2.2 On-board Orientation
The four interns arrive at the company’s main office, each carrying a mix of excitement and nervous anticipation. For weeks, they have only interacted online, exchanging emails and messages, but today is their first time meeting in person.
As they step into the conference room, a welcoming smile greets them—Lily, their supervisor, stands at the front, ready to begin the orientation. Beside her is Mr. Chen, their Chinese language and culture instructor, observing with a warm and encouraging smile.
2.1.1 First meeting in person
(The four interns have chatted and were happy to see each other in person. Now the orientation meeting begins).赵莉莉
赵莉莉: | 大家好!我叫赵莉莉,是你们的实习主管。我是台北人。欢迎你们来我们公司实习! 希望你们都喜欢在香港的工作。 |
陈老师: | 大家好!我叫陈志学,是你们的中文老师。我是北京人。很高兴可以帮你们学习中 文、中国文化和网络安全!请你们自我介绍一下吧。 |
周萌: | 你们好,我姓周, 叫周萌 。我是大一的学生,我来自加州,喜欢打电玩。我学亚 洲研究专业,希望将来做亚洲研究工作。 |
王杰丹: | 大家好!我姓王,叫王杰丹, 我来自纽约, 喜欢运动。我是大学三年级的学生, 我的专业是中文,希望将来在中国工作。 |
李梅: | 你们好!我叫李梅。我是大二的学生,我家在丹佛。我喜欢社交媒体,做短视频直 播。我的专业是软件工程, 希望将来做软件工程师的工作。 |
张笛: | 大家好!我姓张,叫张笛。我家在休斯顿,喜欢做饭和旅游。我也是大三的学生。 我的专业是网络安全,希望将来做网络安全工作。 |
Unit 2.1.1 Self introduction vocab study sheet
Pinyin and English Annotation Unit 2.1.1 Self Introduction with pinyin and English
Text recording
Part 1
Instructions: Match the Chinese vocabulary on the left with its correct English meaning by writing the appropriate letter (A-H) in the space provided.
Part 2
Instructions: Match the Chinese vocabulary on the left with its correct English meaning by writing the appropriate letter (A-E) in the space provided.
Part 3.
Instructions: Match the Chinese characters, pinyin, and English meanings by writing the correct letter (A-F) and number (1-6) in the spaces provided.
Reading Comprehension
Read the following passage and answer the questions below in Chinese:
Listening and Typing Exercise
Zhào Lìlì, the name of the interns supervisor
dàjiā, (used when address to all people informally) everyone
zhǔguǎn,person in charge
Taibei or Taipei, capital of Taiwan
huānyíng, to welcome
Xiānggǎng, Hong Kong
Chén Zhìxué, the name of the Chinese teacher of the interns.
Běijīng, Beijing, capital of People's Republic of China
yīxià,(used after a verb) give it a go
láizì, come from
diànwán,video game
jiānglái, in the future
yùndòng, (sports) exercises
duǎn shìpín, n. short video
zhíbò, v. live streaming