
5.0 Vocabulary

Vocabulary for Unit 5.1 Webpage 网页排版

Chinese Pinyin Definition Sound
设计 shè jì to design; to plan
简单 jiǎn dān simple
厉害 lì hai difficult to deal with
内容 nèi róng content
同意 tóng yì to agree; to consent; to approve
背景 bèi jǐng background
颜色 yán sè color
应该 yīng gāi should; must
黑色 hēi sè black
红色 hóng sè red
蓝色 lán sè blue
浅绿色 qiǎn lǜ sè Light green
排版 pái bǎn typesetting
主页 zhǔ yè home page
导航栏 dǎo háng lán navigation bar
上边 shàng bian above; overhead
中间 zhōng jiān between
图片 tú piàn image; picture
部分 bù fen part; section
目的 mù dì purpose; goal
使用 shǐ yòng to use; to apply
资料 zī liào data; information
模版 mó bǎn template
意见 yì jiàn idea; opinion
加上 jiā shàng to add on
链接 liàn jiē link (on a website)
点击 diǎn jī to hit; to press
用户体验 yòng hù tǐ yàn user experience
互动 hù dòng to interact; interactive





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