devices other than corrective lenses.
(2) If UA observers are used, the range may be extended up to a maximum of 3 kilometers radius measured from the fixed geographic location of the UAS pilot or UA operator, provided that said UA observer guarantees a line-of-sight distance to the UA of less than 750 meters. The UA observer who maintains the line of sight with the UA must be in constant communication with the UAS pilot.
(3) In the event that the line of sight is lost by a UA observer, the operation must be cancelled and cannot be resumed until conditions are met that guarantee the line of sight with the UA.
(c) BVLOS – Visibility beyond the line of sight.
It is the flight condition in which there is no visual contact with the UA, exceeding the VLOS and EVLOS conditions, which requires the use of a UAS flight management technology system and compliance with the specific considerations described in this regulation.
100.220 Special flights
(a) Night flight.
(1) For night flight conditions in both open and specific category activities, the UA must have factory lights that are permanently on and make it visible (for example, navigation lights, without being limited to the use of additional lights such as strobe and/or alternating lights or for swarm and advertising events), without exceeding 750 meters measured horizontally from the fixed position of the UA operator and have the support of a UA observer.
(2) In the case of activities in the specific category, the UAS pilot must have a night flight addition on his certificate of suitability.
(3) Night operations for cargo transport activities (“Drone Delivery”) will not be authorized under any circumstances.
(b) Flight in urban areas.
(1) Operations carried out in the vicinity of or within areas with urban infrastructure, populated and/or urbanized areas, must, in addition to the requirements demanded by the category in which they carry out their operations, comply with the following:
(i) The UA may not be flown less than 30 meters measured horizontally from a person not involved in the operation;
(ii) Flights may not be carried out within 30 horizontal or vertical meters of any building, and may not exceed 400 feet (122 m) above the ground; and
(iii) VLOS operations may only be carried out.
(2) The provisions of the preceding subparagraph shall be excepted if the operation is to support a public calamity, disaster or emergency, in accordance with the provisions of this regulation.
(c) Autonomous flight.
(1) In each autonomous flight (asynchronously scheduled), the responsibility for the operation with UAS and compliance with the applicable conditions of this regulation shall fall on the UAS operator and the UAS pilot who designed the flight plan and/or programmed the UA, as well as on the person who takes control, activates and/or deactivates the UA.
(2) The ability to take control of the UA and monitor flight paths and aircraft status in real time must be maintained at all times.
(3) Autonomous flight operations are limited to a distance of 750 metres measured horizontally from the fixed position of the UA take-off or launch point, taking into account that the landing point may or may not be the same take-off or launch point. If the operation requires exceeding this distance, the operator must obtain authorization from the UAEAC for an operation in a specific category.
(4) The operator must have a UAS flight management technology system that demonstrates the tracking and command of the UA, which allows measuring the maximum communication delays with the UA.
(d) Flights for commercial demonstrations or technological capacity of UAS.
(1) They may only be carried out by a UAS pilot who has the corresponding additions to his certificate of suitability.
(2) The UAS must be registered with the UAEAC.
(3) The UA must have a non-contractual civil liability insurance policy in force at the time of the demonstration.
(4) If the demonstration is not to exceed the conditions and limitations established in this regulation for the open category, the operator will not require a UAS flight authorization.
(5) In the event that the demonstration exceeds the operating rules of the open category, it must have a UAS flight authorization.
(e) Flights in competitions and outdoor sports and recreational activities.
(1) For sports events with UAS in open spaces, the organizers must delimit a safety zone for the public, providing physical protection barriers that guarantee their safety, and not allow the flight of UA over people not associated with the operation.
(f) Tethered UA flights.
(1) This is the flight of any UA that is physically anchored or connected to the surface by one or more elements such as cables, hoses or similar, other than those intended to prevent the movement of the UA.
(2) None of the operational heights described in these regulations must be exceeded.
(3) The area over which the UA can move must be free of people and the operator must have all the safety elements normally used in lifting loads.
Note. – Safety aspects related to lifting loads can be consulted in the current regulations for the General Occupational Health and Safety System – SGSST through any occupational risk management entity.
(b) Every UA operator (open category) must have with him/her and available during the development of a UA operation the corresponding UA registration certificate issued by the UAEAC.
(c) Every UAS pilot (specific category) or UAS operator must have with him/her and available during the development of a UAS operation the following documents:
(1) UAS registration certificate issued by the UAEAC;
(2) Copy of the non-contractual civil liability policy in the terms of this regulation;
(3) Certificate of suitability of each UAS pilot participating in the operation, issued by the UAEAC;
(4) Copy of the UAS operator certificate issued by the UAEAC;
(5) UAS flight authorization issued by the UAEAC;
(6) Flight and maintenance log of each UA being used in the operation.
(d) Every UAS operator (specific category) must have the following documents available and up-to-date at its facilities:
(1) A valid UAS operator certificate issued by the UAEAC; a copy of this must be displayed in a visible place at the UA operator’s facilities;
(2) A certificate of registration for each UAS and associated technological equipment issued by the UAEAC;
(3) A copy of the non-contractual civil liability policy in force for each UAS that is operational and/or related within a UAS flight authorization;
(4) A copy of the certificate of suitability of each of the UA pilots linked to the operator;
(5) Operations manual (MO);
(6) Maintenance control manual (MCM);
(7) Any other document, record or report that must be kept by virtue of this regulation or the air operation it carries out.
100.230 Psychoactive substances
(a) No person shall act as a UA operator or UAS pilot, UA observer or participate in a UAS operation:
(1) Within 12 hours of consuming alcoholic beverages, while under the influence of alcohol; or
(2) While using or having used any psychoactive substance that impairs human faculties in their performance, in a way that may affect operational safety or may endanger any person or infrastructure, or that generates a problematic use of these substances.
Note. – In this regard, the concepts and provisions of the RAC 120 standard on prevention and control of improper consumption of psychoactive substances in aeronautical personnel that are applicable shall be adopted.
100.235 Falsifications or alterations – Penalty regime
(a) No person shall make, promote or cause to be made:
(1) Any fraudulent or intentionally false record, report that may be made, kept or used to demonstrate compliance with any requirement of this regulation; or
(2) Any reproduction or alteration for fraudulent purposes of any certificate, authorization, record or report pursuant to this regulation.
(b) The commission of a prohibited act or failure to comply with this regulation shall be sufficient reason to:
(1) Deny any application for a UAS flight certificate or authorization pursuant to this regulation; or
(2) Permanently suspend or revoke any certificate or authorization issued by UAEAC under this regulation and held by that natural or legal person; or
(3) Initiate the administrative sanctioning action according to the rules established in the RAC 13 “Sanctioning regime” of the Aeronautical Regulations of Colombia, without prejudice to the residual civil, criminal, police or administrative liability that could arise from said non-compliance.
Note 1. – In accordance with the provisions of section 13.1080 of regulation RAC 13 (sanctioning regime), any act or omission that, even without constituting an infraction, entails serious and imminent risk to operational safety or to the life or property of people in relation to aeronautical activities, the UAEAC may adopt preventive measures such as those indicated in section 13.1075 of said regulation, tending to avert the dangerous situation created. The adoption of these measures will not be subject to a special procedure, but it must be taken into account that the action taken in this regard respects the rights and procedural guarantees of the affected party enshrined in the Political Constitution, in the Law and in the Regulations, without detriment to its essential purpose related to the preservation of operational and airport safety in defense of the fundamental right to life of people.
Note 2. – In accordance with the provisions of the National Code of Security and Citizen Coexistence (Law 1801 of 2016), especially those described in numeral 10 of article 146 and article 149 of said Code, and the regulations that modify, add to or complement it on this matter, the competent authorities for the effective fulfillment of the police function may suspend or prevent all activity with UA, take control of the UA in a safe manner, making use of the available technological means and seize the device involved, when such activity is violating legal, supralegal norms and/or the provisions of this regulation, as well as when its operation represents an imminent threat to citizen coexistence and security, for which purposes the UAEAC may coordinate with said authorities the pertinent measures related to the custody of the seized devices and those that allow maintaining adequate control over the operations with these devices, whatever their category, when it is pertinent and necessary.
100.240 Accident or incident reporting
(a) The UA operator, owner, UA operator or UAS pilot must formally report to the UAEAC Technical Directorate for Accident Investigation (DIACC) any eventuality during the execution of a UAS operation in which any of the following circumstances have occurred:
(1) Serious injury to any person or loss of consciousness;
(2) Collision of the UA against any element of infrastructure or damage to private or public property on the surface;
(3) Collision of the UA with another UA;
(4) Collision of the UA with a manned aircraft, on the ground or in flight;
(5) Collision of the UA with fauna.
(b) The formal report must be made within 48 hours following the occurrence of the event that involves one or more criteria contemplated in this section, by completing the “Event Notification Form” found at https://www.aerocivil.gov.co/autoridad-de-la-aviacion-civil/investigacion/Pages/DIACC.aspx, containing the elements described in RAC 114 in section 114.336 “Notification by the operator, owner, operator or person manipulating the flight controls of a UAS”.
(c) The UAEAC and the certified UAS operator shall apply the principle of record protection for the purposes of accident and incident investigation, in accordance with section 114.465 of RAC 114 “Aviation accident and incident investigation” related to the UA involved in an accident or incident, for which the UAS operator shall ensure, to the extent possible, the preservation of all files (flight log) contained in the UAS, as well as their safekeeping, while determining what is to be done with them in accordance with the applicable Regulation.
Note. – Contact information for the Technical Directorate of Accident Investigation – DIAAC of the UAEAC: https://www.aerocivil.gov.co/autoridad-de-la-aviacion-civil/investigacion/Pages/DIACC.aspx, Special Administrative Unit of Civil Aeronautics, Av. El Dorado # 103-15, NEAA Building, 5th floor, Bogotá, D.C., postal code 110911, email investigacion.accide@aerocivil.gov.co.
100.245 Compliance with the Rules of the Air
(a) Without prejudice to the rules contained in these regulations, all unmanned aircraft operating in national airspace must comply, as applicable, with the flight rules contained in RAC 91 (General rules of flight and operation).
(b) Unmanned aircraft of State Aviation may deviate from the rules mentioned in the previous paragraph, in the development of missions classified as public order, provided that the necessary measures are adopted and the necessary coordination is carried out to protect civil aircraft.
100.300 Scope of application
The rules of this chapter shall apply to all natural and legal persons, public or private, national or foreign, who plan to carry out flights or carry out operations with UAS for non-profit or commercial purposes.
100.305 Types of UAS operations in open category
(a) The following are described as types of UAS operations in open category:
(1) Simple image or data capture;
(2) Spraying;
(3) Dispersion;
(4) Support in response to public calamity, disaster or emergency, in accordance with the provisions of section 100.335 of this regulation.
100.310 Operating conditions for an open category UA
(a) For the operation of an open category UA, the UA operator must observe, in addition to the provisions of Chapter C of this regulation, the following specific operating conditions:
(1) Operations may only be carried out in airspace not restricted or limited for UAS operations;
(2) The flight may not exceed 400 feet in height (122 m AGL);
(3) The UA must remain within the line-of-sight visibility (VLOS) of the person operating the UA, without exceeding, in any case, a distance of 750 meters measured horizontally from the fixed position of the UA operator;
(4) The operation must be conducted in visual meteorological conditions (VMC) and daylight hours; however, night operations may be conducted provided that the rules established for that condition for each type of operation are followed;
(5) The UA must not be operated within 30 meters, measured horizontally, of any person not directly associated with the operation;
(6) Any operation in which the UA operator flies in first-person view (FPV) must have an observer, in order to maintain line of sight with the UA without optical aids, who must maintain constant communication with the UA operator.
(b) When dealing with any of the other flight operations described in section 100.220 of this regulation starting with paragraph (b), the operator and the UA operator must observe the rules stipulated for each case.
(c) For each flight carried out, the UA operator must consult the publication of defined areas for manned and unmanned aviation, as well as segregated spaces for special operations, including those related to UAS flights.
100.315 Restrictions on the operation of UAS in the open category
(a) A UA in the open category may not operate:
(1) In a prohibited area;
(2) In a restricted area;
(3) In a dangerous area;
(4) In a training area;
(5) In a no-drone flight zone – ZNVD;
Note. – The no-drone flight zones – ZNVD can be consulted on the UAEAC website.
(6) In a BVLOS operating area;
(7) For profit or commercial purposes;
(8) For the performance of transport activities, including live animals;
(9) To drop objects (solid or liquid) from the air;
(10) To conduct training flights;
(11) To conduct swarm operations;
(12) Within a radius of 2 kilometers (1.1 nautical miles) around any place where the President of the Republic is located;
(13) Within 2 kilometers (1.1 nautical miles) of horizontal distance measured from the perimeter of military or police bases, penitentiary centers and critical infrastructure of the country;
(14) At an airport and/or within a radius of 9 kilometers (4.8 nautical miles) measured from the aerodrome reference point (ARP), however, between 6 and 9 km measured from the ARP, the operation may be carried out in open category, but the flight height must not exceed 200 feet (61 m) above the elevation of the lowest threshold;
(15) At a heliport (or helideck or helideck) and/or within a radius of 3 kilometres (1.6 nautical miles) measured from the heliport reference point (ARH).
100.320 Exceptions for open category operation over or near persons
(a) No person shall operate a UA directly over another person unless:
(1) That person is directly participating in the operation of the UA;
(2) That person is located under a covered structure or within a stopped vehicle that can provide reasonable protection;
(3) The UA is operated not less than 30 meters measured horizontally from that person.
100.325 Minimum knowledge required for an open category UA operator
(a) Every person who performs open category UA operations must know, as a minimum, and have competence in:
(1) The operating and safety procedures established by the manufacturer of the UA that he plans to operate;
(2) The parts or general systems of the UAS to be operated and the use of its controls;
(3) Basic concepts of aerodynamics applied to the UA, according to its characterization;
(4) Basic concepts of aeronautical meteorology;
(5) Basic concepts of navigation applied to the operation of the UA (use of satellite systems, flight heights and distances, etc.);
(6) Basic concepts of human actions;
(7) Distractions in operations and the influence of people outside the operation;
(8) The state of situational awareness;
(9) Care and maintenance of the UA.
(b) To operate a UA in an open category, it is not necessary for its operator to have a certificate of suitability as a UAS pilot, but it will be mandatory for the UAS to be registered with the UAEAC and to operate observing the prescriptions of this regulation for said category and the indications given in the manufacturer’s manual.
(c) Any deviation from the specific operating conditions described in this chapter will make the intended UA operation subject to the provisions of Chapter E of this regulation (specific category).
100.330 Special conditions for spraying and dispersing operations in the open category
(a) This type of operation includes operations carried out with UAS for the purpose of spraying any chemical or agrochemical product to nourish and/or mature plants, treat the soil, assist in the propagation of plant species, control pests or carry out spraying activities that directly affect agriculture, horticulture or forest preservation, not including the dispersal of live insects.
(b) A UA operator may carry out spraying or dispersing activities as described in the previous paragraph, within a property owned by it without requiring flight authorizations, provided that it meets the following conditions:
(1) That it is not a remunerated activity;
(2) That the flights are not carried out at a height of more than 10 meters above the vegetation layer;
(3) That the operation takes place within the limits of the property;
(4) That the UA does not exceed 250 kilograms of weight (mass) at takeoff;
(5) That the UAS pilot has a certificate of suitability and the corresponding additions for the aerial operation to be carried out (by weight, spraying, etc.);
(6) That he does not possess more than two (2) UA.
Note. – If a UA operator possesses three (3) or more UA, he must comply with the applicable rules for the specific category.
(c) The UA operator must observe the pertinent and applicable provisions of Decree 1843 of 1991, Law 09 of 1974, Decree 2811 of 1974 and other current regulations related to the use and handling of pesticides.
100.335 Special conditions for UAS operations to respond to a public calamity, disaster or emergency
(a) When it is necessary to carry out UAS operations for the purposes of responding to and/or supporting a public calamity, disaster or emergency, these may be carried out without requiring the UAS flight authorization request process before the UAEAC, provided that:
(1) The relevant coordination is made with the person responsible for the unified command post (PMU) that has been delegated by the competent authorities to respond to the incident;
(2) In any case, whoever operates a UAS under this exceptional consideration must comply with the rules set forth in Chapter C of this regulation, guaranteeing operational safety at all times;
(3) At any time, the UAEAC may request information on the development of the operation.
Note. – Law 1523 of 2012 in its article 4 defines the concepts of public calamity, disaster and emergency. In this sense, it is not possible to make use of this exceptional authorization to carry out UAS operations that are susceptible to being planned, arguing events that do not constitute a public calamity, disaster or emergency.
100.400 Scope of application
(a) The rules of this chapter shall apply to any natural or legal person, public or private, national or foreign, who plans to carry out operations with UAS:
(1) For commercial purposes; and/or
(2) Exceeding the conditions and limitations established for the open category.
(b) For UAS operations in the specific category where the flight of a UA is required from an airport or in the vicinity of it, without prejudice to the restriction indicated in subparagraph 100.315(a)(14) and the obligation to have the respective flight authorization, prior coordination with the corresponding ATS unit will be necessary based on the applicable CDM for the area or airport where the operation is intended.
Note. – The UAEAC will publish the geographic information system (georeferencing viewer) applicable for the development of each CDM with respect to each airport in Colombia.
(c) However, if the operation will take place between 6 and 9 km measured horizontally from the ARP, a CDM will not be required for coordination with ATS, provided that the UA flies below 200 feet (61 meters AGL) above the lowest threshold elevation.
Note. – For more information on the CDM, see ATM-CI Circular 066 “Collaborative decision-making process for Colombia” or any future amendment, supplement or replacement thereof.
100.405 Types of UAS operations in the specific category
(a) The types of UAS operations in the specific category are described below:
(1) Simple image or data capture;
(2) Image or data capture for private surveillance and security purposes;
Note. – Certified UAS operators who carry out image or data capture operations for private surveillance and security purposes must comply with the provisions of Decree 356 of 1994 (Private Surveillance and Security Statute), specifically in relation to the approval by the Superintendency of Private Surveillance and Security regarding the use of technological means (article 3), for which reason the UAEAC will require a copy of the license or credential provided for in said regulation from these UAS operators.
(3) Capture of images or data for mass media;
(4) Spraying;
(5) Dispersal;
(6) Swarming;
(7) Cargo transportation (“Drone Delivery”);
(8) Missionary activities of public entities;
(9) Instruction.
(b) Persons who carry out any of the activities described in subparagraphs (1) to (8) above must comply, in addition to the provisions of this regulation, with all those applicable to them in regulations RAC 137 (agricultural aviation) and RAC 138 (other aerial work).
(c) Any UAS operation involving profit-making purposes will also require compliance with the provisions of regulations RAC 5 or RAC 6, as applicable, with respect to the operation of commercial air services.
(d) For UAS operations in training activities, these may only be carried out by aeronautical training centers (CIAC, CEAC or CIA) with a valid operating permit.
(e) The UAEAC may, at any time, cancel, restrict, deny and/or prohibit any operation or flight condition, even if approved, if it shows any possible risk to operational safety.
100.410 Operating conditions for a UA in a specific category
(a) To carry out operations with a UA in the specific category, the UAS operator must observe, in addition to the provisions of Chapter C of this regulation, the following specific operating conditions:
(1) Have a UAS operator certificate issued by the UAEAC, in whose operating specifications the UAS pilots and the UAS equipment with which it is authorized to carry out UAS operations will be listed;
(2) Have registered with the UAEAC the technological equipment that is not an integral part of the factory of each of its UA and that is associated with the operation to be developed;
(3) Have the civil liability policy(ies) required by this regulation, in accordance with the terms of the second paragraph of article 1901, in accordance with articles 1827, 1835 numeral 1° and 1842 of the Commercial Code, and other applicable legislation;
(4) Plan and execute the operations in compliance with the provisions of the MO of the UAS operator and the manual(s) of the manufacturer(s);
(5) The UAS operator will designate, through the Chief UAS Pilot, the personnel required for each operation, assigning the UAS pilot in command, who will be responsible for the entire operation on behalf of the UAS operator;
(6) Carry out the respective operational safety risk analysis, according to the type of operation and the specific flight conditions, including the identification and prioritization of hazards, analysis and evaluation of risks along with the mitigation strategies thereof;
(7) Obtain the UAS flight authorization issued by the UAEAC for the operation according to the procedure established in this regulation;
(8) When required, the UAS pilot must have a portable VHF air band radio transmitter and receiver in order to establish aeronautical communications with the corresponding ATS units, for which:
(i) The ATS unit may indicate an alternate or most pertinent means of communication with a UAS pilot, if necessary;
(ii) The UAS pilot must comply with the instructions given by the corresponding ATS unit;
(9) Comply with all operating conditions of the open category and those corresponding to operations in the specific category, according to the type of operation and the expected flight conditions;
(10) Any certified UAS operator that requires deviating from the provisions for the specific category must send a special authorization request to the UAEAC indicating the related deviations, the reasons and the technical and operational conditions with which it will manage and mitigate any operational risk that is clearly and previously identified.
100.415 Technical conditions for a UA in a specific category (airworthiness requirements)
(a) Every UA that is to be operated in the specific category must comply, as a minimum, with the following technical conditions (airworthiness requirements):
(1) Maintain its structural elements and control systems in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions to ensure their optimal operation;
(2) Any modification or alteration in the configuration or technical characteristics that in any way affects the flight and/or operation capabilities or characteristics of the UA must be expressly approved by its manufacturer;
(3) The remote command and control system must not generate any interference with other aeronautical systems;
(4) The following systems must be present in the UA and operate correctly:
(i) A command and control (C2) system that complies with the descriptions in section 100.420 of this regulation;
(ii) An autopilot system;
(iii) A satellite navigation system;
(iv) A launch and/or recovery system (if required) for normal, abnormal and emergency conditions;
(v) All factory systems fully functional (including lights, sensors and other original parts).
(5) All devices installed for the execution of a certain type of operation such as optical sensors, loading and unloading systems, spraying or dispersion systems, among others, must function correctly, in accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications;
(6) For night flight, the UA must have lights (for example, navigation lights) that make it clearly visible.
(b) The UA must have the identification label described in section 100.110 of this regulation.
100.420 C2 link conditions (command and control)
(a) The C2 link shall be subject to validation and acceptance by the UAEAC, for which every UAS operator shall:
(1) Submit to the UAEAC a detailed description of the C2 link configuration and the procedures in case of loss or deterioration of communication;
(2) If a communications service provider is used, have a map that supports the coverage of the link service in the area where the operation is planned and during the time that it will take;
(3) Identify the limitations of the C2 link, according to the type of specific operation requested (for example: antenna blocking, range limit, antenna power and radiation pattern, infrastructure that blocks the signal, among others).
(b) Upon materialization of the validation and acceptance referred to in this section, the UAS operator shall include all relevant information in the MO.
(c) Risk mitigation actions for connection loss defined by the UAS manufacturer and/or operator must focus on minimizing damage in the event of a C2 link failure.
Note. – The UAEAC has the authority to limit a UAS operation in order to maintain an acceptable level of operational safety regarding the integrity of the C2 link, taking into account that the current state of technology may not be able to provide the levels of reliability and integrity required for a safe operation.
100.425 Special conditions for image or data capture operation for mass media
(a) This section applies to UAS operations for the sole purpose of capturing images or data for mass media purposes.
(b) Image or data capture operations for mass media may be carried out on a special basis through an extended UAS flight authorization, provided that the UAS operator meets the following conditions:
(1) The request is made by a UAS operator certified for that specific operation;
(2) The flight is performed by a certified UAS pilot;
(3) The UAS operator demonstrates that its primary activity is related to mass media;
(4) The maximum extension time of the UAS flight authorization in this type of operation will be subject to the validity of the RCE policy, taking into account the possibility of renewal of said policy and authorization;
(5) The extended UAS flight authorization may cover the entire national territory, without implying an exception to the conditions described in section 100.315 on restrictions for the operation of UAS in the open category;
(6) The operation may not exceed any of the conditions of chapter D on operating rules for the open category;
(7) At any time, the UAEAC may request information on the operational aspects of the authorized air activity.
(c) For any operation other than that described in this section, the certified UAS operator must request a UAS flight authorization for each individual operation.
100.430 Special conditions for spraying and dispersion operations in a specific category
(a) This type of operation includes operations carried out with UAS for the purpose of spraying any chemical or agrochemical product with the intention of nourishing and/or maturing plants, treating the soil, helping in the propagation of plant species, controlling pests or carrying out activities that directly affect agriculture, horticulture or forest preservation, not including the dispersal of live insects.
(b) UAS operators interested in this type of operation must comply with the provisions of RAC 5 and RAC 137 regulations in everything related to the operating conditions of agricultural aviation that are applicable to UAS, including the requirements that must be met before the competent authorities in agricultural, health and environmental matters, among others.
(c) Spraying activities carried out with UAS within a property owned by the UAS operator will not require a flight authorization request, provided that it meets the following conditions:
(1) That it is not a remunerated activity;
(2) That the flights are not carried out at more than 10 meters above the vegetation layer being sprayed;
(3) That the operation is carried out only within the limits of the property;
(4) That the UA does not exceed 250 kilograms of weight (mass) at takeoff;
(5) That the UAS pilot has his/her certificate of suitability and the corresponding additions for the aerial operation to be carried out (by weight, spraying, etc.).
(d) The UAS operator must comply with the pertinent and applicable provisions of Decree 1843 of 1991, Law 09 of 1974, Decree 2811 of 1974 and other current regulations related to the use and handling of pesticides and other agrochemical inputs.
100.435 Special conditions for swarm operations
(a) UAS operations that include the control of multiple UAs operated by a single UAS pilot must meet the following special conditions:
(1) Have a command and control system, including hardware and software, certified by its manufacturer and/or have a UAS certification document for swarm operations issued by the aeronautical authority of an ICAO member State;
(2) Conduct operational field tests, which will be defined in their concept and duration by the Secretariat of Aeronautical Authority for each particular case, based on the technical information attached to the UAS registry, in accordance with the procedure established by the UAEAC;
(3) Have a training certificate, training diploma or similar document that supports the UAS pilot’s skills and competencies necessary to carry out swarm operations;
(4) Describe specifically in the MO the procedures applicable to this type of operation, detailing at least:
(i) The order of the sequence of transmission of the instructions issued from the flight control system to each and every one of the UAs in the swarm;
(ii) The software programs, applications and other logical support used for command and control, design, programming and monitoring of the mission, and other associated functions;
(iii) Abnormal and emergency procedures, with a description of possible system configurations in the event of failure;
(iv) The spaces and/or safety distances that must be maintained for persons not involved in the operation (spectators and/or the public).
Note. – The UAEAC will only authorize swarm-type operations for advertising or air show purposes.
100.440 Special conditions for aerial cargo transport operations (“Drone Delivery”)
(a) Every UAS operator interested in carrying out cargo transport operations, known as “Drone Delivery”, must comply, in addition to what is established in this regulation, with the following special conditions:
(1) Be constituted as a legal entity;
(2) Have a UAS operator certificate issued by the UAEAC authorizing it to carry out this type of aerial operation;
(3) The weight of the cargo to be transported may not exceed 50 kg and, in any case, the PBMO will not exceed 250 kg;
(4) If the cargo weighs more than 50 kg (without exceeding 250 kg of PBMO), the UAS operator must request special flight authorization from the UAEAC, informing about the nature and quantity of the cargo, as well as the route through which it will be transported, in order to carry out a special study of said request. In these cases, dangerous goods may not be transported;
(5) If the operation is carried out for commercial purposes (profit-making), the UAS operator must have an operating permit for public cargo transport. If the transport is to be carried out as external cargo, the operating permit will refer to special aerial work in that modality, all in accordance with standard RAC 5 of the Aeronautical Regulations of Colombia;
Note. – The granting of this operating permit will not be preceded by the public hearing procedure if the need and convenience of the proposed service were evident.
(6) The UAS(s) available for operation must be duly registered with the UAEAC;
(7) The UA(s) will be subject to validation by the UAEAC on their technical suitability for this type of operation, which may be supported by a certification issued by the manufacturer that accounts for tests in cargo transport (“Drone Delivery”) of at least 250 hours or by the civil aviation authority of an ICAO member State, for the specific model of UA that is intended to be used;
(8) The UAS pilots and the Chief UAS Pilot must have training by the manufacturer regarding the operation and handling of the UAS;
(9) UAS pilots and the Chief UAS Pilot must have the specific additions to their certificate of suitability required to carry out the cargo transport operation (“Drone Delivery”), as the development of said operation is planned, as well as weight additions up to 250 kg, BVLOS, as necessary;
(10) To transport dangerous goods in an unmanned aircraft, the UAS operator must have a specific authorization in accordance with the provisions of the RAC 175 standard of the Colombian Aeronautical Regulations;
(11) All UAS operator personnel who handle dangerous goods on the ground must have specific certified training of at least 40 hours regarding the safe transport of dangerous goods by air, as indicated in section 175.316 of the RAC 175 standard, in accordance with the standards of ICAO Annex 18 and the technical instructions on the safe transport of dangerous goods by air determined in ICAO Document 9284;
(12) All personnel involved in the cargo transport operation (“Drone Delivery”), including the UAS Chief Pilot, must have specific certified training of at least 20 hours regarding the safe transport of dangerous goods by air;
(13) The UAS operator must ensure the stability and reliability of the C2 links during all phases of flight, including emergency maneuvers;
(14) The UAS pilot in command of the operation must constantly monitor the meteorological conditions throughout the cargo transport operation (“Drone Delivery”), ensuring that VMC conditions are maintained;
(15) The operation of multiple aircraft on the same scheduled route (without being considered a swarm) will be evaluated by the UAEAC and will be subject to the respective UAS flight authorization;
(16) UAS operators that carry out operations other than cargo transportation (“Drone Delivery”) must designate a UAS Chief Pilot exclusively for this activity, having another one for the other operations;
(17) The MO of the UAS operator certified in the cargo transportation operation (“Drone Delivery”) must include, for approval by the UAEAC, detailed procedures on:
(i) Flight planning, including the use of specialized software for this type of air operation;
(ii) Pre-flight and preparation of aeronautical, electronic, infrastructure equipment and any element that will be used during the operation;
(iii) Normal operation for all phases of flight (takeoff, climb, cruise, descent, approach and landing or recovery) and any other operating conditions that, given the nature of this air operation, require to be described;
(iv) Loading and unloading of goods, indicating parameters, tools and practices associated with both the equipment and loading, unloading and delivery capacities, as appropriate, considering the following:
(A) The UAS operator must demonstrate to the UAEAC that the delivery system of the goods, both in loading and unloading, is safe and does not represent a risk to operational safety;
(B) The MO must describe in detail the security systems of the cargo and/or merchandise that guarantee its stability and fastening in all phases of the flight;
(C) If the UA does not have the capacity to perform a hovering flight, the MO must consider the procedures and maneuvers necessary to perform holding circuits.
(v) Abnormal and emergency operation for all phases of the flight, establishing the different operational considerations for each case, including geographic areas prepared for forced landings.
(18) The analysis and management of operational safety risks for the specific cargo transport operation (“Drone Delivery”);
(19) Description of the droneports, detailing the physical characteristics of the infrastructure that you plan to build and/or use, in accordance with this type of operation;
Note. – Based on the experience acquired in terms of aeronautical infrastructure of airports and heliports, the UAEAC will validate the proposal presented by the UAS operator while the standards for drone ports are defined.
(20) Emergency response plan for cargo transportation operations (“Drone Delivery”), which must describe the activities to be carried out by the personnel involved in the operation in the event of an accident or incident;
(21) Generate a numbered cargo declaration, guide or manifest, detailing the type of merchandise transported in each UAS operation;
(22) Comply with all current and applicable regulations on the transportation of cargo or merchandise by air;
(23) Have civil liability insurance for loss or damage to the merchandise or goods transported, in addition to those corresponding to liability for damage to third parties on the surface (RCE) or collision (collision with other aircraft);
(24) Live animals may not be transported.
(b) Every request for cargo transport operation (“Drone Delivery”) with UAS will be subject to inspection of the devices to be used for loading and securing the cargo, and to prior flight tests and validation of the procedures described in this section in the manner determined by the UAEAC.
Note. – The UAEAC will only analyze one request for cargo transport operation (“Drone Delivery”) for each interested operator and until this has been resolved, no new request from the same operator will be attended to.
100.445 Special conditions for BVLOS operation
(a) BVLOS flight conditions will apply when the horizontal distance limit of 3 km is exceeded or when the operator finds it necessary to deviate from the flight conditions and limitations established for VLOS or EVLOS operations, in which case the following rules will be followed:
(1) The interested party must have a UAS operator certificate issued by the UAEAC authorizing him to operate under this flight condition;
(2) BVLOS operations may only be carried out in BVLOS areas defined permanently or temporarily;
(3) BVLOS areas (permanent or temporary) will be defined by the UAEAC based on the request of one or more UAS operators;
(4) Only certified UAS operators with approved BVLOS capabilities may carry out flight operations in these areas;
(5) UAS operators without approved BVLOS capabilities may use BVLOS areas as long as they have UAS flight authorization given by the UAEAC and the relevant coordination is carried out appropriately with the UAS operator with approved BVLOS capability that has been previously authorized to carry out operations in that specific BVLOS area;
(6) Open category UAS operations are not permitted in BVLOS areas.
(b) No UAS operator may conduct an operation under BVLOS conditions without a UAS flight authorization for BVLOS operation in a defined BVLOS operation area.
(c) Conditions for BVLOS operations:
(1) May only be conducted under visual meteorological conditions (VMC);
(2) The UAS operator must ensure that it has access to equipment or technology that allows it to monitor real-time meteorological conditions in the flight area throughout the operation;
(3) The maximum flight height is 122 meters (400 feet AGL);
(4) The UAS pilot must maintain situational awareness of the location of the UA throughout the operation;
(5) The UA must navigate within the approved waypoints for the operation in all phases of flight, so that any deviation may not exceed 30 meters;
(6) The UA in BVLOS flight condition must be effectively commanded and controlled in all phases of flight; the loss or degradation of command and control over the UA will be considered an emergency, regardless of the level of automation of the UA;
(7) Every BVLOS operation must have a UAS flight management technology system that guarantees the safe management of the operation, including the generation of geofences in the entire area of operation and the visualization of telemetry data during all phases of the flight;
(8) In the event of having a UAS flight management technology system from which more than one UA is operated (without this operation being considered a swarm), this must be validated and authorized by the UAEAC, and must allow the measurement of minimum communication delays with each UA;
(9) In the case of having a UAS flight management technological system with more than one control station with the possibility of relief, said system must be validated and authorized by the UAEAC.
(d) Any operation request that includes the BVLOS condition will be subject to prior flight tests and validation of the procedures described in this section, as provided by the UAEAC.
100.450 Special conditions for mission operations of public entities other than State Aviation
(a) When the execution of mission activities of public entities other than State Aviation requires particular operating conditions of any kind with unmanned aircraft for the exclusive purposes of the mission to be executed, these will be specially evaluated by the UAEAC.
100.455 Special conditions for mission operations by State Aviation entities
(a) All operations with unmanned aircraft systems carried out by military, customs and police entities (State Aviation) must comply with the general flight rules of RAC 91 and the general UAS operating rules set forth in this regulation, for which it will be necessary to make the necessary coordination with the corresponding ATS department in order to guarantee operational safety, in accordance with the provisions of RACAE 94 (section 94.125 “Responsibilities of the UAS and/or RPAS remote pilot operator”). The above without prejudice to the procedures established for missions classified as public order (OP – Oscar Papa), as provided for in Appendix 22 of the RAC 91 standard, in accordance with article 1786 of the Commercial Code, in which case the necessary and convenient security measures must be adopted to protect civil aircraft.
(b) If the air operation is carried out within a restricted or prohibited zone, this coordination will not be necessary. If the air operation is carried out in a no-drone flight zone (ZNVD), the State Aviation entity must comply with the conditions and restrictions specifically established for each zone.
Note. – Without prejudice to the provisions of the Aeronautical legislation and Regulations, the State Aviation in Colombia is made up of the aviation arms of the Colombian Aerospace Force (FAC), the National Army (EJC), the Navy of the Republic (ARC) and the National Police (PNC), and all of it is subject to the regulations and other provisions of the Aeronautical Authority for State Aviation (AAAE).
100.460 Specific conditions for UAS training operations
(a) Only CIACs, CEACs or CIAs approved by UAEAC may teach the UAS pilot course described in section 100.620 of this regulation, as well as the courses to add the certificate of suitability for UAS pilots in accordance with section 100.625 of this regulation.
(b) CIACs, CEACs or CIAs must submit for acceptance by UAEAC the training and instruction program(s) designed by them, which must be adjusted, as a minimum, to the content, hourly intensity and other conditions established in this regulation, whether for the UAS pilot course or for its additions.
(c) In addition to having the physical facilities and tools necessary for the development of the UAS training activity, the interested CIAC, CEAC or CIA must demonstrate that it has a practical training area previously approved by the UAEAC.
(d) The CIAC, CEAC or CIA must have a staff of instructors duly licensed for aeronautical subjects, in accordance with the rules of chapter H of the RAC 65 standard.
(e) UAS flight instructors must hold a certificate of suitability as a UAS pilot with an addition to UAS flight training, in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 100.630(h) of this regulation.
(f) For courses on additions to the certificate of suitability as a UAS pilot, the UAS flight instructor must also have the corresponding addition in his certificate of suitability.
(g) UAS used by the CIAC, CEAC or CIA in their UAS training programs must be registered with the UAEAC, in accordance with this regulation.
(h) CIACs, CEACs and CIAs with UAS programs accepted by UAEAC will not be required to obtain a certificate as a UAS operator for the specific category, unless, in addition to their academic activities, they intend to carry out other modes of operation with UAS, in which case they must comply with the rules of Chapter F of this regulation.
Note. – The processes related to the acceptance, verification and monitoring of training and training courses in UAS operation will be carried out by the Drones and Urban Air Mobility Group (GDMUA) of UAEAC.
100.500 Scope of application
The rules of this chapter shall apply to any natural or legal person, public or private, national or foreign, who requests certification as a UAS operator in the specific category that allows them to have authorization to provide a certain civil aviation service with the use of UAS, within the framework of this regulation.
Note. – The certification process is a method ordered and applied by the UAEAC to ensure compliance with current regulations and guarantee the safety of the operations of an air service operator. This task could involve other departments of the aeronautical authority, which is why coordination with them may be required. For activities related to the operation of air transport and other aerial work, the Directorate of Air Transport and Aerocommercial Affairs will be responsible for granting permits or certifications related to these operating modalities. The UAEAC will establish a system for both certification and permanent monitoring of the operator, in order to ensure that the required standards regarding operations are maintained.
100.505 Requirements to obtain a certificate as a UAS operator in the specific category
(a) To obtain a certificate as a UAS operator in the specific category, the interested party must follow the following steps and requirements:
(1) Have a business registration where the following is specified:
(i) For a natural person: the economic activity directly related to the type of operation that he intends to carry out;
(ii) For a legal person: the economic activity directly related to the type of operation that he intends to carry out, which is clearly described in his corporate purpose.
(2) Provide to the UAEAC the context of the type of operation that he wishes to carry out within the parameters of this regulation, in order to start the certification process as a UAS operator.
Note. – The appointment request form for UAS operators can be found on the UAEAC website in the unmanned aviation link (https://www.aerocivil.gov.co/servicios-a-la-navegacion/sistema-%20de-aeronaves-pilotadas-a-distancia-rpas-drones/Paginas/default.aspx).
(3) If the UAEAC considers that the requirements of the application have been met, it will carry out the inspection and operational demonstration phase at the facilities of the requesting operator and at the site previously coordinated for the verification of the specific operation, in the manner established by it.
(4) If the result of the inspection process is satisfactory, the UAEAC will issue the corresponding certificate as a UAS operator in the specific category for the type of operation requested by the interested party.
(b) A certified UAS operator may be inspected by the UAEAC at any time, for which reason it must keep the information and requirements required in this regulation up to date and current.
Note. – For the purposes of any update, the interested party must address an official letter to the Directorate of the Air Services Authority – DASA of the Secretariat of Aeronautical Authority – SAA.
(c) If the operation has commercial purposes (for profit or for remuneration), the operator must obtain an operating permit in the manner described in the RAC 5 standard and its manual of procedures for civil aeronautics activities of commercial air services, which are published on the UAEAC website.
(d) Every certified UAS operator must report to the UAEAC, within 15 days of its occurrence, any change or modification in its registration information (aircraft, technological equipment, pilots, organization, UAS Chief Pilot, facilities, among others). Any inconsistency between the registration information and the data supporting an authorization request will result in the suspension of the UAS operator certificate.
(e) Civil aviation companies that have a valid operating certificate in any of the modalities provided in the RAC may add to it to include operations with UAS, for which they will be subject to the provisions of this regulation and must supplement their MO with a chapter dedicated to the operation with unmanned aircraft in the intended modality.
100.510 Responsibilities of the certified UAS operator
(a) Every certified UAS operator has the following responsibilities:
(1) Demonstrate ownership or rights to use each and every UAS with which it conducts operations;
(2) Manage an operational management system;
(3) Maintain an up-to-date flight and maintenance logbook for each UA it operates;
(4) Keep a record of the flight times of each of the UAS pilots that he/she has attached;
(5) Certify the accumulated flight time of each UAS pilot at least once a year;
(6) Guarantee the maintenance conditions of the UAS he/she operates;
(7) Designate the Chief UAS Pilot, as appropriate;
(8) Keep the registration information reported to the UAEAC updated in accordance with this regulation (aircraft, Chief UAS Pilot, UAS pilots and UA observers, among others;
(9) Maintain the training competencies of the UAS pilots to comply with the types of operation and visual contact authorized as a certified operator, carrying out the corresponding refresher courses and verifications in the terms of this regulation;
(10) Verify and guarantee the adequate condition and psychophysical aptitude of the UAS pilots and all personnel linked to the UAS operation;
(11) Ensure the prevention of fatigue situations during the operation, taking into account that the UAS pilot must not perform flight operations during a service period of more than ten (10) continuous hours within a twenty-four (24) hour period, regardless of the effective flight time (flight hours);
(12) Process requests to obtain flight authorizations in accordance with the requirements of this regulation;
(13) Maintain an operational safety management system (SMS) corresponding to its operational conditions, for which it must:
(i) Keep the risk analysis of the UAS operation up to date; and
(ii) Provide the necessary resources for the proper maintenance of the SMS.
(14) Issue and keep the operation manual (OM) updated as a certified UAS operator, regarding:
(i) The types of approved air operations;
(ii) The types of authorized visual contact;
(iii) The UAS fleet and the technological equipment associated with the operation;
(iv) UAS pilots and observers linked to the operator, detailing each certificate of suitability and its additions;
(v) Any other information that, due to the operations it performs, must be inserted in the MO.
(15) Issue and keep the maintenance control manual (MCM) updated, regarding:
(i) The maintenance program;
(ii) The fleet of UAS it operates and the associated technological components;
(iii) The maintenance personnel linked to the description of their competencies;
(iv) The technical data of the manufacturer of each UAS;
(v) Any other information that, due to the operations it performs, must be inserted in the MCM.
(16) Be responsible for damages and/or losses that may be caused on the occasion of the air operation, derived from collision or interference with other aircraft in the air or on the ground or with third parties on the surface, in the terms provided in articles 1827 and 1842 of the Commercial Code;
(17) Maintain current guarantees or insurance policies, in accordance with the provisions of the second paragraph of article 1901 of the Commercial Code;
(18) Annually update the information provided to the UAEAC as a certified UAS operator;
(19) Ensure that operations are carried out within the limits of these regulations and under the terms of the authorization specifically granted by UAEAC for each of them;
(20) Document the maintenance work carried out on the UAS and their associated technological equipment, keeping the historical record of the same and including the information of the persons who carried out said work;
(21) Ensure that the authorized operation is carried out with UAS suitable for flight (airworthy).
100.515 Suspension and cancellation of the certificate as a UAS operator
(a) Following the corresponding administrative procedures, the UAEAC may suspend or cancel a certificate as a UAS operator in the following cases:
(1) Failure to comply with any of the requirements and conditions established in this regulation and/or any other applicable requirement from other regulatory or surveillance and control authorities, in accordance with the activity carried out by the UAS operator;
(2) Carrying out operations that in any way put operational safety at risk;
(3) Technical inability to carry out maintenance activities;
(4) Failing to carry out the authorized activity without justification for a period of more than one year.
100.520 Required positions
(a) Any person who has a UAS operator certificate issued by the UAEAC and has registered three (3) or more UAS must designate one person as Chief UAS Pilot and another person as Operational Safety Manager.
(b) For certified UAS operators with one (1) or two (2) registered UAS, if it is a natural person, he or she may act as Chief UAS Pilot and Operational Safety Manager as long as he or she meets the requirements established for each position.
Note. – This paragraph will not apply to cargo transport operations (“Drone Delivery”), swarming and BVLOS.
(c) For certified UAS operators with one (1) or two (2) registered UAS, in the case of a legal person, his or her legal representative may act as Chief UAS Pilot or as Operational Safety Manager as long as he or she meets the requirements for each position, but may not assume both positions.
(d) Chief UAS Pilot.
(1) Qualifications and experience. The person designated as Chief UAS Pilot must:
(i) Have training as a UAS pilot in at least one of the operations authorized for the UAS operator certified in the specific category;
(ii) Have operational experience of at least one hundred (100) flight hours in UAS similar to those used for the type(s) of air operation(s) approved for the UAS operator;
(iii) Demonstrate that he/she has at least six (6) months of experience in administrative activities related to unmanned aviation operations or one (1) year in manned aviation operations;
(iv) Have training certified by a CIAC or CEAC of at least 40 hours, regarding the SMS.
(2) Functions and responsibilities of the Chief UAS Pilot.
(i) Manage the requests for UAS flight authorization before the UAEAC;
(ii) Ensure that the UAS operator’s operations are carried out safely, in accordance with this regulation and other applicable current regulations;
(iii) Ensure the proper assignment and use of each UA and each UAS pilot, in accordance with the required competencies, for the development of the authorized operation of the UAS operator;
(iv) Maintain a documentary record of the competencies of each designated UAS pilot;
(v) Monitor the competency of each designated UAS pilot;
(vi) Propose the guidelines and standard procedures for operations authorized to the certified operator, as appropriate, socializing, monitoring and supervising their compliance by each designated UAS pilot and other personnel involved in the operations, which must be included in the operation manual.
(e) Operational Safety Manager.
(1) Qualifications and experience. The person who occupies the position of Operational Safety Manager must:
(i) Have a basic SMS course certified by a CIAC or CEAC of at least 40 hours;
(ii) Demonstrate knowledge or training in areas of the aeronautical sector;
(iii) Have aeronautical operational experience of at least twelve (12) months.
(2) Functions and responsibilities.
(i) Manage the implementation plan and maintenance of the SMS on behalf of the responsible manager;
(ii) Direct the identification of hazards and the analysis and management of risks;
(iii) Monitor the implementation of corrective actions (action plans);
(iv) Provide periodic reports on safety performance;
(v) Maintain safety documentation;
(vi) Plan and organize personnel safety training;
(vii) Provide independent advice on safety matters.
Note. – Depending on the size of the UAS operator and the complexity of its unmanned aviation products or services, SMS responsibilities may be assigned to a person performing the Safety Manager function, either as their sole function or in combination with other duties, provided that this does not give rise to conflicts of interest and that the performance of one role does not interfere with the performance of the other.
100.600 Scope of application
The rules of this chapter shall apply to any natural person, national or foreign, who requires to conduct operations with UAS in the specific category.
100.605 Certificate of suitability for UAS pilots
(a) In order for a person to operate a UAS in the specific category within Colombian territory, he or she must have a UAS pilot certificate issued by the UAEAC, in accordance with the rules of this chapter.
(b) The interested person may submit the respective application to the UAEAC in the manner established by it.
(c) The certificate of suitability for UAS pilots shall be mandatory to conduct operations with UAS in the specific category, which shall contain the additions that correspond to certain types of operation, conditions or flight characteristics (for example: spraying, night flights, cargo transport, swarming, BVLOS, etc.), in accordance with these regulations.
Note. – The process of obtaining a certificate of suitability as a UAS pilot and its additions is individual and independent of the registration of the UAS or the certificate as a UAS operator and does not require the interested pilot to be the owner of a registered UAS.
100.610 Requirements for obtaining the certificate of suitability
(a) The requirements for obtaining the certificate of suitability as a UAS pilot are:
(1) Be over 18 years of age and have an official identification document;
Note. – The following are considered valid identification documents, depending on the status of their holder: the citizenship card, the alien card and/or the passport.
(2) Have satisfactorily completed the content of the course described in this chapter at a CIAC or CEAC approved by the UAEAC;
(3) Have completed the Virtual Learning Object (OVA) for unmanned aviation on the academic electronic platform of the UAEAC Aeronautical Studies Center (CEA);
(4) Pass the theoretical knowledge exam presented to the UAEAC, with a minimum of 75%;
(5) Have an occupational medical certificate valid for at least one year, which includes an optometry exam indicating 20/20 visual capacity and/or correction method (if required), hearing and verbal communication capacity, integrity and functionality of the upper limbs and coordination of movements;
Note. – A certificate of suitability will only be considered valid to carry out operations in a specific category while the occupational medical certificate is valid.
(6) Pay the processing fees for the issuance of the certificate of suitability for UAS pilots in a specific category and/or its additions;
(7) Complete the application form for a UAS pilot suitability certificate and additions, providing the required documentation through the application provided by the UAEAC.
Note. – It is essential to have a UAS pilot suitability certificate issued by the UAEAC to request the recognition of an addition.
(b) To obtain a certificate of suitability as a UAS pilot, the holder of an aircraft pilot license issued or validated in accordance with RAC 2 or RAC 61, as applicable, must comply with the theoretical component indicated in subparagraphs 100.620(a)(1), (a)(5), (a)(8), (a)(9) and (a)(10), and the entire practical component provided for in subparagraph 100.620(a)(11) of this regulation.
Note. – In accordance with the transition rules set forth in Article Three of Resolution 01983 of September 27, 2023, academic certificates, diplomas or similar documents issued by aeronautical training centers or aeronautical school clubs based on the parameters established in Resolution 04201 of 2018, by which Appendix 13 was incorporated into the RAC 91 standard, will be valid only until April 30, 2025, within which period their holders must complete the requirements set forth herein to obtain the certificate of suitability as a UAS pilot.”
100.615 Recognition of certificates issued by other CAAs and State Aviation entities
(a) The UAEAC will recognize the validity of a certificate of suitability as a UAS pilot or similar or superior document that has been issued by the aeronautical authority of another ICAO member State, but only to satisfy the requirement provided for in subparagraph 100.610 (a)(2) of this regulation, for which reason its holder must comply with the other requirements set forth in section 100.610 for the purposes of processing a certificate of suitability as a UAS pilot.
(b) The UAEAC will recognize the validity of a course certificate as a pilot or operator of unmanned aircraft systems or similar document issued by the Colombian State Aviation entities (Military Forces and National Police) or endorsed by the Aeronautical Authority of State Aviation, but only to satisfy subparagraph 100.610(a)(2) of this regulation, for which reason its holder must comply with the other requirements set forth in section 100.610 for the purposes of processing a certificate of suitability as a UAS pilot.
100.620 Minimum content of the UAS pilot course
(a) The UAS pilot course may only be taught by an approved CIAC or CEAC authorized by the UAEAC and the program must include at least 94 total hours (78 theoretical hours and 16 practical hours) with the following academic structure:
(1) Air law (24 hours):
(i) Main and applicable aspects of the air regulations;
(ii) Provisions on airspaces;
(iii) Concept of unmanned air traffic management – UTM;
(iv) Current regulations and related provisions on UAS operation;
(v) UAS operation categories;
(vi) Types of UAS operation;
(vii) General and specific conditions for UAS operation;
(viii) UAS operation manual;
(ix) UAS maintenance control manual;
(x) Flight and operation records (logbooks);
(xi) Violations of aeronautical regulations and sanctions;
(xii) Civil liability for damage caused by aircraft to third parties on the surface, due to collision and in relation to loss or damage to objects or goods transported in them.
(2) General notions of aerodynamics and their application in the operation of an UA (4 hours):
(i) Lift;
(ii) Interacting forces;
(iii) Bernoulli’s principle;
(iv) Newton’s laws;
(v) Motion axes;
(vi) Flight profiles;
(vii) Fixed wing, rotary wing and propellers.
(3) Basic aeronautical meteorology (5 hours):
(i) Interpretation and application of aerodrome meteorological information (METAR, SPECI and TAF);
(ii) Identification of meteorological phenomena that may affect the operation (wind, currents, clouds, temperature, atmospheric pressure, turbulence, obscuration, shear, etc.);
(iii) Numerical weather forecast models and their digital applications for unmanned aviation.
(4) Air navigation (10 hours):
(i) Geographic coordinates;
(ii) Visual flight rules;
(iii) Satellite navigation systems;
(iv) Electromagnetic interference, causes and consequences;
(v) Daytime flight and night flight;
(vi) General knowledge of visual charts;
(vii) Air traffic services;
(viii) Concepts on technological systems for air traffic management in unmanned aviation (UTM).
(5) Aeronautical communications (6 hours):
(i) ICAO phonetic alphabet;
(ii) Radiotelephony procedures;
(iii) Use of the common auto-announcement frequency in uncontrolled airspace.
(6) Human factors (5 hours):
(i) Human limitations;
(ii) Factors affecting human performance;
(iii) Physiological effects of alcohol and psychoactive substance use;
(iv) Decision making, teamwork and human error.
(7) General knowledge of the operational safety management system – SMS (10 hours):
(i) Generalities and basic concepts of operational safety;
(ii) Regulations applicable to SMS;
(iii) Definition of operational safety policies and objectives;
(iv) Operational safety risk management;
(v) Operational safety assurance;
(vi) Promotion of operational safety;
(vii) Risk analysis format for UAS operation;
(viii) Analysis of at least two real cases of accidents and/or incidents with UAS.
(8) General knowledge of UAS, their components and systems (8 hours):
(i) Types of UAS available on the world market;
(ii) UAS components (structure and manufacturing components, motors, batteries, on-board electronics, radio transmitters, propellers, integrated electronic equipment, etc.);
(iii) Additional technological components (accessories);
(iv) Flight software;
(v) Flight controls;
(vi) Control station;
(vii) Automatic flight control system;
(viii) C2 link system;
(ix) Payloads;
(x) Good practices for storage, handling and transport of the UA;
(xi) Good practices for storage, charging, handling and transport of batteries;
(xii) Emergency and recovery systems.
(9) Specific knowledge of the UA (components, systems and operational characteristics) with which the practical training will be carried out (2 hours):
(i) Knowledge of the manual of the UA with which the training will be carried out;
(ii) Knowledge of the operational checklist of the specific UA in which the practical training will be carried out, considering all phases of the flight;
(iii) Socialization of different applications and/or software to support the flight of the UA.
(10) Flight planning (4 hours):
(i) Practice in a digital application (app) and/or software for UA flight planning simulating operational scenarios to ensure compliance with current regulations;
(ii) Practical use of the geographic information systems (GIS) application and generation of KMZ and KML files.
(11) Practical UA flight training component (16 hours) of which a maximum of 4 hours may be carried out in a simulator:
(i) The CIAC or CEAC must have described in its training directives the practical flight exercises and the conditions for developing skills in the operational context that each UAS pilot must achieve to pass said course, including, as a minimum, the following practical components:
A. Roles of the UAS pilot and the UA observer;
B. Identification of the parts and systems of the UAS to be operated;
C. Identification of local hazards, meteorological conditions and risk management;
D. Personal protection elements and work zone demarcations;
E. Physical inspection of the UAS;
F. Verbal and non-verbal language that can be used during the UAS operation;
G. Communication (simulated) with ATS units, if applicable;
H. Correct use of remote control and C2 link;
I. Applied operational procedures;
J. Minimum 20 takeoffs and 20 landings, or 20 launches and 20 recoveries;
K. Basic and advanced maneuvers around the different movement axes of the UA, according to its characterization and control principles;
L. Common procedures applicable according to the type of operation;
M. Procedures in case of abnormal operation or emergencies;
N. FPV flight, if applicable;
O. Automated flights.
Note 1. – UAEAC may require tests of skill and/or theoretical or practical knowledge from a UAS pilot at any time.
Note 2. – The UAS pilot course must be accepted by UAEAC, through the Drones and Urban Air Mobility Group (GDMUA), in accordance with the procedure defined for this purpose.
100.625 Additions to the UAS pilot suitability certificate
(a) A UAS pilot suitability certificate may be added, authorizing its holder in the types and operational conditions related to the following aspects:
(1) PBMO greater than 25 kg and up to 250 kg;
(2) Spraying;
(3) Dispersion;
(4) Swarming;
(5) Cargo transport (“Drone Delivery”);
(6) Night flight;
(7) BVLOS;
(8) UAS flight instructor.
Note. – Courses for additions to the certificate of suitability as a UAS pilot must be accepted by the UAEAC, through the Drones and Urban Air Mobility Group (GDMUA), in accordance with the procedure defined for this purpose.
100.630 Requirements to be eligible for additions to the UAS pilot suitability certificate
(a) The requirements to obtain an addition to the UAS pilot suitability certificate in the specific category are:
(1) Be the holder of a UAS pilot suitability certificate granted by the UAEAC;
(2) Demonstrate the theoretical and practical training related to the corresponding addition provided by:
(i) A UAS manufacturer, with respect to the UA model corresponding to the addition that is sought to be obtained, that issues a training diploma or certificate that includes content and hourly intensity; or
Note. – Manufacturers that develop these training courses must comply with the descriptions in section 100.640 “Requirements and conditions for training centers”.
(ii) An approved CIAC or CEAC that has demonstrable capabilities in the type of UAS operation corresponding to the addition, that issues a training diploma or certificate that includes content and hourly intensity.
(3) Demonstrate payment of the fees for recognition of the respective addition to the certificate of suitability for UAS pilots.
Note. – The certificate of suitability as a specific category UA pilot with additions to operate a UA of up to 250 kg and spraying can be requested for the first time in a single application, complying with the requirements established for each procedure.
(b) Addition to operate a UA with a PBMO greater than 25 kg and up to 250 kg. The applicant must have an additional training certification of at least 2 hours of ground instruction and 6 hours of practical training with UA with a PBMO greater than 25 kg, which includes the general parts or systems of the model and flight characteristics of the UA to be operated, the use of the controls and the maneuvering capacity of the UA.
(c) Addition to operate UAS in spraying or dispersion. The applicant must have an additional training certification of at least 2 hours of ground instruction and 4 hours of practical training with spraying or dispersion UA(s), which includes the general parts or systems of the model and flight characteristics of the UA to be operated, the use of the controls and the maneuvering capacity of the UA.
(d) Addition to operate UAS in swarm. The interested party must have an additional training certification of at least 2 hours of ground instruction, 4 hours of practical training with UA(s) in swarm and 2 hours of simulation and/or programming in flight planning software for this type of operations, including, as a minimum, simulation and/or programming in flight planning software in flight conditions with sequences that integrate more than ten (10) UA(s) in swarm and the capabilities of the C2 links required in said operational conditions.
(e) Addition to operate cargo transport UAS (“Drone Delivery”). For this addition, the interested party must meet the following requirements:
(1) 100 hours of experience as a UA pilot in specific category operations;
(2) Certify additional training of at least 2 hours of ground instruction, 4 hours of UA instruction and 2 hours of simulator training with capacity for this type of operation, and 2 hours of programming in flight planning software for cargo transportation (“Drone Delivery”), including the capabilities of the C2 links required in said operational conditions.
(f) Addition to operate UAS in night flight. The interested party must provide certification in additional training of at least 2 hours of ground instruction and 2 hours of instruction in night flight conditions.
(g) Addition to operate UAS in BVLOS conditions. The interested party must have a certification of additional training of at least 4 hours of ground instruction and 8 hours of practical training with UA in BVLOS conditions, which includes at least the general parts or systems required for said flight condition and the capabilities of the C2 links required in said operational conditions.
(h) Addition for UA flight instructor.
(1) The applicant must meet, according to the applicable addendum, the following requirements:
(i) 200 hours of UAS flight, of which 50 hours may be demonstrated in a simulator with UA capacity with weights less than 25 kg;
(ii) 100 hours of UAS flight, of which 25 hours may be demonstrated in a simulator with UA capacity with weights between 25 kg and 250 kg;
(iii) 50 hours of UAS flight in spraying or dispersion activities, of which 10 hours may be demonstrated in a simulator with UA capacity for this type of operation;
(iv) 50 hours of flight in swarm operation, of which 10 hours may be demonstrated in a simulator with UA capacity for this type of operation;
(v) 200 flight hours in UA cargo transport operations (“Drone Delivery”), of which 50 hours may be demonstrated in a simulator with UA capability for this type of operation;
(vi) 20 flight hours in night operations;
Note. – The flight hours to validate each operation must be certified by a certified UAS operator or through the official registration of a UAS manufacturer.
(vii) 200 hours of flight in BVLOS operation, of which 50 hours may be demonstrated in a simulator with UA capacity for this type of operation;
(2) Have a certificate of a course or training (theoretical/practical) on instruction techniques, of at least sixty (60) hours, or a diploma or course with an hourly intensity equal to or greater than that indicated, whether in pedagogy, teaching or teaching methodology.
Note. – This requirement will not be necessary when the applicant holds a flight instructor license – IVA/IVH (or has the respective qualification as an instructor in his aircraft pilot license) and/or an instructor license in aeronautical specialties – IET.
Note. – The UAEAC may require tests of skill and/or theoretical knowledge from a UAS pilot regarding additions to his certificate of suitability at any time.
100.635 Suspension or cancellation of the UAS pilot suitability certificate or its additions
(a) Any certificate of suitability for UAS pilots and/or its additions, ex officio or at the request of the interested party, may at any time be cancelled, suspended or modified when its holder does not meet the requirements that gave rise to its granting or as a sanction in the event of a violation of the Aeronautical Regulations of Colombia, in accordance with the provisions of standard RAC 13. Likewise, the exercise of the privileges of said certificate of suitability may be provisionally suspended, as a preventive measure in the event of violations detected in flagrante delicto or events that imply imminent risk to operational safety.
100.640 Requirements and conditions for training centers
(a) Every CIAC or CEAC that has an academic offering related to unmanned aviation must have:
(1) Duly licensed teaching staff (IET) for aeronautical subjects, in accordance with the provisions of Chapter H of RAC 65;
(2) Instructional staff suitable and competent for teaching theoretical and practical content that does not require an IET license, who, at least, must have a certificate of a theoretical/practical course or training on instruction techniques, of at least sixty (60) hours, or a diploma or course with an hourly intensity equal to or greater than that indicated, whether in pedagogy, teaching or teaching methodology;
(3) UAS pilots with an addition to their certificate of suitability as a UAS flight instructor;
(4) The programs, software and/or flight administration management systems specific to the operations that they intend to certify;
(5) The technological equipment, software, UA, UAS and other requirements for the satisfactory development of the theoretical and practical training corresponding to the educational offer in unmanned aviation;
(6) The UAS used in the training must be duly registered with the UAEAC and, optionally, have a UAS flight simulation system for the practical training of their students;
(7) The respective non-contractual civil liability policy for each UAS used in the development of the academic activity;
(8) A training and practice area authorized by the UAEAC.
(b) Considering that they will operate UAS, CIACs or CEACs with an academic offering in unmanned aviation will comply with the responsibilities indicated in section 100.510 of this regulation.
(c) The CIACs or CEACs referred to in this section must report in writing to the Drones and Urban Air Mobility Group (GDMUA) of the UAEAC each time they are going to teach a UAS pilot course and/or additions to the certificate of suitability, at least 5 business days in advance of the start of the course, indicating the dates of execution of the theoretical and practical components, the full names and identification document numbers of the enrolled students and the designated instructors.
100.700 Scope
The rules of this chapter shall apply mandatorily to all UAS operators in order to establish an operational safety management system (SMS) acceptable to the UAEAC, as a requirement for obtaining the certificate as a UAS operator.
100.705 General
(a) The SMS of a UAS operator must:
(1) Be established in accordance with the components and elements of the structure listed in RAC 219; and
(2) Adapt to the size of the UAS operator and the complexity of its aviation products or services, proportionally to the size of the organization, the nature and complexity of the operation and the hazards and risks associated with and inherent to the activities carried out by the operator.
(b) Every UAS operator shall:
(1) Develop a plan to facilitate the implementation of the SMS;
(2) Collect, analyze and protect, as well as share and exchange data and information on operational safety with the UAEAC; and
(3) Apply the principles for the protection of data and information on operational safety.”
100.710 [Reserved]
Note.- The Framework for the Operational Safety Management System (SMS) for exporters of Unmanned Aircraft Systems regulated in RAC 100 and other air service providers is contained in RAC 219.”
100.715 Risk analysis for UAS operations
(a) The request for UAS flight authorization must be accompanied by a risk analysis using the format found on the UAEAC website, considering the management of operational safety risks for the type of UAS operation and flight condition that it intends to carry out, considering:
(1) The identification of hazards. The UAS operator will define and maintain a process to identify the hazards associated with its operations taking into account, as a minimum and without limitation:
(i) Hazards to operating personnel;
(ii) Hazards to personnel not involved in the operation;
(iii) Hazards on the ground (natural and artificial obstacles);
(iv) Hazards in the air (due to failures in the operation);
(v) Strategic hazards (due to the interaction in airspace of manned aircraft);
(vi) Hazards due to changes in the current applicable regulations;
(vii) Hazards due to change management.
Note 1. – The above hazards must be considered separately for the general conditions and obstacles of the area, and for the flight conditions under which the operation is planned.
Note 2. – Hazard identification will be based on a combination of reactive and preventive methods.
(2) Safety risk assessment and mitigation. The UAS operator shall use the TRE (Technology, Regulations and Training) methodology as the main basis for the implemented defences and evaluating decision-making in accordance with the established risk index and the tolerability matrix.
(b) The UAS operator must define and maintain a process that ensures the analysis, evaluation and control of safety risks associated with the identified hazards. The process may include prediction methods for the analysis of safety data.
100.800 Scope of application
The rules of this chapter shall apply to the processing of applications and obtaining of flight authorization by certified UAS operators to carry out operations in the specific category or in deviation from any of the limitations established for the open category.
100.805 Application for UAS flight authorization
To carry out UAS operations in the specific category, every UAS operator must submit an application for flight authorization to the UAEAC in the manner established by it, after complying with the requirements set forth in this regulation.
Note. – The flight authorization form can be found on the UAEAC website at the link https://www.aerocivil.gov.co/servicios-a-la-navegacion/sistema-%20de-aeronaves-pilotadas-a-distancia-rpas-drones/Paginas/default.aspx.
100.810 Issuance of UAS flight authorization
Once the requirements and conditions established in this regulation for the performance of a UAS operation in the specific category by a certified UAS operator have been met, the UAEAC will issue the respective authorization in accordance with the procedure established by it.
Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) Regulations & Policies
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Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) News
2021 – Urban Air Mobility: How to build an operating system in Latin America
Short Essay Questions
Scenario-Based Question
You have been hired by a Drone Startup Company. Your boss has immediately assigned this job to you.
They need you to prepare a one-page memo detailing the legalities of using a drone in Colombia.
They need you to mention any national laws and local ordinances.
They specifically want to know what airspace (insert pictures) you will be operating in and whether or not you need an airspace authorization.
Does it matter whether or not you are a citizen of the country?
Lastly, there is a bonus for you if, as you scroll through this chapter, you find any typos or broken links!
Short Essay Questions
- What are the drone categories?
- How is registration addressed?
- How is remote ID addressed?
- What are the model aircraft rules?
- What are the commercial drone rules?
- Are there waivers or exemptions to the rules? If so, for what?
- Would you share a link to an interactive airspace map?
- How is BVLOS addressed?
- How can you fly drones at night?
- How can you fly drones over people?
- Where do you find drone NOTAMs?
- What are the rules for drone maintenance?
- What are the rules for an SMS program?
- What are some unique rules not mentioned above?
- What are the C-UAS rules?
- What are the AAM rules?