
Episode I – The Dream Begins


After assigning the cybersecurity vocabulary task, Ms. Lily Zhao, the internship program director, creates a WeChat group chat for all the interns. She wants them to start engaging with one another before their arrival in Hong Kong.

The internship program director Lily asks the interns to read the email and be familiar with their job expectations and to join in the WeChat group she has created for the interns. The interns will need to post their self-introduction to the group chat. One by one, the interns start posting their self-introductions. Then the interns engaged in more in private chat to share their passion for cybersecurity and their interest in learning Chinese language and culture. They also are excited to meet with other interns.

Let’s meet with the four interns now.

Melissa Image Melissa 周萌:Female. Italian American. Freshman from Los Angela California; Asian Studies major, extroverted; likes computer games; Desired work related to Asian Studies.
Jaden image Jaden 王杰丹: Male, African American, junior student from New York. Chinese major. Enjoys playing basketball and singing. Hopes to work in China in the future.
Mei Image Mei 李梅: Female, sophomore, from Denver, majoring in Software Engineering, third-generation Chinese immigrant, has some knowledge of Chinese culture, enjoys social media. Hope to work as a software engineer in the future.
Diego Image Diego 张笛:Male, Mexican American. Junior student, from Houston. Cybersecurity major, enjoys cooking and traveling. Hope to work in cybersecurity in the future.


Learning Objectives

  1. Introduce personal information, including name, grade level, major, hometown, and hobbies, using correct sentence structures. to communicate with future coworkers.
  2. Ask and respond to basic personal questions to interact with others in a conversational setting.
  3. Identify and understand basic personal information in written formats, such as emails.
  4. Identify secure vs. insecure email communication to protect personal and professional information.


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Learn Chinese, Learn Cyber:学中文,学网安 Copyright © by Dr. Hong Zhan; Dr. Dali Tan; Heather Marriott; and Jesse Chiu is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.