
New Hire Paperwork (Pre-Unit Words)

Before our interns start the job, they need to understand some of the computer and cybersecurity vocabulary works they will encounter on the job.  All of the words are listed on this page in one place.  Then our next 8 pages will focus on a subset of the words with pronunciation and practice activities.

Please practice the words below:

Four-Tone Practice: One-Character Words

1st tone

Chinese Character Pinyin Meaning Sound
guān close
ān safety
kāi open

2nd tone

Chinese Character Pinyin Meaning Sound
pán plate/dish
rén person
lán blue
yún cloud

3rd tone

Chinese Character Pinyin Meaning Sound
wǎng net/network
bǎn board
huǒ fire

4th tone

Chinese Character Pinyin Meaning Sound
线 xiàn line/wire
diàn electricity
jiàn piece







Drag and Drop the words to the corresponding picture:


Tone Practice: Two-Character Words Starting with the First Tone

Chinese Character Pinyin English Sound
开关 kāi guān switch
开机 kāijī boot up
关机 guānjī shut down
攻击 gōngjí attack

Chinese Character Pinyin English Sound
U盘 Upán USB flash drive
安卓 ānzhúo Android (OS)
安全 ānquán safe, security
黑屏 hēi píng black screen

Chinese Character Pinyin English Sound
音响 yīnxiǎng sound system
微软 wēiruǎn Microsoft
编码 biānmǎ encoding
虚拟 xūnǐ virtual

Chinese Character Pinyin English Sound
登录 dēnglù log in
加密 jiāmì encrypt
操作 cāozuò operate; operation
黑客 hēikè hacker


Tone Practice: Two-Character Words Starting with the Second Tone

Chinese Character Pinyin English Sound
邮箱 yóuxiāng mailbox
连接 liánjiē connect
人工 réngōng artificial
云端 yúnduān cloud (computing)

Chinese Character Pinyin English Sound
蓝牙 lányá bluetooth
识别 shíbié identification
蓝屏 lánpíng blue screen (of death)
云盘 yúnpán cloud drive

Chinese Character Pinyin English Sound
苹果 píngguǒ apple
人脸 rénliǎn face
媒体 méitǐ media
模拟 mónǐ simulation

Chinese Character Pinyin English Sound
屏幕 píngmù screen
无线 wúxiàn wireless
程序 chéngxù program
博客 bókè blog

Tone Practice: Two-Character Words Starting with the third Tone

Chinese Character Pinyin English Sound
耳机 ěrjī headphones
鼠标 shǔbiāo mouse
点击 diǎnjī click on
语音 yǔyīn voice

Chinese Character Pinyin English Sound
扫描 sǎomiáo scan
网民 wǎngmín Internet users
语言 yǔyán language
码农 mǎnóng coder (informal)

Chinese Character Pinyin English Sound
主板 zhǔbǎn motherboard
处理 chǔlǐ process
显卡 xiǎnkǎ graphics card
管理 guǎnlǐ manage

Chinese Character Pinyin English Sound
网络 wǎngluò network
软件 ruǎnjiàn software
有线 yǒuxiàn wired
解密 jiěmì decode

Tone Practice: Two-Character Words Starting with the forth Tone

Chinese Character Pinyin English Sound
视窗 shìchuāng window
信息 xìnxī information
菜单 càidān menu
链接 liànjiē link

Chinese Character Pinyin English Sound
键盘 jiànpán keyboard
硬盘 yìngpán hard drive
视频 shìpín video
电源 diànyuán power supply

Chinese Character Pinyin English Sound
电脑 diànnǎo computer
密码 mìmǎ password
电子 diànzǐ electronic
代码 dàimǎ code

Chinese Character Pinyin English Sound
电话 diànhuà telephone
电视 diànshì television
注册 zhùcè register/sign up
计算 jìsuàn calculation
账户 zhànghù account

Tone Practice: three-Character Words

Chinese Character Pinyin English Sound
因特网 yīn tè wǎng internet
扬声器 yáng shēng qì speaker
传感器 chuán gǎn qì sensor
SD卡 SD kǎ SD card
无线网 wú xiàn wǎng wireless network
移动网 yí dòng wǎng mobile network
服务器 fú wù qì server fu2
鼠标器 shǔ biāo qì mouse
扫描机 sǎo miáo jī scanner
处理器 chǔ lǐ qì processor
打印机 dǎ yìn jī printer
以太网 yǐ tài wǎng ethernet
显示器 xiǎn shì qì monitor
触摸板 chù mō bǎn touchpad
互联网 hù lián wǎng internet
电源线 diàn yuán xiàn power cord
路由器 lù yóu qì router
伺服器 sì fú qì server
麦克风 mài kè fēng microphone
摄像头 shè xiàng tóu camera
用户名 yòng hù míng username
散热器 sàn rè qì radiator

Tone Practice: four-Character Words

Chinese Character Pinyin English Sound
机械硬盘 jī xiè yìng pán mechanical hard drive
操作系统 cāo zuò xì tǒng operating system
云端服务 yún duān fú wù cloud service
平板电脑 píng bǎn diàn nǎo tablet computer
无线网卡 wú xiàn wǎng kǎ wireless network card
台式电脑 tái shì diàn nǎo desktop computer
主机风扇 zhǔ jī fēng shàn CPU fan
打开电脑 dǎ kāi diàn nǎo turn on the computer
冷却风扇 lěng què fēng shàn cooling fan
外接硬盘 wài jiē yìng pán external hard drive
智能手机 zhì néng shǒu jī smartphone
电子邮件 diàn zǐ yóu jiàn email
利纳克斯 lì nà kè sī Linux
外用硬盘 wài yòng yìng pán portable hard drive

Tone Practice: five-Character Words

Chinese Character Pinyin English Sound
桌上型电脑 zhuō shàng xíng diàn nǎo desktop computer
桌面式电脑 zhuō miàn shì diàn nǎo desktop computer
蓝牙适配器 lán yá shì pèi qì bluetooth adapter
闪存驱动器 shǎn cún qū dòng qì flash drive
笔记本电脑 bǐ jì běn diàn nǎo laptop computer
内置扬声器 nèi zhì yáng shēng qì built-in speakers
外置硬盘盒 wài zhì yìng pán hé external hard drive enclosure


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Learn Chinese, Learn Cyber:学中文,学网安 Copyright © by Dr. Hong Zhan; Dr. Dali Tan; Heather Marriott; and Jesse Chiu is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.