
2.5 Vocab – Talking about Jobs

Unit Talking about job vocab study sheet

  1. 家人 jiā rén - families
  2. 没有 méi yǒu - do not have
  3. 为什么 wèi shén me - why
  4. 什么 shén me - what
  5. 职员 zhí yuán - office worker
  6. 商人 shāng rén - merchant
  7. 只 zhǐ - only
  8. 高中生 gāo zhōng shēng - senior high school student
  9. 还有 hái yǒu - also
  10. 初中生 chū zhōng shēng - junior high student
  11. 给 gěi - to; to give
  12. 每 měi - each

Chinese Pinyin Definition Sound
家人 jiā rén families
没有 méi yǒu do not have
为什么 wèi shén me why
什么 shén me what
职员 zhí yuán office worker
商人 shāng rén merchant
zhǐ only
高中生 gāo zhōng shēng senior high school student
还有 hái yǒu also
初中生 chū zhōng shēng junior high student
gěi to; to give
měi each
tái a measure word for machines
dài to bring
信息 xìn xī information
技术 jì shù technology
办公室 bàn gōng shì office
to take; to pick up something
zǒu go; walk
ba modal particle indicating suggestion


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