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Drones Across the World book cover

Drones Across the World

CC BY-NC-ND (Attribution NonCommercial NoDerivatives)   English

Author(s): Sarah Nilsson, PhD, JD

Subject(s): Aviation law

Institution(s): Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University

Publisher: Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University

Last updated: 26/10/2024

Navigating the world’s drone and advanced air mobility laws is a daunting but critical task if you are in the aviation industry. Hence the need to formalize the relevant material and create this eTextbook (webbook). While still copyrighted content, it is freely distributed worldwide under a Creative Commons, non-commercial, and non-derivative license. This webbook is structured the way the United Nations views the globe, in 6 main areas, Northern America, Latin America and the Caribbean, Oceania, Europe, Asia, and Africa. It is easily searchable by country if used as a reference guide. This webbook has an interactive design with hyperlinks, and authenticated sources, that promotes information literacy. Questions are provided in order to promote discussion and critical thinking, indicative of higher learning.

Mastering Enterprise Networks book cover

Mastering Enterprise Networks

CC BY (Attribution)  15 H5P Activities    English

Author(s): Mathew J. Heath Van Horn, PhD

Editor(s): Dante Rocca, Jacob Christensen, Julian Romano

Subject(s): Computing and Information Technology, Computer fraud and hacking, Computer networking and communications, Client–Server networking, Networking standards and protocols, Computer applications in industry and technology, Children’s / Teenage general interest: Computer and video games

Institution(s): Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University

Publisher: Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University

Last updated: 17/09/2024

Mastering Enterprise Networks, is a comprehensive guide to building, defending, and attacking enterprise networks. It covers a wide range of topics, from network fundamentals to advanced security concepts. The book is well-organized and easy to follow, making it a valuable resource for both beginners and experienced network professionals.

One of the strengths of this book is its focus on hands-on learning. The book includes 50 chapters of labs that allow readers to practice the concepts they have learned. These labs are a great way to reinforce your understanding of enterprise networks while developing practical skills.

This book covers security from multiple perspectives. The book helps anyone learn a variety of security threats and countermeasures, including firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and vulnerability scanning. This information is essential for anyone who wants to protect their enterprise network from cyberattacks.

Each lab was tested by novices and experienced cyber workers.  The youngest tester was only 12 years old and many labs were tested by people with no cyber experience at all.  Each tester’s learning experience was incorporated into each lab to reflect how n00bs learned the material so that everyone could learn from these labs.

Overall, Mastering Enterprise Networks is an excellent resource for anyone who wants to learn more about enterprise networks. The book is comprehensive, well-written, and easy to follow. The hands-on labs are a great way to reinforce your understanding of the concepts, and the coverage of security is essential for anyone who wants to protect their network.

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A Self-Contained Course in Mathematical Theory of Probability book cover

A Self-Contained Course in Mathematical Theory of Probability

CC BY (Attribution)   English

Author(s): Tim Smith, Shannon Levesque

Subject(s): Mathematics

Institution(s): Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University

Publisher: Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University

Last updated: 07/03/2024

This textbook is designed to be a self-contained read for STEM students to read who are taking a junior or senior level first course in mathematical statistics, such as the MA 412 course offered on Embry Riddle Aeronautical University’s Daytona Beach campus. Moreover, this text does not assume any formal perquisite knowledge in probability nor statistics, but it does assume that the student has completed a routine study of University calculus such as the common freshmen or sophomore math classes required in most engineering programs. This textbook originally began as an informal project of the authors during the COVID pandemic of 2020 designed as a tool to help students who were forced to suddenly shift from in person classroom learning to online learning. Then in the following year the University’s Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence sponsored a formal project under their textbook affordability initiative.  Now, for the content of the textbook most instructors would expect to start on Chapter 2. The first Chapter focuses on a brief review of introductory Data Analysis and it is expected that many students would have had some exposure to the Chapter 1 material in various advanced high school classwork; however, the reader who has not had any prior classwork in Statistics or Data Analysis it would be encouraged to fully study the Chapter 1. Then the Material in the remaining Chapters is fully self-contained. The Chapter 2 covers a brief summary of Discrete Probability. Then the Chapters 3 and 4 completes a full study of continuous Probability theory, ending with a general framework for the underlying mathematical theory of inferential statistics. The last Chapters is a unique chapter which connects the theory of Regression Modeling to the famous SIR model of disease spread; this later Chapter lead to many interesting student class research projects during the time of the COVID pandemic, and could be a jumping off point for students interested to further research related data and/or higher study in that field, but is not necessary to complete a junior or senior level first course in mathematical statistics, such as our MA 412 course.