9 Bolivia

Three equal horizontal bands of red (top), yellow, and green with the coat of arms centered on the yellow band. Red stands for bravery and the blood of national heroes, yellow for the nation’s mineral resources, and green for the fertility of the land.
Flag courtesy of the CIA World Factbook
Begun in 1835, the Catedral Metropolitana Nuestra Senora de La Paz (Metropolitan Cathedral of Our Lady of Peace or Metropolitan Cathedral) in La Paz was built in the neo-classical style and was not completed until 1987.
Photo courtesy of the CIA World Factbook
According to Britannica, Bolivia was declared independent in 1825 and adopted its first constitution in 1826. Despite revisions and numerous military coups, the state has retained a unitary system of government, whether elected or under military dictatorship, the latter having held sway for much of Bolivia’s history. A heavily revised version of the 1967 constitution was promulgated in 1994. According to that document, executive power is vested in a president who is directly elected by popular vote for a five-year term. If no candidate receives an absolute majority of votes, the National Congress must select the president from among the two leading contenders. In January 2009 a new constitution was approved that allowed the president to serve another consecutive five-year term. The bicameral legislature consists of a 36-member Chamber of Senators and a 130-member Chamber of Deputies; members of the legislature are directly elected for five-year terms. The judicial system is headed by a 12-member Supreme Court and a 5-member Constitutional Tribunal, which decides the constitutionality of laws and resolves conflicts between the branches and levels of government. The new constitution required that judges be elected; since 1967 members of both judicial bodies had been appointed by Congress to 10-year terms.
The country is divided into nine departamentos, each of which is headed by a prefect appointed by the president. Departments are subdivided into provincias administered by subprefects, and these provinces are subdivided into cantones administered by corregidores. Since the enactment of the Popular Participation Law in 1994, the country has also been divided into municipios (“municipalities”), which manage 20 percent of the public sector budget; thus, many communities that had been neglected by the central and provincial governments were able to initiate much-needed public works projects.
Women have voted in Bolivian elections since 1938, but literacy and property requirements nevertheless restricted electoral participation to a tiny proportion of the population until the National Revolution of 1952, when universal suffrage was introduced. The nation’s political system is largely controlled by three political parties; numerous smaller parties ranging in outlook from conservative to left-wing also play a role in the country’s political life. Interparty alliances have often been formed to permit national and municipal governments to function.
General Directorate of Civil Aeronautics
The General Directorate of Civil Aeronautics is institutionally strengthened, guaranteeing high safety standards, and efficiently managing aeronautical activity for the benefit of Bolivian society. Its mission is to plan, regulate, and supervise the technical and operational activities of the Bolivian civil aeronautics within the framework of the constitution, laws, international agreements, regulations, plans and sectoral policies to maintain high levels of operational safety to contribute to the sustainable development of the country.
SkyVector – Google Maps – ADS-B Exchange
ICAO countries publish an Aeronautical Information Publication (AIP). This document is divided into three parts: General (GEN), En Route (ENR) and Aerodromes (AD). ENR 1.4 details the types of airspace classes they chose to adopt from classes A through G.
Drone Regulations
Bulletin No. AAP 10266/2020 Translated into English by Google
Translations of any materials into English are intended solely as a convenience to the public and are not legally binding. The author has merely attempted to provide a Google translation of the original material to English for convenience. Due to the nuances in translating to a foreign language, several differences may exist so before using for any work or pleasure please have the document translated by a professional service!
BULLETIN No. AAP10266/2020
Regulation N° DGAC/107/2020
Date: La Paz, November 23, 2020
In accordance with the provisions of the Bolivian Aeronautical Regulations (RAB) in its Part 9’l, Appendix M – Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems and the Convention of Chicago in the consequent articles establish rules for flight and Remotely Piloted Aircraft (RPA) operations.
Article 8. – Aircraft without photo. No aircraft capable of flying without a pilot will fly without it on the territory of a Contracting State, unless there is special authorization of said State and in accordance with the terms of said State authorization. Each Contracting State undertakes to ensure that flights of such pilotless aircraft in regions open to aircraft navigation civilian aircraft are controlled in such a way as to avoid any danger to civil aircraft.
Article 36. – Photographic equipment. Each Contracting State may prohibit or regulate the use of photographic devices in aircraft that fly over their territory.
Aerodrome. – Defined area of land or water (which includes all its buildings, facilities and equipment) intended totally or partially for the arrival, departure and surface movement of aircraft.
Aircraft. – Any machine that can be sustained in the atmosphere by reactions of the air other than its reactions against the earth’s surface.
Model aircraft (Aeromodelismo). – Reduced-scale aircraft that is directed by remote control from the ground.
Remotely Piloted Aircraft (RPA). – An unmanned aircraft that is piloted from a remote pilot station.
Height. – Vertical distance between a level, point or object considered as a point and a specified reference.
Visual meteorological conditions (VMC). – Meteorological conditions expressed in terms of visibility, distance from clouds and cloud ceiling, equal to or better than the specified minimums.
Operator. – Person, organization, or company that is dedicated, proposes to be dedicated, to the operation of remotely piloted aircraft.
Heliport. – Aerodrome to a defined area on an artificial structure intended to be used, totally or partially, for the arrival, the departure to the surface movement of the helicopters.
Maintenance. – Execution of the work required to ensure the aircraft airworthiness maintenance, which includes one to several of the following tasks: reconditioning, inspection, replacement of parts, rectification of defects and incorporation of a modification to repair.
RPA Observer. – A trained and competent person, designated by the operator, who through visual observation of the remotely piloted aircraft, assists the remote pilot in the safe conduct of the flight.
Operation with direct visibility (VLOS). – Operation in which the remote pilot or RPA observer maintains unaided direct visual contact with the aircraft remote piloted.
Remote pilot. – Person designated by the operator to perform essential functions for the operation of a remotely piloted aircraft and for Operate flight controls, as appropriate, during flight time. The remote pilot and operator may be the same person.
Aerial work. – Aircraft operation in which it is applied to services such as agriculture, construction, photography, surveying pianos, observation and patrol, search and rescue, aerial announcements, recording and transmission of images for television, etc.
Visibility. – In an aeronautical sense, visibility is understood as the highest value among the following:
(i) The maximum distance at which a black object can be seen and recognized of convenient dimensions, located near the ground, when observed before a bright background;
(ii) The maximum distance at which lights can be seen and identified approximately mu candlesticks against an unlit background.
Prohibited zone. – Air space of defined dimensions over the territory national, within which the flight of aircraft is prohibited.
Restricted zone. – Air space of defined dimensions over the territory national, within which the flight of aircraft and RPAs is restricted, according to certain specified conditions.
AAC. – Civil Aeronautics Authority
AGL. – (Above ground Level) Above ground level
Ft. (Foot). – Foot
Km. – Kilometer
Km/h. – Kilometers per hour
Kt. (Knot – Nautical Mile/Hour). – Knot
m – meter
NM – (Nautical Miles). – Nautical miles.
RPA (Remote Piloted Aircraft). – Remotely piloted aircraft
VLOS (Visual Line Of Sight). – Operation with direct visual visibility.
1. Application.
The requirements of this bulletin apply to:
a. Recreational or aerial work operations of piloted aircraft (RPAs) with a maximum takeoff weight of 200 grams up to 35 Kilograms within the national territory.
b. The people who operate the controls of the RPAs.
c. RPAs registered abroad that operate in Bolivian territory.
The requirements of this bulletin do not apply to:
a. Recreational operations with RPAs of less than 200 takeoff weight grams.
b. Model aircraft (Aeromodelismo).
c. RPA operations of the Armed Forces, Customs and Police, however, will adjust their operations to that established in Law 2902.
2. Classification.
Based on their maximum takeoff weight, RPAs are classified into the following categories:
a. Small RPA: from Ogr to I 99g maximum takeoff weight.
b. Medium RPA: from 200g to 35Kg maximum takeoff weight.
3. Operations.
a. Recreational operations.
RPA operations from 200 grams of maximum takeoff weight up to 35 kilograms of maximum takeoff weight, for purposes exclusively recreational, will be adjusted to the rules of operation described in the Chapter b.
For operations requirements see Appendix A.
b. Aerial work operations.
Aerial work operations that apply to specialized services such such as freight forwarding, agriculture, construction, photography, lifting topographic plans, observation and patrol, search and rescue, announcements aerial, recording and transmission of images for television, and all other activity with RPAS from 200 grams of takeoff weight up to 35 kilograms of maximum takeoff weight (multirotors, fixed wing, etc.) that implies an economic remuneration, in addition to complying with the rules of operation expressed in Chapter B, must send, for each serial flight of flights, a flight request to the CAA, as stipulated in Chapter C.
Aerial work operations (aerophotogrammetry) with an RPA require Pa specific authorization from the National Aerophotogrammetry Service (SNA), of in accordance with the provisions of article 164 of Law No. 165.
For operations requirements see Appendix A.
4. Deviations.
Recreational and aerial work operations must be notified to the CAA, As stipulated in Chapter C, in the following cases:
a. When for any reason it is not possible to comply with all the rules of operation of Chapter B.
b. When the remote pilot requires a deviation from any of the rules of operation stipulated in Chapter B.
5. Registration.
The minimum age to be able to register one or more RPA is 18 years old compliments.
Any RPA that has a takeoff weight equal to or greater than 200 grams and up to 35 kg., you must obtain a registration number from the AAC, for which you must fill out the Online Registration Form.
At the conclusion of the registration process, the system will provide you with a “Number of Registry”, which must be placed in a visible place in the RPA, as indicated.
6. Incident notification
Any incident with RPA must be reported to the General Directorate of Aeronautics Civil within a period not exceeding 72 hours.
7. Inspection authority
Every owner or operator of an RPA will allow the inspectors of the Directorate General of Civil Aeronautics when they require to carry out the inspection and verification necessary, to determine compliance with this Regulatory Bulletin.
8. Penalty system.
Any operation of an RPA carried out in contravention of this Bulletin Regulation will constitute a punishable offense in accordance with the provisions of the Regulation of Infractions, Sanctions and Special Sanctioning Procedure in accordance with the Seventeenth Title of Law 2902 of Civil Aeronautics.
Refusal of inspection or non-compliance with any of the requirements or limitations established in this Bulletin, you must abide by the processes legal that the authority deems pertinent.
Chapter B
Flight Requirements
1. Application.
This chapter applies to the operation of RPAs in accordance with what is described in chapter a.
2. Compliance with flight rules.
The operation of the RPAs will be adjusted at all times to the flight rules contained in this chapter.
The AAC is the only instance that may exceptionally approve an operation not provided for in this chapter, if properly justified.
3. Negligent or reckless operation of RPA.
a) At all times the RPAS operation must be carried out in such a way that does not endanger the safety of air operations, third parties and b material goods.
b) The person operating the controls of an RPA shall immediately cease the flight, at the time when the safety of air operations, of third parties and b material goods are in danger as a result of this operation.
c) Once the operation of the RPA is interrupted, according to Subsection (b), it will not will be resumed as long as the conditions that generate the danger are presents.
4. Responsibility for the operation.
a. Is responsible for the general operation of the RPA during the entire flight. person who operates the controls of the same (remote pilot).
b. To operate an RPA with the characteristics that are stipulated in this Regulatory Bulletin The person (remote pilot) must be 18 years old compliments.
c. Persons under the age of 18 may not operate an RPA, unless, be in the company of an adult remote pilot, and who will also be responsible for the operation.
5. Aerial work RPAS.
Aerial work operations for profit that include services such as agriculture, construction, photography, surveying planes, observation and patrol, search and rescue, aerial announcements, recording and transmission of images for television, etc., must send the Request Form for Special Flight Authorization and Deviations to the mail electronic rpaslp (dgac.gob.bo and await authorization from it.
6. Recreational RPAS.
RPAS operations for recreational purposes weighing less than 6 kilos are not will require an express authorization from the CAA, however, their operations must comply at all times with the flight rules described in Chapter B. of these regulations.
7. Psychophysiological aptitude of the operator of an RPA.
No person will operate the controls of an RPA if:
a. He is fatigued, or he considers that he could suffer the effects of fatigue during the operation.
b. You are under the influence of consuming alcoholic beverages or substances that could affect your physiological faculties to operate the controls of safe way.
8. Operations in the vicinity of an aerodrome and heliports.
The operation of an RPA at a distance equal to or less than 6 kilometers (3 NM) from landing, takeoff and initial climb areas of any aerodrome or heliport is completely prohibited.
9. Prohibitions.
The RPA will not be able to carry out any operation:
a) In a prohibited or restricted area, which has been so declared by the CAA or other competent authority.
b) In a forest fire zone.
c) Sabre a in the vicinity of military zones, police zones or prisons.
d) Saber a in the vicinity of the Government Palace and Presidential Residence.
e) About or in the vicinity of any area to be visited or traveled by the President and b Vice-President of the State.
f) Hydrocarbon plants, pumping stations, service stations, etc.
10. Compliance with Local Laws and Regulations.
The operator of an RPA will comply with all laws, regulations and any regulations related to State security, public security, protection of the privacy and personal intimacy, among others.
11. Line of sight operation.
a. The person who operates the controls of an RPA, at all times will maintain direct visual contact with the aircraft without the aid of binoculars or telescopes and will be tired of his passion at all times.
b. The employment of a bystander does not exempt the person operating the controls from The RPA of compliance with subsection (a).
12. Prohibition of simultaneous operation.
No person will control more than one RPA at a time, in simultaneous flight.
13. Right of way.
The person operating the RPA will yield to manned aircraft including:
a) airplanes;
b) helicopters;
c) gliders;
d) ultralight;
e) free balloons;
f) Paragliders;
g) Paracaldas, etc.
14. Hours of operation.
The RPAs will be operated only in the hours between the departure and the sunset; and in visual flight conditions (VMC), free of clouds, mist, precipitation or any other condition that obstructs or may obstruct contact permanent visual with the RPA.
15. Maximum flight height.
The operation of the RPA will not exceed at any time a flight height of 400 feet (120 meters) above ground (AGL).
If the operation takes place on private property, you can only fly over the boundaries of the property and at a maximum height of 30 m above the ground.
16. Pre-flight activities.
The person who operates the controls of an RPA will ensure, before starting each. flight, of the following:
a. That the area selected for the flight has been inspected and allows the safe execution of the same, within the limits established in this chapter.
b. The RPA has been inspected for possible damage and is in conditions suitable for safe operation, including the availability of Sufficient battery charge according to the planned flight.
c. All maintenance tasks established by the maker.
d. There is no evidence of interference from other radio signals that could affect control of RPA.
17. Automation features.
If the RPA has the ability to perform automatic or autonomous flight, this function may only be used if it allows the operator of the controls to intervene in any time to take immediate control of the RPA and strictly compliance with numeral 15.
18. Limitations.
a. The person operating the controls of an RPA is responsible for ensuring that it is operated in accordance with the operational limitations set by the manufacturer.
b. The maximum speed allowed for the RPA is 70 kilometers per hour.
c. RPAs will not emit bright laser lights.
19. Operations in icing conditions.
a. No person shall operate an RPA in icing conditions known or predicted.
b. No person will take off or launch an RPA while it has ice, snow or any other form of contamination adhering to their surfaces.
20. Launch and spray.
The throwing of objects or the spraying of liquids or substances by means of RPAS is strictly prohibited.
In the case of requiring to carry out this type of operations, such as aerial work, must obtain express authorization issued by the AAC and meet the requirements of Appendix A of this bulletin.
21. Transportation of dangerous goods.
It is strictly prohibited for RPA to transport material explosive, corrosive, material that represents biological danger to any other type of merchandise that, in case of detachment or leaks, represent a risk for people or goods on the surface. Also, it is prohibited to transport dangerous goods to prohibited substances 01 Law.
22. Operation from moving vehicles.
No person may operate the controls of an RPA from a vehicle in movement.
23. Emergency procedures.
a. The person operating the controls of an RPA will follow the procedures established by the manufacturer in case of loss of the communications link with RPA.
b. When the person operating the controls of an RPA has lost control of itself in the vicinity of an aerodrome or in dedicated airspace to the transit of aircraft, you must notify such fact to the transit authority corresponding air, so that the pertinent measures are taken.
Chapter C
Notification and Special Flight Authorization
1. Application.
This chapter applies to the request for special flight authorizations by the user to Ia AAC to:
a) The performance of aerial work with RPA of Medium Category; Y
b) The request for deviations from certain specific requirements of this regulation.
2. Request for authorization and b deviation.
The request for carrying out aerial work with RPA, and b for the deviation of certain specific requirements of these regulations, you must refer to the AAC with a minimum anticipation of 10 business days, using the application form that can be found on the AAC website.
Appendix A
Requirements for operations with RPAS
1. Operations in the vicinity or at aerodromes.
If the operation with RPAS must be carried out within 6 km of an aerodrome, the procedure is as follows:
a) Hold a meeting with the aerodrome administrator indicating all the procedure, scope and duration of the operation.
b) Obtain permission from the air traffic controller (ATC).
c) Send to the CAA a request for authorization of the airspace together with the minutes of the meeting with the aerodrome administrator indicating:
– Personal data of the remote pilot.
– Personal data of the observer
– Registration number and detailed information of the RPA to be used.
– Serial number of the RPA flight controller.
– Time, date and exact duration of the operation.
d) All the information must be sent to the CAA at least 10 days working days before the operation.
e) Authorization from the CAA to carry out the operation must be awaited.
2. Operations to be carried out at night.
If the operation with RPAS must be carried out at night, the following requirements.
a) The RPA must be equipped with anti-collision lights (standard lights of factory are not anti-collision lights).
b) Authorization must be requested from the CAA to carry out the operation using for this, the application form that can be found on the website from to AAC.
3. Loading and unloading operations of objects from an RPA.
If the operation with RPAS is intended for the loading and unloading of objects, must meet the following requirements.
a) The RPA must have been designed for that purpose.
b) A copy of the manual must be delivered to the CAA for review at regarding design and limitations.
c) The RPA must have a system to Detect and Avoid other manned to unmanned aircraft.
d) You must have a base of operations where you can observe all the information of the RPA such as:
a. Remaining battery charge
b. Remaining amount of fuel (if applicable)
c. Height with respect to ground level.
d. Manned and Unmanned Aircraft Detect and Avoid System manned nearby.
Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) Regulations & Policies
None found by the author.
However, should you, the reader, happen to stumble across something to the contrary, please email the author at FISHE5CA@erau.edu and you may be mentioned in the ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS section of this book by way of thanks for contributing to this free eBook!
Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) News
None found by the author.
However, should you, the reader, happen to stumble across something to the contrary, please email the author at FISHE5CA@erau.edu and you may be mentioned in the ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS section of this book by way of thanks for contributing to this free eBook!
Short Essay Questions
Scenario-Based Question
You have been hired by a Drone Startup Company. Your boss has immediately assigned this job to you.
They need you to prepare a one-page memo detailing the legalities of using a drone in the city of La Paz, pictured above.
They need you to mention any national laws and local ordinances.
They specifically want to know what airspace (insert pictures) you will be operating in, and whether or not you need an airspace authorization.
Does it matter whether or not you are a citizen of the country?
Lastly, there is a bonus for you if, as you scroll through this chapter, you find any typos or broken links!
Short Essay Questions
- What are the drone categories?
- How is registration addressed?
- How is remote ID addressed?
- What are the model aircraft rules?
- What are the commercial drone rules?
- Are there waivers or exemptions to the rules? If so, for what?
- Would you share a link to an interactive airspace map?
- How is BVLOS addressed?
- How can you fly drones at night?
- How can you fly drones over people?
- Where do you find drone NOTAMs?
- What are the rules for drone maintenance?
- What are the rules for an SMS program?
- What are some unique rules not mentioned above?
- What are the C-UAS rules?
- What are the AAM rules?