
2.3 Vocab – Talking about Families

Vocabulary study sheet Unit Talking about families vocab study sheet

  1. 但是 dàn shì - but
  2. 今年 jīn nián - this year
  3. 多大 duō dà - how old?
  4. 岁 suì - classifier for eyars (of age)
  5. 弟弟 dì di - younger brother
  6. 个 gè - a measure word for general object
  7. 兄弟 xiōng dì - brothers
  8. 姐妹 jiě mèi - sisters
  9. 哥哥 gē ge - older brother
  10. 妹妹 mèi mei - younger siser
  11. 双胞胎 shuāng bāo tāi - twin
  12. 姐姐 jiě jie - older sister
  13. 生日 shēng rì - birthday
  14. 鸡 jī - how much
  15. 月 yuè - moon
  16. 号 hào - ordinal number; day of the month
  17. 过生日 guò shēng rì - to celebrate a birthday
  18. 口 kǒu - mouth
  19. 爸爸 bà ba - (informal) father
  20. 妈妈 mā ma - mama


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